Maintain Personal Information #

The Maintain Personal Information (IEPI) form contains the date-sensitive personal details about an individual employee.

An employee must have at least one personal information record, which is created automatically by the Establish Employee Profiles (IEHR) or Quick Hire (IEQH) form and maintained through the Personal Information (IEPI) form.

IEPI contains various demographic information that may change over time:

  • Addresses
  • Marital information
  • Specific geographic area for residence taxation

The marital status and number of dependents are for information purposes only; they are not used for taxation purposes. School District codes are only applicable for US taxation purposes. The Tax Jurisdiction is the residence GEO code used for US taxation purposes. School Districts and Tax Jurisdictions are restricted by the state that you have entered as the home address.

Personal data is stored in the P2K_HR_IDENTITIES and P2K_HR_PERSONALS table.

NOTE: As of the 5.05.00 release, the Tax Jurisdiction editor field on this form will be in view only. To have the Tax Jurisdiction button available in the Admin UI (no restriction in the Browser UI) you have to setup the following:

  • Site preference US TAX SERIES set to 1
  • Logging in as 'MASTER', on IMLN for Lexicon Name=X_TABLES_NO_SITE, the DTX entry must be deleted.

This field shows the employee's communication language of preference. For Canadian Installations: This data is used for producing forms and documents in the employee's language of preference. English will default.
Alt Language
This field identifies any secondary language in which the employee is fluent.
Veteran Status
U.S. Installations: This field indicates the employee is to be reported on the U.S. Veterans’ Report under this veteran category.
Indicates an employee is physically or mentally challenged. U.S. Installations: An employee who is a ‘qualified individual with a disability’ under the Americans with Disabilities Act. For Canadian Installations: An employee who wishes to be considered a ‘person with disabilities’ under the Employment Equity Act 1995.
Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.

Address tab#

Primary #

Address 1
This field holds the employee’s home address (street, rural route or concession number).
Address 2
This is the second line of home address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions.
Locality refers to the city, district or township name of residence.
State, Country
This is the standard abbreviation code of the state or province where the employee resides.
Zip Code
This field will display the mailing code.
Tax Jurisdiction
This field displays the GEO code of residence tax jurisdiction and is used in the payroll process for taxation purposes. Once the State code has been entered, you may only enter tax jurisdictions that are defined for that state.
See NOTE above for functionality of this field as of the 5.05 release

School District
For U.S. installations only: This field indicates the school district in the residence where employee pays school taxes.

Mailing Address #

Mail Address 1
This field holds the employee’s mailing address (street or rural route or concession number).
Mail Address 2
This field shows the second line of employee’s mailing address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions.
This field displays the city, district or township name used with the employee’s mailing address.
Mail State
This field shows the standard abbreviation of the state or province used with the employee’s mailing address.
Mail Zip
This field will display the mailing code.

Personal tab #

Additional Information #

Years Education
This field displays the number of years of education this employee has.
Marital Status
This field shows the marital status of the employee. i.e. single, married etc. (not used for taxation). The Taxation Filing status will be defined on the US Pay Rules (IPRLU) form or CDN Pay Rules (IPRLC) form if your implementation includes the payroll module.
Date of Marriage
This is the date employee was most recently married.
Number of Dependants
This field indicates the number of dependants this employee has. The number of dependents is for information purposes only; they are not used for taxation purposes. This information will be defined on the US Pay Rules (IPRLU) form if your implementation includes the payroll module.
Citizen Status
This field indicates the citizenship status of an employee.
This field indicates the employee's country of citizenship.
Foreign ID
This field shows any foreign registration codes for an employee. For example - A Canadian Social Insurance Number for an American employee.
Bonded Status
This field indicates if the employee is bonded.

Phone Information #

Phone Unlisted
This field indicates that the employee‘s home phone number is unlisted.
Phone #
This is the employee's home phone number. 3145678654 will be formatted to (314) 567-8654.
Alt Phone #
This is the employee's alternate phone number. 3145674563 will be formatted to (314) 567-4563.
Cellular #
Personal cellular or mobile phone number.
Fax #
This is the personal fax number for the employee. 3145678645 will be formatted to (314) 567-8645.
This is the personal email address for the employee.
This is the method of transportation the employee uses to get to work.

Notes #

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