Define User Fields (IMUF)#

The following User Defined Fields (UDF) can be updated before processing. Not all fields must contain a value before processing can begin.

The RPYEU process will generate these UDF's if they do not already exist. Users are not expected to create them.

IDGV- Maintain Government Registrations#

The following User Defined Fields (UDF) are defined on the IDGV Variables tab.

For Annual and Quarterly Reporting:
W2 STATE MEDIA FILINGUsed by all States
W2 TAX TYPE CODEUsed by all States
W2 TAXING ENTITYUsed by all States
W2 WAGE PLAN CODEUsed by the State of California
W2 BRANCH CODEUsed by the State of California
W2 ER NAMEUsed by Federal reporting, this overrides the IDEN Entity Name
W2 LOCN CODEUsed by Federal reporting, this overrides the IDEN Location Code

For Quarterly reporting, these UDF's are used when ‘HL$US-QTR-2018’ Form Code is being used:

IDDP – Define Departments#

SUI ER NUMBERIf the 'SUI ER NUMBER' is not set up for a department, then the SUI ER NUMBER from IDGV is used.
W2 DESTINATIONIn put a value here to create a custom destination for W2 Printing

  • The State of Minnesota requires to report the Quarterly file report by the MN State Unemployment Insurance Account Number and the MN Employer Unit Number. These two numbers are defined at the department level, therefore, users must set up the ‘SUI ER Number’ UDF for each department.
Example: For the Planning & Zoning Department, the MN number is ‘7977999-004’ on the IDDP form. Users should enter the ‘SUI ER Number’ as 7977999-004
  • If the ‘SUI ER Number’ is not set up for a department, then the 'SUI ER Number' from IDGV is used.
  • NOTE: On IDDP, users must click on the Detail section of the form, then click the UDF button to get to the UDF screen.
  • For all other states, users can enter the ‘W2 Destination’ for distributing the W2 forms by department.

IEID - Define Identities#


The following UDFs are defined on IEID for Minnesota reporting:

MMREF PROBATIONARYUsed by the state of Minnesota
MMREF OFFICER CODEUsed by the state of Minnesota

IDCO - Define Countries#


ISO COUNTRY CODEIf the employer or employees have addresses that are not in the USA, the EFW2 file needs to report the 2 character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code

The 'Country Code' on IDCO is user-defined and is usually the three character United Nations code, however the two character ISO codes can also be used.


Country NameCountryISO Country Code
Name of the country3 character United Nation Code2 character ISO Country Code

Additional Required Set Up#

IDGR – Define Groups (Govt Registration Tab)#

The Federal/State/Local Registration numbers MUST NOT be changed for a Group for different effective date records. The UPCLOZ program will not create new YTD records if the Group changes the effective date.
Consequently, if the Group must change Registration numbers, users should either:
  • Create a new Group, OR
  • Change all of the effective records to the same Registration numbers.

For each group at the Federal level, the Federal Registration number is retrieved according to the ‘Fed Regist Set’ and ‘Fed Regist Type’ on IDGV and is displayed on IDGR.
For each group at the State/Prov level, users can point to a ‘State/Prov Set’ and ‘State/Prov Type’. Since each group can be paid in many different States or Provinces, the State/Prov Registration number cannot be displayed on IDGR.
For each employee that belongs to this group, the State/Prov Registration Number is retrieved from IDGV by the defined ‘State/Prov Set’ and ‘State/Prov Type’ and the Pay Header State/Prov of the employee.
At the Local level, the Local Registration Number is retrieved from IDGV by the defined ‘Local Regist Set’ and ‘Local Regist Type’ and the 'GEO Local' of the employee.
Each group must define one of the following ‘W2 Employment Types’ for W2 reporting purposes:
  • A - Agriculture
  • F – Form 944 filer
  • H - Household
  • M - Military
  • Q – Medicare Qualified Government Employment (MQGE)
  • R – Regular (All others)
  • X - Railroad
The 'W2 EMPLOYMENT TYPE' for a group MUST NOT BE CHANGED even if there are multiple effective date records for a group.
  • If the W2 Employment Type is changed for a group for a different effective date, then the W2 reporting will be incorrect because it cannot qualify the YTD information under the proper W2 Employment Type.
  • An employee can work for multiple 'Types of Employment' during a year.
For ‘Q - MQGE' employment, users are not required to group all employees under one group. The MQGE employees can belong to a group with ‘R’ type employment, and IPRLU can specify the proper MEDICARE and FICA method to classify them as MQGE employees. If this field is blank, Regular is used. (see below for detail)

IDSP– Define States#

  • A State must be defined on IDSP in order for the State to be reported.
  • The 'State Registration Number' must also be defined on IDGV in order for the State to be reported.
  • If a state is missing on IDGV, the RPYEU process will create a default entry with 'Regist Number' set to '0' and issue a warning
  • Users must update this field with the correct State Registration Number in order for the State to be reported.

IDCN– Define Counties#

  • If County tax is applicable for a State, the County must be defined on IDCN in order for the County tax to be reported.
  • The County Code is the first two segments of the GEO code.
    Example: In Indiana, the GEO code ‘15-097-0670’ is for the City of ‘Indianapolis’ and the County Code ‘15-097-0000’ is for the County of ‘Marion’, therefore, users should define the Marion County Code as ‘15-097-0000’ on (IDCN).
  • The GEO and County codes are provided by Symmetry for US taxation.
  • Users must define the Local Registration for a City on IDGV in order for the City tax to be reported.

IDTX – Define Tax Jurisdictions#

A City's Tax Jurisdiction must be defined on IDGV in order for the City tax to be reported.

IDSD – Define School Districts#

The School Registration must be defined on IDGV in order for the School District tax to be reported.

IDGV – One or Multiple Government Registrations#

For each Entity on IDGV, users must define the Government Registration Set that is used to collect Federal, State and Local Registrations. Under the Registration Set, users must define the 'Federal Registration’ for the Country USA with a valid ‘Employer Identification Number’. Then users can set up the State and Local Registrations for each State/Local under the same Registration Set.

Organizations with one Federal Registration
  • If your organization has one Federal registration, users must define one Government Registration Set.
  • Then within this Government Registration Set, users should set up the Federal, State and Local Registrations on IDGV.
Example, on IDGV, users should set up Federal Registration with Registration Type defined as ‘US Fed Regist 1’.
Note: If Registration Type ‘US Fed Regist 1’ is used, then:
  • The FICA registration should be defined using the Registration Type ‘US FICA Regist 1’
  • The MEDICARE registration should be defined using the Registration Type ‘US MEDI Regist 1’ etc. The last digit of the Registration Type must match each type of Registration.

Organizations with Multiple Federal Registrations If your organization has multiple Federal Registrations, users have two options:
  1. One Registration Set can be set up, then set up the Registration Types of ‘Fed Regist 1’, ‘Fed Regist 2’ up to ‘Fed Regist 9’. This allows up to nine Federal Registrations.
  2. Multiple Registration Sets can be set up, then set up Registration Type ‘Fed Regist 1’, ‘Fed Regist 2’ up to ‘Fed Regist 9’ for each Registration Set. This allows for an unlimited number of Federal Registrations.
  • Govt Registration Sets can be used to group similar Registrations together.


Govt Registration SetUsage
MAIN REGISTUse as default to group all registrations initially
REGIST 2Users can define another set for all level of registrations
FED REGISTUsers can define Federal level registrations for this set
STATE REGISTUsers can define State level registrations for this set
LOCAL REGISTUsers can define Local level registrations for this set
FULLTIME REGISTUsers can define Registrations for Full time employees
PARTTIME REGISTUsers can define Registrations for Part time employees
SEASONAL REGUsers can define Registrations for Seasonal employees
STATE OHIOUsers can define Registrations for Ohio for this set only
Important Note for IDGV set up: The IDGV 'Govt Registration Set' and 'Registration Types' are used on the IDGR Registration tab for each of the Federal, State and Local level set up.

On IDGV, users must match the last digit of the Registration Type for the same Federal, State and Local level of registrations.

Example #1
If the Registration Type is defined as ‘US Fed Regist 1’ then:
  • FICA Registration Type must be ‘US FICA Regist 1’
  • MEDI Registration Type must be ‘US MEDI Regist 1’

If the Registration Type is defined as 'US State Regist 1’, then:

  • SUI Registration Type must be ‘US SUI Regist 1’
  • SDI Registration Type must be ‘US SDI Regist 1’

Example #2
If the Registration Type is defined as ‘US Fed Regist 2’, then:
  • FICA Registration Type must be ‘US FICA Regist 2’
  • MEDI Registration Type must be ‘US MEDI Regist 2’

If Registration Type is defined as ‘US State Regist 2’, then:

  • SUI Registration Type must be ‘US SUI Regist 2’
  • SDI Registration Type must be ‘US SDI Regist 2’

IDGV – Override Employer Name and Address by EIN#

On the IDGV Variables tab, there is the option to define an override for the Employer’s Name and Address.

This allows organizations who have multiple government registrations for one Entity to report a different Employer Name or Address for each Federal Registration Number (EIN).
W2 ER NAMEEnter the Employer Name to be reported. This overrides the IDEN Entity Name
W2 LOCN CODEEnter the Location code to be reported. This overrides the IDEN Location code
Note: Users must enter the exact Location code in this field, otherwise it will not be used.

IDGV – Levels of Government Registrations#

The following levels of Government Registration must be set up for the Federal, State, County, City and School tax reporting.

Federal Level
One or multiple Federal Registrations must be defined for each Entity, with each Govt Regist Set for the Registration Type ‘US Fed Regist 1’, etc.

State Level
A State must be defined on IDGV for an Entity with the ‘State Registration’ by Govt Regist Set and Registration Type in order for the State to be reported.

  • When the ‘State Registration’ is defined, the ‘Variables’ tab must also be set up. See the State Media Filing section below.
  • RPYEU automatically defines the User Defined fields on the IDGV Variables tab for P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS.

State Media Filing
On the IDGV Variables tab, the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable must be defined to indicate if this State is required to produce a W2 File for the State.

The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:

00Not required to file magnetic media to the State
01Include State Code RS Records in the Federal file. Users can send the federal file to the State. If the State file layout is conforming to the standard federal SSA Code RS format and the State accepts a copy of the federal file that includes the Code RW records, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to '01'. When the RPYEU process is run, the State Code RS record will automatically be generated in the federal file. Users only need to send a copy of the federal file to the State.
02State requires its own file, do not include other State information in the State file.
*If the State does not accept other States' information in their State File, users should set the 'W2 State Media Filing' variable to '02'.
*Users should run RPYEU one State at a time and set the 'Media Format' to ‘State File Format’.
*If the State has its own specific State file layout, RPYEU will generate the State file in the specific file layout, otherwise the generic Federal Code RS format layout is used.
*If the State requires its own State file layout, please check with High Line for a list of States that are supported by RPYEU.

Local Level
A County Tax Jurisdiction must be defined for each County on IDGV with the ‘Local Registration’ in order for the County tax to be reported.
A City Tax Jurisdiction must be defined for each County on IDGV with the ‘Local Registration’ in order for the City tax to be reported.
When users are defining the ‘Local Registration’, users should also set up the ‘Variables’ tab. See the Local Media Filing section below.

State Media for Local Filing
On IDGV, Variables tab, the 'W2 State Media Filing' variable can be defined (optional)to indicate if this Local requires to be filed with magnetic media on a W2 file.


The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:

00Not Required to file magnetic media.
01Include Local Federal Code RS records in the Federal File format
If the Local information is to be reported along with the Federal Code RS information, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to ‘01’ for this local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Information Code RS record will be generated along with the Local information.
02Include Local State Code RS record in the State File format.
If the Local information is to be reported along with the State Code RS information, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to‘02’ for this local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Code RS record will be generated along with the Local information.
03Local requires its own File, do not include other Local information in the File
If the Local requires its own format, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to ‘03’ for this local.
When RPYEU is run and a user selects to generate the ‘Local File format’, users must also select the specific City or County, then the Local file format will be generated.
**NOTE: this feature requires specific program logic for each Local. Please check with High Line to ensure the local is supported by RPYEU.

If 'W2 State Media Filing' is defined for a Local, then the IDGV Variables tab must also be set up for:
W2 TAX TYPE CODE - to contain one of the following values:

  • C – City Income Tax
  • D – County Income Tax
  • E – School District Income Tax

W2 TAXING ENTITY - to define the Taxing Entity Code for each local: Example:

  • Ohio Cleveland would be ‘200’. Refer to Cleveland filing requirement
  • Indiana would be defined with County Code provided by Indiana

School Level
The ‘School Registration’ must be defined on IDGV for each School District in order for the school tax to be reported.
When the ‘School Registration’ is defined, the IDGV Variables tab must be set up with:


State Media for School District Filing
The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:

00Not Required to file magnetic media
01Include School Code RS records in the Federal File format.
If the School information is to be reported along with the Federal Code RS information, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to‘01’ for this local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Code RS records will be generated along with the School information.
02Include School Code RS records in the State File format.
If the School information is to be reported along with the State Code RS information, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to ‘02’ for this local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Information Code RS record will be generated along with the School information.
03School requires its own File, do not include other Local Information in the file.
If the School requires its own format, users should set the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable to ‘03’ for this local.
*NOTE: This feature requires specific program logic for each school. Please check with High Line to ensure this local is supported by RPYEU.

When ‘W2 State Media Filing’ is defined for a School, the IDGV Variables Tab must also be set up with:

  • W2 TAX TYPE CODE with E – School District Income Tax
  • W2 TAXING ENTITY with the five character School District code

IDGV – Define State SUI Registrations for Quarterly Filing#

When running RPYEU with the Calendar Type defined as ‘Q’ for a quarter, each State must set up with ‘US SUI Regist’. The last digit of ‘US SUI Regist’ Registration type must match the last digit of ‘US State Regist’ Registration type.

If Registration Type is defined as ‘US State Regist 1’, then:
  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI REGIST 1

If Registration Type is defined as ‘US State Regist 2’, then:

  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI REGIST 2

According to each state’s quarterly filing format, some States may require to submit Taxes Due, Previous Underpayment etc. For each quarter, users must define the IDGV Variables tab for these quarterly amounts with the proper ‘US SUI Regist’ prior to running RPYEU.

IDFD – Define Form Code#

  • After loading the IDFD form codes from the starter scripts, users must set up the current year Form Code Field Variables on IDFDV for the EFW2 format.

IDFD – Starter Scripts#

When users are installing the US Year End software, a seed data script is executed to load in the current year IDFD Form Code and Seed Data.

This script can be run multiple times and performs the following:
  • If the current year Form Code does not exist, the script loads all of the new identifiers
  • If the current year Form Code already exists, the script will update the existing Form Code Identifiers from IDFD and leaves your organization's IDFDV set up untouched for existing Identifiers.
  • If the current year Form Code Identifiers does not exist, the script will insert new identifier. Users should then set up the content on IDFDV for the new identifier.

IDFD – Store Option#

The current year IDFD Form Code provides the ‘Store Option’ starting from Seq# 2000 in order for RPYEU to store the Employer Name / Addresses, the Employee Name / Addresses and the Amounts of the Seq# in the Government Remittance Tables.
Users must run RPYEU with the new IDFD Form Code or users can run a copy of this Form Code that has the ‘Store Option’ set up to store the Addresses and the Amounts in the Government Remittance Tables.

Any prior year’s Form Codes do not supply this option and therefore will not turn on the store feature for RPYEU.

IDFDV – Copy Last Year’s Definition to Current Year#

After the current year script is loaded, users can copy the IDFDV Variable definition from the last year to current year using the COPY button on IDFDV as follows:
  1. On IDFDV, select last year’s Form Code
  2. Press the COPY FORM DEFINITION button
  3. The Copying dialog box is displayed. Enter the current year New Form Code
  4. Set the 'Copy Definition with Variables' toggle to ON. This will copy the variables set up from the previous year to the current year for the same Field Identifier name.

IDFDV – Form Definition Variables#

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

IDFD FORM: HL$US-W2-20YY - system supplied
IDFD FORM TYPE: US W2 EFW2 - defines the W2 definition for EFW2 filing format

Form Code ‘HL$US-W2-2019’ Identifiers
Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionSuggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
1000 * SUB-ER-EINSubmitter’s Employer EINConstant9 character EIN
1010 * SUB-USER-IDSubmitter User IdentificationConstant8 character User ID assigned to the employee who is attesting to the accuracy of the file
1020 SUB-RESUB-INDResubmitt IndicatorConstantEnter 1 if file is resubmitted, otherwise 0
1030 SUB-RESUB-WFIDResubmitt SSA WFID from noticeConstantIf resubmitted, enter SSA WFID from notice
1035 SUB-VENDORSoftware Vendor CodeConstantEnter your company data
1040 SUB-SOFTWARESubmitter Software CodeConstantEnter your company data
1050 SUB-COMP-NAMECompany Name receive EFW2ConstantEnter Company name who receives EFW2
1060 SUB-COMP-LOCNCompany Location AddressConstantEnter company’s location address

such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
1070 SUB-COMP-DELIVCompany Delivery AddressConstantEnter company’s delivery address

such as Street or Post Office Box
1080 SUB-COMP-CITYCompany’s CityConstantEnter company’s city
1090 SUB-COMP-STATECompany’s State AbbrevConstantEnter company’s State Abbreviation
1100 SUB-COMP-ZIPCompany’s ZIP CodeConstantEnter company’s ZIP code
1110 SUB-COMP-ZIP-EXTCompany’s ZIP Code ExtensionConstantEnter company’s ZIP code extension
1120 SUB-COMP-F-STATECompany’s foreign State/provinceConstantEnter company’s foreign State/Province
1130 SUB-COMP-F-POSTCompany’s foreign postal codeConstantEnter company’s foreign postal code
1140 SUB-COMP-COUNTRYCompany’s country if applicableConstantEnter company’s Country if applicable
1150 * SUB-SUBM-NAMESubmitter Organization NameConstantOrganization Name to receive unprocessed data
1160 * SUB-SUBM-LOCNSubmitter Location AddressConstantEnter submitter location address

such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
1170 * SUB-SUBM-DELIVSubmitter Delivery AddressConstantEnter submitter delivery address

such as Street or Post Office Box
1180 * SUB-SUBM-CITYSubmitter CityConstantEnter submitter city
1190 * SUB-SUBM-STATESubmitter State AbbrevConstantEnter submitter State Abbreviation
1200 * SUB-SUBM-ZIPSubmitter ZIP CodeConstantEnter submitter ZIP code
1210 SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXTSubmitter ZIP Code ExtensionConstantEnter submitter ZIP code extension
1220 SUB-SUBM-F-STATESubmitter foreign State/provinceConstantEnter submitter foreign State/Province
1230 SUB-SUBM-F-POSTSubmitter foreign postal codeConstantEnter submitter foreign postal code
1240 SUB-SUBM-COUNTRYSubmitter country if applicableConstantEnter submitter Country, if applicable
1250 * SUB-CONT-NAMEContact name for SSAConstantEnter your company data
1260 * SUB-CONT-TELContact telephone # for SSAConstantEnter your company data
1270 SUB-CONT-TEL-EXTContact telephone extensionConstantEnter your company data
1280 * SUB-CONT-EMAILContact e-mail address for SSAConstantEnter your company data
1290 SUB-CONT-FAXContact FAX phone # for SSAConstantEnter your company data
1300 SUB-CONT-METHPreferred Contact methodConstantMUST be BLANK
1310 SUB-PREPARERPreparer CodeConstantEnter your company data
1480 SUB-3RD-PARTY-SICKThird-Party Sick Pay IndicatorConstantEnter your company data
1490 SUB-3RD-PARTY-TAXIncome Tax Withheld by 3rd PartyConstantEnter your company data
1500 W2-ER-AGENT-INDAgent Indicator CodeConstantEnter appropriate code, if applicable
1510 W2-ER-FOR-EINAgent for which EINConstantIf you are an agent, enter the EIN for which you are an agent for
1520 W2-ER-TERM-BUSTerminating business indicatorConstantEnter appropriate code from SSA
1530 W2-ER-ESTABEstablishment NumberConstantFurther identify within EIN
1540 W2-ER-OTHER-EINOther EINConstantOther EIN used
2000 * W2-ER-EINEmployer Identification NumberData Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
2010 * W2-ER-NAMEEmployer NameData Base ColumnDED.ENTITY_NAME
2020 W2-ER-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location AddressConstantEmployer’s location address

such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc.

Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
2030 W2-ER-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery AddressConstantEmployer’s delivery address

such as Street or Post Office Box

Enter blank, system derived
2040 W2-ER-CITYEmployer CityConstantEmployer’s city

Enter blank, system derived
2050 W2-ER-STATEEmployer State AbbrevConstantEmployer’s State abbreviation

Enter blank, system derived
2060 W2-ER-ZIPEmployer ZIP CodeConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code

Enter blank, system derived
2070 W2-ER-ZIP-EXTEmployer ZIP ExtensionConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code

Enter blank, system derived
2080 W2-ER-F-STATEEmployer foreign State/provinceConstantEmployer foreign state/province or Constant

Enter the word NAME or blank
2090 W2-ER-F-POSTALEmployer foreign postal codeConstantEnter Employer foreign postal code or Constant
2100 W2-ER-COUNTRYEmployer country if applicableConstantEnter Employer country

Enter blank, system derived
2105 W2-ER-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign countryConstantEnter the word NAME, ISO or blank
2110 W2-ER-TAX-JURISTax Jurisdiction CodeConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2120 W2-KIND-OF-EMPLOYERKind of EmployerConstant Enter appropriate code or null
F-Federal Government; S_State/Local Government;T-Tax Exempt Employer; Y-State/Local Tax Exempt Employer; N-None of the above
2130 W2-ER-CTAC-NAMEContact NameConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2140 W2-ER-CTAC-PHONEContact PhoneConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2150 W2-ER-CTAC-EXTContact Extension CodeConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2160 Tax Jurisdiction CodeContact FaxConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2170 W2-ER-CTAC-EMAILContact eMailConstant Enter appropriate code or null
2500 W2-EE-SSNEmployee Social Security NumberData Base ColumnEID.GOVERNMENT_CODE
2510 W2-EE-FIRST-NAMEEmployee First NameData Base ColumnEID.FIRST_NAME
2520 W2-EE-MIDDLEEmployee Middle NameData Base ColumnEID.MIDDLE_NAME
2530 W2-EE-LAST-NAMEEmployee Last NameData Base ColumnEID.LAST_NAME
2540 W2-EE-SUFFIXEmployee Suffix NameData Base ColumnEID.RANK with derivation expression

2600 W2-EE-LOCN-ADDREmployee Location AddressConstantEmployee’s location address

such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc


Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank.
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL.
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
2610 W2-EE-DELIV-ADDREmployee Delivery AddressConstantEmployee’s delivery address

such as Street or Post Office Box


Enter blank, system derived
2620 W2-EE-CITYEmployee CityConstantEmployee’s city


Enter blank, system derived
2630 W2-EE-STATEEmployee State AbbrevConstantEmployee’s State abbreviation


Enter blank, system derived
2640 W2-EE-ZIPEmployee ZIP CodeConstantEmployee’s ZIP Code


Enter blank, system derived
2650 W2-EE-ZIP-EXTEmployee ZIP ExtensionConstantEnter employee’s ZIP Code


Use derivation expression substr(~,6) for ZIP extension
2660 W2-EE-F-STATEEmployee foreign State/provinceConstantEmployee foreign state/province or Constant

Enter the word NAME or blank
2670 W2-EE-F-POSTALEmployee foreign postal codeConstantEmployee foreign postal code

Enter blank, system derived
2680 W2-EE-COUNTRYEmployee country if applicableConstantEnter Employee country

Enter blank, system derived
2685 W2-EE-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign countryConstantEnter the word NAME or the word ISO or blank
2800 W2-CONTROL-PRTPrint Control Number on FormConstantNull, 0 – Do not print Control Number on W2 Form
1 - Print Control Number as defined in W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
2 - Print Control Number as defined from RPYEU ‘Sort Level By’ prompt
3 - Print W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
4 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and Person Code
5 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
6 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
2810 W2-CONTROL-NUMControl Number on FormData Base ColumnEnter your company data
2880W2-BY-E-FORMW2 By Electronic FormConstantLeave this blank. The system will determine if the employee is receiving electronic version of W2 form
2900 W2-EXCLUDE-EEExclude EmployeeData Base ColumnEnter your company data
3000 W2-FIT-WAGEWages, Tips, Other CompensationElementW2-BOX-01
3010 W2-FIT-TAXFederal Income Tax WithheldElementW2-BOX-02
3020 W2-SSN-WAGESocial Security WagesElementW2-BOX-03

Derivation expression LEAST(~,113700.00) may be used for year 2013 max

System verify Box 3 + Box 7 does not exceed annual max, otherwise issue message
3030 W2-SSN-TAXSocial Security Tax WithheldElementW2-BOX-04

Derivation expression LEAST(~,7049.40)may be used for year 2013 max
3040 W2-MEDI-WAGEMedicare Wages and TipsElementW2-BOX-05
3050 W2-MEDI-TAXMedicare Tax WithheldElementW2-BOX-06
3060 W2-SSN-TIPSocial Security TipsElementW2-BOX-07
3061 W2-MAPFMLEmployee contribution for Paid Family and Medical LeaveElementEnter your company data
3070 W2-ALLOC-TIPAllocated TipsElementW2-BOX-08
3080 W2-EICAdvanced EIC CreditElementW2-BOX-09
3090 W2-DEP-CAREDependent Care BenefitElementW2-BOX-10
3100 W2-NQUALNon Qualified PlansElementW2-BOX-11
3102 W2-NQUAL-457Non Qualified Plans Sect 457ElementW2-BOX-11-457
3104 W2-NQUAL-N457Non Qualified Plans Not Sect 457ElementW2-BOX-11-N457
4000 W2-CODE-AUncollect SSA/RRTA tax on tipsPay ComponentEnter your company data
4010 W2-CODE-BUncollect Medicare tax on tipsPay ComponentEnter your company data
4020 W2-CODE-CGroup Term Life Ins > 50000Pay ComponentEnter your company data
4030 W2-CODE-DDeferred 401(k) cashPay ComponentEnter your company data
4040 W2-CODE-EDeferred 401(b) Salary reductionPay ComponentEnter your company data
4050 W2-CODE-FDeferred 408(k)(6) Salary reductPay ComponentEnter your company data
4060 W2-CODE-GDeferred 457(b) compensationPay ComponentEnter your company data
4070 W2-CODE-HDeferred 501(c)18(D) tax exemptPay ComponentEnter your company data
4080 W2-CODE-JNon taxable sick payPay ComponentEnter your company data
4090 W2-CODE-K20% excise parachute paymentPay ComponentEnter your company data
4100 W2-CODE-LEmployee business expense reimbursePay ComponentEnter your company data
4110 W2-CODE-MUncollect SSA/RRTA group insPay ComponentEnter your company data
4120 W2-CODE-NUncollect medicare group insPay ComponentEnter your company data
4130 W2-CODE-PMoving expensePay ComponentEnter your company data
4140 W2-CODE-QNontaxable combat payPay ComponentEnter your company data (obsoleted since Tax Year 2012)
4150 W2-CODE-REmployer Contributions to MSAPay ComponentEnter your company data
4160 W2-CODE-SSalary reduction to 408(p)Pay ComponentEnter your company data
4170 W2-CODE-TAdoption benefitsPay ComponentEnter your company data
4180 W2-CODE-VIncome of nonstat stock optPay ComponentEnter your company data
4190 W2-CODE-WER Contributions Health Saving AccountPay ComponentEnter your company data
4200 W2-CODE-YDeferrals 409A Nonqual planPay ComponentEnter your company data
4210 W2-CODE-ZIncome 409A Nonqual planPay ComponentEnter your company data
4220 W2-CODE-AARoth Contributions 401(k)Pay ComponentEnter your company data
4230 W2-CODE-BBRoth Contributions 403(b)Pay ComponentEnter your company data
4240 W2-CODE-CCHIRE Act WagesPay ComponentEnter your company data
4250 W2-CODE-DDER sponsored Health CoveragePay ComponentEnter your company data
4260 W2-CODE-EEDesignated Roth Contributions 457(b)Pay ComponentEnter your company data
4270 W2-CODE-FFPermitted benefits under a qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangementPay ComponentEnter your company data
4280 W2-CODE-GGIncome from qualified equity grantsPay ComponentEnter your company data
4290 W2-CODE-HHAggregate deferralsPay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-OTHER-01 to W2-OTHER-20 are printed on W2 Form Box 14.

Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionSuggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
5010 W2-OTHER-01Your company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
50nnW2-OTHER-nnYour company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
5190 W2-OTHER-20Your company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
5100W2-FLI-AMOUNTFamily Insurance AmountPay ComponentEnter your company data

Please enter Box 14 Description in the Prompt field in format of 14-xxxxxxx.

The values from W2-USER-01 to W2-USER-20 are used by CLIENTS only, the values are not printed on the W2 form or file. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on the RPYEU Summary report. Example: 125 plan, 401 plan, benefit amounts, or employer portion of certain employee contribution etc.

Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionSuggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
5500 W2-USER-01Your company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
55nn W2-USER-nnYour company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
5690 W2-USER-20Your company descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-HL-01 to W2-HL-10 are used by High Line only. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on RPYEU Summary report or for other purposes. These are reserved areas for High Line to define additional new variables that are not available or defined when the programming is done. If needed, High Line will give instructions for users to set these up.
Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionSuggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
5700 W2-HL-01High Line defined descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
57nn High Line defined descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
5790 High Line defined descriptionPay ComponentEnter your company data
6000 W2-STAT-EEStatutory employeeStatisticsEnter your company data
6020 W2-RETIRE-PLANRetirement plan employeeStatisticsEnter your company data
6060 W2-3PARTY-SICKThird-party sick payStatisticsEnter your company data
6500 W2-SCHL-WAGESchool Taxable WagesElementW2-SCHL-WAGE
6510 W2-SCHL-TAXSchool TaxElement W2-SCHL-TAX
7010 W2-STATE-REGISTState Registration I.D. NoData Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
7015 W2-ST-REG-OTHERStatre Other Registration NumberConstantEnter your company data
7020 W2-ST-WAGE-HOMEState Wages and Tips (Home State)ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-H
7030 W2-ST-WAGE-WORKState Wages and Tips (Work State)ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-W
7040 W2-ST-TAX-HOMEState Income Tax (Home State)ElementW2-STATE-TAX-H
7050 W2-ST-TAX-WORKState Income Tax (Work State)ElementW2-STATE-TAX-W
7200 W2-SUI-WAGE-EEState SUI Wages (Employee)ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-EE
7210 W2-SUI-WAGE-ERState SUI Wages (Employer)ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-ER
7220 W2-SUI-TAX-EEState SUI Tax (Employee contribution)ElementW2-SUI-TAX-EE
7230 W2-SUI-TAX-ERState SUI Tax (Employer contribution)ElementW2-SUI-TAX-ER
7240 W2-SDI-WAGE-EEState SDI Wages (Employee)ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-EE
7250 W2-SDI-WAGE-ERState SDI Wages (Employer)ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-ER
7260 W2-SDI-TAX-EEState SDI Tax (Employee contribution)ElementW2-SDI-TAX-EE
7270 W2-SDI-TAX-ERState SDI Tax (Employer contribution)ElementW2-SDI-TAX-ER
7280 W2-SUI-HRS-WRKSUI Hours WorkedElementW2-SUI-HRS-WORK
7285 W2-SUI-WK-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (From User)ElementW2-SUI-WK-WORK
7290 W2-SUI-WEEKS-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (Derived)Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7300 W2-SUI-TAXABLE-WAGESSUI Taxable WagesNot specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7310 W2-SUI-EXCESS-WAGESSUI Excess WagesNot specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7320 W2-SUI-MTH1-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 1Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7330 W2-SUI-MTH2-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 2Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7340 W2-SUI-MTH3-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 3Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
7500 W2-TIP-WAGE-WORKWork State Tips Wages ElementTips Wages for each State
7510 W2-ST-TIP-WORKWork State TipsPay ComponentTips for each State
7600 W2-WC-WORKWorkers Compensation ContributionElementW2-WC-WORK
8000 W2-CNTY-NAMECounty NameData Base ColumnDCN.COUNTY_NAME
8010 W2-CN-WAGE-HOMECounty Wages (Home County)ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-H
8020 W2-CN-WAGE-WORKCounty Wages (Work County)ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-W
8030 W2-CN-TAX-HOMECounty Tax (Home County)ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-H
8040 W2-CN-TAX-WORKCounty Tax (Work County)ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-W
8510 W2-CI-WAGE-HOMECity Wages (Home City)ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-H
8520 W2-CI-WAGE-WORKCity Wages (Work City)ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-W
8530 W2-CI-TAX-HOMECity Tax (Home City)ElementW2-CITY-TAX-H
8540 W2-CI-TAX-WORKCity Tax (Work City)ElementW2-CITY-TAX-W

For California SDI reporting, there are two options to print SDI on W2 forms:
  1. For California, if the IDFDV W2-SDI-TAX-EE Identifier (Seq 7260) is not zero, then Box 19 will print the employee SDI contribution and Box 20 will print the description ‘CASDI’ (This option is only available to clients who are running the W2 report in Oracle, it is not available to clients running W2 in the Windard platform).
  2. For California, if the IDFDV W2-SDI-TAX-EE Identifier (Seq 7260) is not set up, Box 14 can be set up to print ‘CASDI’ and the SDI amount.

IDFDV – Employer Primary Address and Mailing Address#

  • In order to use the Employer Primary Address, Identifiers 2020 – 2070 do not need to be set up. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as the default
  • In order to use the Employer Mailing Address, the following Identifiers need to be defined:

Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2020W2-ER-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location AddressMAIL
2030W2-ER-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery Addressblank
2040W2-ER-CITYEmployer Cityblank
2050W2-ER-STATEEmployer State Abbrevblank
2060W2-ER-ZIPEmployer Zip Codeblank
2070W2-ER-ZIP-EXTEmployer Zip Code Extensionblank
2100W2-ER-COUNTRYEmployer countryblank
  • The Reference Text field will guide the set up of each Address Identifier.
  • If the mailing address is not defined for the employer on IDLN or IDEN location field, the IDLN primary address will be used.
  • If the user has previous Address set up prior to 2006 and if the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.

Foreign Country Primary and Mailing Address set up:
Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2080W2-ER-F-STATEEmployer foreign State AbbrevBlank or enter the word NAME

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the State name is used, otherwise the State code is used

This foreign state description is printed on W2 and reported on EFW2 file
2090W2-ER-F-POSTALEmployer foreign postal CodeBlank
2105W2-ER-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign countryBlank or enter the word NAME, or ISO

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the Country name is used
If ‘ISO’ is entered, the ISO Country code from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’ is used, otherwise the IDCO Country code is used.

IDFDV – Employee Primary Address and Mailing Address#

  • In order to use the Primary Address, Identifiers 2600 – 2650 do not need to be set up. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as default
  • In order to use the Mailing Address, the following Identifiers need to be defined:
Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2600W2-EE-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location AddressMAIL
2610W2-EE-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery AddressBlank
2620W2-EE-CITYEmployer CityBlank
2630W2-EE-STATEEmployer State AbbrevBlank
2640W2-EE-ZIPEmployer Zip CodeBlank
2650W2-EE-ZIP-EXTEmployer Zip Code ExtensionBlank
2680W2-EE-COUNTRYEmployer countryBlank
  • The Reference Text field will guide the set up of each Address Identifier.
  • If the mailing address for the employee is not defined on IEPI, the primary address on IEPI will be used.
  • If the user a has previous Address set up prior to 2006 and if the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, then the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.

Foreign Country Primary and Mailing Address set up:

Seq #Field IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2660W2-EE-F-STATEEmployee foreign State AbbrevBlank or enter the word NAME

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the State name is used, otherwise the State code is used

This foreign State description is printed on W2 and reported on EFW2 file
2670W2-EE-F-POSTALEmployee foreign postal codeBlank
2685W2-EE-F-COUNTRYEmployee foreign countryBlank or enter the word NAME, or ISO

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the Country name is used
If ‘ISO’ is entered, the ISO Country code from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’ is used, otherwise the IDCO Country code is used.