The Define Legislative Form Variables (IDFDV) form allows users to create field variables for government forms, such as tax forms and unemployment insurance.

The definition data for the Define Legislative Form Variables form is stored in the P2K_CM_FORM_DEFINITIONS and P2K_CM_FORM_VARIABLES tables.

IDFDV Form Fields#

Seq #Defines the sequential order of the variable.
IdentifierThe fields within this form are identified here.
DescriptionEnter a short description of the variable.
Level Defines the field level, such as employee, employer, federal, etc.
O/R PromptThe override name of the field that will be displayed on the form is identified here.
SourceDefines the type of source of the field, such as database column, element, pay component, etc.
Field VariableThe variable for the field is defined here.
Copy Form DefinitionPress this button to copy the form definition.
Field UsageDefines the field usage, such as file only, form only, internal, etc.
TextUsers can add additional notes in this field
Derivation ExpressionUsers can add programming code for additional computation of the data within the record.

Notes #

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