INTERFACE_TYPE is a field which identifies the program to be executed and restricts the variables that are available.

X_INTERFACE_TYPE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed ValueUsed by Interface programVariable List
00 Not Specified/Loader LMTDused for the inbound loading of a single database table (No variable list provided)
01 G/L Interface UPGLF (GL Format) GL Interface variables
02 Bank Deposit UPDTB Bank Deposit Interface variables
03 COST Interface UPGLF (CostFormat) GL (COST) Interface variables
04 Savings Bond UBBD Bond Interface variables
05 Benefit Remittance not used
06 Disbursement File UPDIFDisbursement Interface variables
07 New Hire Interface UENHNew Hire Interface variables
09 ICMA Interface UPICMAICMA Interface variables
10 TMRS Contributions UPTMRS2TMRS Interface variables
11 AP Interface UPVENDAP Interface variables
12 TWC Texas Workforce UPTWCTWC Interface variables
13 Standard ICESA not used
14 Government Form Defn not used
15 WRS Definition not used
16 ROE Form Definition not used
17 F941 Diskette not used
18 CalPERS Diskette UPCAPERS
19 TD Fund$Out UPDTB Bank Deposit Interface variables
20 Positive Pay UPPOSPAYW Positive Pay Interface variables
21 Royal Bank Deposits UPDTBBank Deposit Interface variables
22 Scotia Bank Deposits UPDTBBank Deposit Interface variables
23 Michell Humphrey AP UPVEND AP Interface variables
24 CIBC Deposits UPDTB Bank Deposit Interface variables
25 Canada Savings Bond not used
26 Towers Perrin Financial not used
27 Towers Perrin Demographic not used
31 Flexible Spending Account UPFSA
32 Pay History Interface UPPHFPay History Interface variables
33 G/L Fund Interface UPGCGL FUND Interface variables
34 Govt Reporting Interface not used
35 EEM/EAS Interface UEEF, UBEF, UPNVPERS, UPROEFEEM/EAS Interface variables
36 US Govt Reporting not used
40 UPVEND PFM not used AP Interface variables
50 Form Definition Based not used
70 Effective Split LMTDused for inbound interfaces with a date effective record. This interface type is for loading to date effective tables. (No variable list provided)
WH Generic Interface not used

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