Table of Contents


W2 Annual and Quarterly Processing reports from the employees' QTD information according to the user defined selection criteria to produce Quarterly Wage Reports for individual State filing. Most States accept either the EFW2 or the ICESA wage reporting format.

For additional information and detailed field descriptions of the RPYEU process, please refer to the W2 Process document.


The following steps outline the sequence of events to produce the Quarterly Wage Report File.

RPREGT: Produce QTD Register for Quarterly Reporting

IDFD: Set up Form and File Definition

  • This form defines the default values for users to enter on IDFDV.
  • The information on this form is provided by High Line using a script. Users only need to execute the script to load in the most current information for the year.
  • Do NOT alter this information in any way without the permission and guidance of High Line Support or a Consultant.

IDFDV: Enter the Variables

  • Organizations must enter the IDFDV variables for the supplied script file ‘HL$US-W2-YYYY’ (YYYY denotes the tax year and is updated each year), where applicable.
  • In addition, for organizations who report quarterly wages in the ICESA format, the IDFDV variables for the second quarterly supplied script file ‘HL$US-QTR-2014’ . Note: The name of this file remains the same for year 2004 onwards, is also required to be entered, where applicable.

RDFD: To Report the File Definition from IDFD and IDFDV

RPYEU: Produce US Year/Quarter End Summary Report for the Reporting Year or Quarter

  • This report must be used to balance to the QTD Register report (RPREGT) for quarterly reporting
  • Exception messages from this Summary Report must be checked and the exceptions corrected
  • Generate State/Local File in the federal file format for States that accept the federal file format
  • Generate State/Local File for States with specific file format requirements
  • RPYEU must be run, one State at a time, to generate the State specific files
  • Each State may have its own requirements. Users must check with High Line to confirm if the State is supported, prior to running RPYEU for a specific State file
  • Generate the XML file to feed into the RPW2XX programs to print W2 forms for year end reporting
  • In utility trace mode, RPYEU generates a dynamic SQL select statement and a trace file for debugging

General Set Up#

Only employees in entities with a government registration set up for ‘State SUI Registration’ will be processed.

IMUF – Define User Fields#

The following user fields are used on the IDGV Variables tab and must be set up on IMUF.

For Quarterly Reporting in non-EFW2 file format, these User Defined Fields (UDF) are used when organizations are using the ‘HL$US-QTR-20YY’ form code.

The following UDFs must be set up on IMUF:

TableUser Field NamePromptField TypeField Sequence

The following user fields are used on IDDP and must be set up on IMUF.


TableUser Field NamePromptField TypeField Sequence

Some States require the SUI ER Number by department. In this case, the IDDP User Field ‘SUI ER Number’ may be required.

Example: The State of Minnesota requires the Quarterly file to be reported by MN State Unemployment Insurance Account Number and MN Employer Unit Number. These two numbers are defined at the Department level, therefore, users must set up the UDF ‘SUI ER Number’ for each department. Example: For the ‘Planning & Zoning’ department, the MN number is ‘7977999-004’. Therefore on IDDP, users should set the UDF ‘SUI ER Number’ to '7977999-004' on IDDP

  • If the ‘SUI ER Number’ is not set up for a Department, then the SUI ER Number from IDGV is used.
  • Note: On IDDP, users must click on the detail section of the form first, then click the UDF button to get to the UDF screen.
  • ‘W2 Destination’ can be entered for distributing the W2 forms by department.

Define User Fields for P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (IEID screen)
The following user fields are used on IEID and must be set up on IMUF:


TableUser Field NamePromptField TypeField Sequence

IEID – Employee Identity Screen User Field#

The W2 Destination ‘MMREF Officer Code’ can be entered for an employee.
  • The MMREF Probationary code is not used by all States. Example: The State of Minnesota does not require this code.
  • The MMREF Officer code is not required by all States. Example: The RS record, position 341, the State of Minnesota requires reporting of the Officer Code for an employee. If an employee qualifies as an Officer for the State of Minnesota, users should enter ‘Y’ on the ‘MMREF Officer Code’ field.

IDGV - Define Government Registrations#

The 'Federal Registration' must be set up on IDGV for the Country ‘USA’ with a valid ‘Employer Identification Number’ by ‘Government Registration Set’, by Entity.

Organizations with One Federal Registration
If your organization has one Federal registration, users must define one Government Registration Set, such as a Main Registration Set.

Then within this Government Registration Set, users should set up the Federal, State and Local Registrations on IDGV.

Example: On IDGV, users should set up the Federal Registration with the Registration Type defined as US Fed Regist 1. NOTE: If Registration Type US Fed Regist 1 is used, then:
*The FICA registration should be defined using the Registration Type US FICA Regist 1
*The MEDICARE registration should be defined using Registration Type US MEDI Regist 1, etc. The last digit of the Registration Type must match each type of registration.

For each Group, at the Federal level, the Federal Registration number is retrieved according to the Fed Regist Set and Fed Regist Type from the IDGV form and is displayed on the IDGR form.

Organizations with Multiple Federal Registrations
If your organization has multiple Federal Registrations, users have two options:
1. One Registration Set can be set up, then set up the Registration Types of Fed Regist 1, Fed Regist 2, up to Fed Regist 9. This allows up to nine Federal Registrations.
2. Multiple Registration Sets can be set up, then set up Registration Types of Fed Regist 1, Fed Regist 2, up to Fed Regist 9, for each Registration Set. This allows an unlimited number of Federal Registrations.

NOTE: If the Registration Type ‘US Fed Regist 1’ is used, then the FICA registration should be defined using Registration Type = ‘US FICA Regist 1’.
If ‘US Fed Regist 2’ is used, then use ‘US FICA Regist 2’.
If ‘US Fed Regist 3’ is used, then use ‘US FICA Regist 3’, etc.

Example: At the Federal level, always match the last digit of the registration type. This is similar to ‘Regist Type’ at State/Local Registration levels.

The ‘Govt Registration Set’ can be used to group similar Registrations together. For Example:

Govt Registration SetNotes
MAIN REGISTUse as a default to group all registrations initially
REGIST 2Users can define another for all level of registrations
FED REGISTUsers can define Federal level registrations for this set
STATE REGISTUsers can define State level registrations for this set
LOCAL REGISTUsers can define Local level registrations for this set
FULLTIME REGISTUsers can define Registrations for Full time employees for this set
PARTTIME REGISTUsers can define Registrations for Part time employees for this set
SEASONAL REGUsers can define Registrations for Seasonal employees for this set may be defined
STATE OHIOUsers can define Registrations for Ohio may be defined for this set only

Important Note for IDGV set up:
The IDGV 'Govt Registration Set' and 'Registration Types' are used on the IDGR form, 'Registration' tab for each of the Federal, State and Local level set up.

On the IDGV form, users must match the last digit of the Registration Type for the same Federal, State and Local level of registrations.

Example 1: If the Registration Type is defined as US Fed Regist 1, then:

  • FICA Registration Type must be US FICA Regist 1
  • MEDI Registration Type must be US MEDI Regist 1

If Registration Type is defined as US State Regist 1, then:
  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI Regist 1
  • SDI Registration Type must be US SDI Regist 1

Example 2: If Registration Type is defined as US Fed Regist 2, then:

  • FICA Registration Type must be US FICA Regist 2
  • MEDI Registration Type must be US MEDI Regist 2

If Registration Type is defined as US State Regist 2, then:
  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI Regist 2
  • SDI Registration Type must be US SDI Regist 2

IDGR - Define Group for Federal/State/Local Govt Registration#

The Federal/State/Local Government Registrations are entered on the IDGR Registration tab. IMPORTANT: Federal/State/Local Registration MUST not be changed for a Group for different effective date records.
The UPCLOZ process will not cut new YTD records if the group changes effective date. Therefore, if a group requires a change to the registration numbers, either a new group should be created or all the effective records should be changed to the same registration number.

For each group, at Federal level, the Federal Registration number is retrieved according to the ‘Fed Regist Set’ and ‘Fed Regist Type’ from IDGV and is displayed on IDGR.

For each group, at State/Prov level, a ‘State/Prov Set’ and ‘State/Prov Type’ can be pointed to. Since each group can be paid in many different States or Provinces, the State/Prov Registration number cannot be displayed on IDGR. For each employee belonging to this group, the State/Prov Registration Number is retrieved from IDGV by ‘State/Prov Set’, ‘State/Prov Type’ and the 'State/Prov' of the employee.

At local level, the Local Registration number is retrieved from IDGV by ‘Local Regist Set’, ‘Local Regist Type’ and the GEO Local of the employee.

State Level Set Up#

The following levels of Government Registration must be set up for the State to be reported.

IDSP- Define States#

  • A State must be defined on IDSP in order for the State to be reported.
  • A State must be defined on IDGV for an Entity with the State Registration by Govt Regist Set and Registration Type in order for the State to be reported.
  • If a State is missing on IDGV, RPYEU will create a default entry for that State with the Registration Number set to '0' and issue a warning. The correct State Registration Number must be defined for that State in order to file to the State government.
  • When the State Registration is defined, the Variables tab must also be set up. See the State Media Filing section below.
  • The RPYEU process automatically uses the UDF defined on the IDGV Variables tab for P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS.

State/Prov CodeState/Prov NameCountry

IDCN - Define Counties#

  • If County tax is applicable for a State, the County must be defined on the Define Counties (IDCN) form in order for the County tax to be reported.
  • The County code is the first two segments of the GEO code. Example: In Indiana, GEO code ‘15-097-0670’ is for the City of Indianapolis and the County Code ‘15-097-0000’ is for Marion County. Therefore, users should define the Marion County Code as 15-097-0000 on the IDCN form.
  • The GEO and County codes are provided by Symmetry for US taxation.
  • A County Tax Jurisdiction must be defined on IDGV with the Local Registration in order for the County tax to be reported.

CountyCounty CodeState/Province

IDSD - Define School Districts#

The School Registration must be defined on IDGV in order for the School District tax to be reported.

School DistrictSchool District NameCountyState/Province
2504Grandview Heights City S.D.FRANKLIN, OH, USAOHIO, USA

IDTX - Define Tax Jurisdictions#

  • Each State must be defined in order for the State tax to be reported. Note: The ‘State Level’ GEO code entry must end with ‘000-0000’, such as 05-000-000 for the State of California.
  • A City’s Tax Jurisdiction must be defined IDTX in order for the City tax to be reported.
  • A County Tax Jurisdiction must be defined IDGV with the Local Registration in order for the County tax to be reported.
  • The FIPS code on IDTX is currently not being used by the RPYEU program. The RPYEU program derives the FIPS code automatically.

IDGV - Define Government Registrations#

Define State Government Registrations for the State in the ‘Definition’ Tab
Example: For the State of Arizona:
  • Enter the Arizona State Employer Account Number in the ‘Regist #’ field
  • Enter the various State Government W2 (Quarter) information for the State in the Variables tab.
    • Define the 'W2 State Media Filing' variable as ‘02’ if the wage information is for the State only and contains no other State info.

The following levels of Government Registration must be set up for the Federal, State, County, City and School tax reporting.

Federal Level
One or multiple Federal Government Registrations must exist for each entity with ‘Govt Regist Set’, ‘US Fed Regist 1’, etc.

State Level
A State must be defined on IDGV for an Entity with the State Registration by Govt Regist Set and Registration Type in order for the State to be reported.

When the State Registration is defined, the Variables tab must also be set up.

The fields on the IDGV Variables tab are first defined on IMUF for P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS.

  • The RPYEU process automatically uses the UDF defined on the IDGV Variables tab for P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS.

Many fields on the IDGV Variables tab apply to different States at the State level and/or Local level. These variables must be defined at the State/Local levels, whenever applicable.

On IDGV Variables tab, the ‘W2 State Media Filing’ variable must be defined if a State requires to produce a W2 File (or Quarterly File) for the State.

The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:

00Not required to file Magnetic Media to the State.
01Include State Code RS Records in the Federal File. Users can send the federal file to the State.

If the State file layout is conforming to the standard federal SSA Code RS format and the State accepts a copy of the federal file that includes the Code RW records, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘01’.

When the RPYEU process is run, the State Code RS record will automatically be generated in the federal file. Users only need to send a copy of the federal file to the State.
02State requires its own file. Do not include other State information in the State file.

If the State does not accept other State’s information in their State file, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘02’.

Users should run the RPYEU process, one State at a time, and set the Media Format field to 'State File Format'.

If the State has its own specific State file layout, the RPYEU process will generate the State File in the specific file layout, otherwise the generic Federal Code RS format layout is used.

If the State requires its own State file layout, please check with High Line for a list of States that are supported.

Local Level
A County Tax Jurisdiction must be defined on IDGV with the Local Registration in order for the County tax to be reported.

A City Tax Jurisdiction must be defined on IDGV with the Local Registration in order for the City tax to be reported.

When users are defining the Local Registration, users should also set up the Variables tab. See the section on 'State Media for Local Filing' for more details.

On the IDGV form, Variables tab, the W2 State Media Filing variable can be defined (optional) to indicate if this Local requires to be filed with magnetic media on the W2 File.


The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:
00Not Required to File Magnetic Media
01Include Local Federal Code RS records in the Federal File format.
If the Local information is to be reported along with the Federal Code RS information, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘01’ for this Local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Code RS records will be generated along with the Local information.
02Include Local State Code RS records in the State File format.
If the Local information is to be reported along with the State Code RS information, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘02’ for this Local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Code RS records will be generated along with the Local information.
03Local requires its own File, do not include other Local information in the File.
If the Local requires its own format, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘03’ for this Local.
When the RPYEU process is run and a user selects to generate the Local File format, users must also select the specific City or County and the Local file format will be generated.
NOTE: This feature requires specific program logic for each Local. Please check with High Line to ensure the Local is supported.

If W2 State Media Filing is defined for a Local, the IDGV Variables tab must be set up for:
1. W2 TAX TYPE CODE should contain one of the following values:

  • C-City Income Tax
  • D-School District Income Tax
  • E-County Income Tax
2. W2 TAXING ENTITY must be set up to define the Taxing Entity Code for each Local. Example:
  • Ohio Cleveland would be 200. Refer to Cleveland filing requirement
  • Indiana would be defined with the County Code provided by Indiana

School Level
The School Registration must be defined on IDGV for the School in order for the school tax to be reported.

When the School Registration is defined, the IDGV Variables tab should be set up with:


The ‘W2 State Media Filing’ values are:

00Not Required to File Magnetic Media
01Include School Code RS records in the Federal File format.
If the School information is to be reported along with the Federal Code RS information, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘01’ for this Local.
When RPYEU is run, the State Code RS records will be generated along with the School information.
02Include School Code RS record in the State File format.
If the School information is to be reported along with the State Code RS information, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘02’ for this Local.
Then when RPYEU is run, the State Code RS records will be generated along with the School information.
03School requires its own File, do not include other Local information in the File.
If the School requires its own format, users should set the W2 State Media Filing variable to ‘03’ for this Local.
NOTE: This feature requires specific program logic for each Local. Please check with High Line to ensure the Local is supported.

When the W2 State Media Filing is defined, the IDGV Variables tab should be set up with:

  • W2 TAX TYPE CODE: E – School District Income Tax
  • W2 TAXING ENTITY: The five character School District code

IDGV - Define State SUI Registrations for Quarterly Filing#

When running RPYEU with the Calendar Type defined as ‘Q’ for a quarter, each State must be set up with the US SUI Regist. The last digit of US SUI Regist Registration type must match the last digit of US State Regist Registration type.

Example: If Registration Type is defined as US State Regist 1, then:

  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI Regist 1

If Registration Type is defined as US State Regist 2, then:
  • SUI Registration Type must be US SUI Regist 2

According to each State’s quarterly filing format, some States may require to submit Taxes Due, Previous Underpayment, etc. For each quarter, users must define the IDGV Variables tab for these quarterly amounts with the proper US SUI Regist, prior to running RPYEU. Example: If the QTR Penalty is $590.26; then enter ‘590.26’ in the 'QTR Penalty' field on the IDGV Variables tab.
Please note each QTR field’s decimal point and enter in the above format. Also note that each applicable ‘Govt Rate Type’ in the bottom part of the form must also be setup, including the SUI maximum base amount, SUI ER rate, etc.

Define SUI Registration
The ‘US SUI Regist 1’ Registration Type must be defined for the State in order to run the UI report file.

  • An SUI entry must exist for each state within an entity with ‘State Registration’
  • The ‘W2 Taxing Entity’ entry in the Variables tab of the US SUI Registration form is used to populate the ‘Taxing Entity Code’ column in the State Record for Quarterly UI Wage reporting.

IDGV – Government Registration for SDI (Optional)#

Define the ‘US SDI Registration’ for each State, if required, such as in California. Enter the California State Employer Account Number (SEAN) for SDI in the ‘Regist #’ field, if applicable.
W2 STATE MEDIA FILINGEnter ‘02’ to generate the State Magnetic Media file for each State only
W2 WAGE PLAN CODEEnter the Wage Plan Code for the State Employer Account Numbers (SEANs)

For ‘US SDI Registration’, enter the SDI (SDI Reporting) Wage Plan Code.
W2 BRANCH CODEIf your organization is registered with the Department as a branch coded Employer, enter the three character branch code.

If not applicable, ‘000’ should be entered.

Local Level Set Up#

IDGV - Local Registration#

To report the Ohio City tax, the IDGV IDGV Variables tab must be set up for ‘US Local Registration 1’ for each city, in the Jurisdiction field:

W2 STATE MEDIA FILINGMust be set to ‘03’ to generate City tax information in the Local File format
W2 TAX TYPE CODEMust be set to ‘C’ for City Tax
W2 TAXING ENTITYEnter the City Code for the State, if required, such as Ohio

IPUTR - Maintain US Tax Rates#

The IPUTR forms holds all of the US Tax Rates that are generated by the Symmetry Tax Engine. If the IMST site preference US TAX SERIES is set to 1, this means the Symmetry Tax Engine is used for US Taxation.
  • The Symmetry Tax Engine allows users to load the US tax rates into the IPUTR form with the UPUTR load process, for Federal and State tax rates by effective date.
  • The Annual and Quarterly reporting of RPYEU will retrieve the US tax rates from IPUTR according to the RPYEU ‘Period End Date’ parameter.
    • Example: On April 30, a user runs RPYEU for Q1 that ends on March 31, therefore the RPYEU Period End Date = ‘Mar-31-2017’ and the As Of Date = ‘Apr-30-2017’. In this case, the IPUTR Tax rates are retrieved for the Period End Date ‘Mar-31-2017’
  • Users can override the IPUTR Tax Rates or Wage Base on the IPUTR form be defining the ‘Override Tax Rate’ or ‘Override Wage Base’ fields.
  • Users can also override the IPUTR Tax Rates or Wage Base on the IDGV form by Government Registrations. Therefore if IDGV has a specific entry with the ‘Govt Rate Type’ that overrides the Tax Rate or Wage Base amount, then this IDGV entry is used.

The following IPUTR entries are retrieved by RPYEU

Federal level:

  • 00-000-0000-ER_FICA-000: the Wage Base is retrieved. This Wage Base is used to report the Annual Maximum Wage Base on the W2 form

State level:

  • XX-000-0000-ER_SUTA-000: the Tax Rate and Wage Base are retrieved, where XX is the FIPS code for each State
    • The ER_SUTA Tax Rate and Wage Base are used to calculate SUI Excess Wages and SUI Taxable Wages for quarterly reporting
    • If the IDGV ‘Govt Rate Type’ = ‘US SUI ER Rate’ or ‘US SUI Max Base Amt’, then the IDGV entry is used, otherwise the IPUTR entry is used.

IDFDV- Define Table Column Values#

The ‘Field Variable’ column must be set up on IDFDV for the Form Definition that is being used for the RPYEU reporting. The following example shows what could be setup in that column. Note that all the other columns are all predefined on the IDFD form and cannot be changed on IDFDV.
SeqField IdentifierDescriptionLevelPromptField SourceField Variable
1010TRAN EINTransmitter EINTransmittalTRAN EINConstant9876542103
1020TRAN ADDR INDTrans Foreign AddressTransmittalTRAN ADDR INDConstant
1030TRAN NAMETransmitter NameTransmittalTRAN NAMEConstantHIGH LINE CORP
1040TRAN ADDRESSTransmitter AddressTransmittalTRAN ADDRESSConstant145 RENFREW DRIVE
1050TRAN CITYTransmitter CityTransmittalTRAN CITYConstantMARKHAM

IDFDV – City Tax Set Up#

If City tax applies, IDFDV must be set up. The following example shows a sample setup for the ‘Field Variable' column. Note that all the other columns are all predefined on the IDFD form and can not be changed on IDFDV.
SeqField IdentifierDescriptionLevelPromptField SourceField Variable
8500W2-CITY-NAMECity NameLocal20-City NameDB ColumnDTX.JURISDICTION_NAME
8510W2-CI-WAGE-HOMELocal Wage (Home)Local18-Home City WageElementW2-CI-WAGE-RES
8520W2-CI-WAGE-WORKLocal Wage (Work)Local18-Work City WageElementW2-CI-WAGE-WORK
8530W2-CI-TAX-HOMELocal Tax (Home)Local19-Home City TaxElementW2-CI-TAX-RES
8540W2-CI-TAX-WORKLocal Tax (Work)Local19-Work City TaxElementW2-CI-TAX-WORK
  • Identifier W2-CITY-NAME must be set up
  • Identifier W2-CI-WAGE-HOME must be set up
  • Identifier W2-CI-WAGE-WORK must be set up
  • Identifier W2-CI-TAX-HOME must be set up
  • Identifier W2-CI-TAX-WORK must be set up

IDFDV – Form Definition Variables#

Definition for file HL$US-W2-YYYY (Mandatory for all Quarterly Report Filers)

IDFD FORMHL$US-W2-YYYYSystem supplied. ‘YYYY’ denotes the tax reporting year
IDFD FORM TYPEUS EFW2 definitionDefines the W2 definition for EFW2 filing format

IDFDV – Form Definitions US W2 Only#

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Form Code ‘HL$US-W2-20YY’ Identifiers
Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
* SUB-ER-EINSubmitter’s Employer EIN1000Constant9 character EIN
* SUB-USER-IDSubmitter User Identification1010Constant8 character User ID assigned to the employee who is attesting to the accuracy of the file
SUB-RESUB-INDResubmitt Indicator1020ConstantEnter 1 if file is resubmitted, otherwise 0
SUB-RESUB-WFIDResubmitt SSA WFID from notice1030ConstantIf resubmitted, enter SSA WFID from notice
SUB-VENDORSoftware Vendor Code1035ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-SOFTWARESubmitter Software Code1040ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-COMP-NAMECompany Name receive EFW21050ConstantEnter Company name who receives EFW2
SUB-COMP-LOCNCompany Location Address1060ConstantEnter company’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
SUB-COMP-DELIVCompany Delivery Address1070ConstantEnter company’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box
SUB-COMP-CITYCompany’s City1080ConstantEnter company’s city
SUB-COMP-STATECompany’s State Abbrev1090ConstantEnter company’s State Abbreviation
SUB-COMP-ZIPCompany’s ZIP Code1100ConstantEnter company’s ZIP code
SUB-COMP-ZIP-EXTCompany’s ZIP Code Extension1110ConstantEnter company’s ZIP code extension
SUB-COMP-F-STATECompany’s foreign State/province1120ConstantEnter company’s foreign State/Province
SUB-COMP-F-POSTCompany’s foreign postal code1130ConstantEnter company’s foreign postal code
SUB-COMP-COUNTRYCompany’s country if applicable1140ConstantEnter company’s Country if applicable
* SUB-SUBM-NAMESubmitter Organization Name1150ConstantOrganization Name to receive unprocessed data
* SUB-SUBM-LOCNSubmitter Location Address1160ConstantEnter submitter location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
* SUB-SUBM-DELIVSubmitter Delivery Address1170ConstantEnter submitter delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box
* SUB-SUBM-CITYSubmitter City1180ConstantEnter submitter city
* SUB-SUBM-STATESubmitter State Abbrev1190ConstantEnter submitter State Abbreviation
* SUB-SUBM-ZIPSubmitter ZIP Code1200ConstantEnter submitter ZIP code
SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXTSubmitter ZIP Code Extension1210ConstantEnter submitter ZIP code extension
SUB-SUBM-F-STATESubmitter foreign State/province1220ConstantEnter submitter foreign State/Province
SUB-SUBM-F-POSTSubmitter foreign postal code1230ConstantEnter submitter foreign postal code
SUB-SUBM-COUNTRYSubmitter country if applicable1240ConstantEnter submitter Country, if applicable
* SUB-CONT-NAMEContact name for SSA1250ConstantEnter your company data
* SUB-CONT-TELContact telephone # for SSA1260ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-TEL-EXTContact telephone extension1270ConstantEnter your company data
* SUB-CONT-EMAILContact e-mail address for SSA1280ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-FAXContact FAX phone # for SSA1290ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-METHPreferred Contact method1300ConstantMUST be BLANK
SUB-PREPARERPreparer Code1310ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-3RD-PARTY-SICKThird-Party Sick Pay Indicator1480ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-3RD-PARTY-TAXIncome Tax Withheld by 3rd Party1490ConstantEnter your company data
W2-ER-AGENT-INDAgent Indicator Code1500ConstantEnter appropriate code, if applicable
W2-ER-FOR-EINAgent for which EIN1510ConstantIf you are an agent, enter the EIN for which you are an agent for
W2-ER-TERM-BUSTerminating business indicator1520ConstantEnter appropriate code from SSA
W2-ER-ESTABEstablishment Number1530ConstantFurther identify within EIN
W2-ER-OTHER-EINOther EIN1540ConstantOther EIN used
* W2-ER-EINEmployer Identification Number2000Data Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
* W2-ER-NAMEEmployer Name2010Data Base ColumnDED.ENTITY_NAME
W2-ER-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location Address2020ConstantEmployer’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc.

Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
W2-ER-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery Address2030ConstantEmployer’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box

Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-CITYEmployer City2040ConstantEmployer’s city
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-STATEEmployer State Abbrev2050ConstantEmployer’s State abbreviation
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-ZIPEmployer ZIP Code2060ConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-ZIP-EXTEmployer ZIP Extension2070ConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-F-STATEEmployer foreign State/province2080ConstantEmployer foreign state/province or Constant
Enter the word NAME or blank
W2-ER-F-POSTALEmployer foreign postal code2090ConstantEnter Employer foreign postal code or Constant
W2-ER-COUNTRYEmployer country if applicable2100ConstantEnter Employer country
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign country2105ConstantEnter the word NAME, ISO or blank
W2-ER-TAX-JURISTax Jurisdiction Code2110Constant Enter appropriate code or null
W2-ER-KIND-OF-EMPLOYERKind of Employer2120ConstantEnter appropriate code or null
W2-ER-CTAC-NAMEEmployer Contact Name2130ConstantEnter Employer Contact Name
W2-ER-CTAC-PHONEEmployer Contact Phone2140ConstantEnter Employer Contact Phone Number
W2-ER-CTAC-EXTEmployer Contact Extension2150ConstantEnter Employer Contact Phone Number Extension
W2-ER-CTAC-FAXEmployer Contact Fax2160ConstantEnter Employer Contact Fax Number
W2-ER-CTAC-EMAILEmployer Contact Email 2170ConstantEnter Employer Contact Email Address
W2-EE-SSNEmployee Social Security Number2500Data Base ColumnEID.GOVERNMENT_CODE
W2-EE-FIRST-NAMEEmployee First Name2510Data Base ColumnEID.FIRST_NAME
W2-EE-MIDDLEEmployee Middle Name2520Data Base ColumnEID.MIDDLE_NAME
W2-EE-LAST-NAMEEmployee Last Name2530Data Base ColumnEID.LAST_NAME
W2-EE-SUFFIXEmployee Suffix Name2540Data Base ColumnEID.RANK with derivation expression
W2-EE-LOCN-ADDREmployee Location Address2600ConstantEmployee’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc

Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank.
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL.
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
W2-EE-DELIV-ADDREmployee Delivery Address2610ConstantEmployee’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box

Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-CITYEmployee City2620ConstantEmployee’s city
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-STATEEmployee State Abbrev2630ConstantEmployee’s State abbreviation
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-ZIPEmployee ZIP Code2640ConstantEmployee’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-ZIP-EXTEmployee ZIP Extension2650ConstantEnter employee’s ZIP Code

Use derivation expression substr(~,6) for ZIP extension
W2-EE-F-STATEEmployee foreign State/province2660ConstantEmployee foreign state/province or Constant

Enter the word NAME or blank
W2-EE-F-POSTALEmployee foreign postal code2670ConstantEmployee foreign postal code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-COUNTRYEmployee country if applicable2680ConstantEnter Employee country
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign country2685ConstantEnter the word NAME or the word ISO or blank
W2-CONTROL-PRTPrint Control Number on Form2800ConstantNull, 0 – Do not print Control Number on W2 Form
1 - Print Control Number as defined in W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
2 - Print Control Number as defined from RPYEU ‘Sort Level By’ prompt
3 - Print W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
4 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and Person Code
5 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
6 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
W2-CONTROL-NUMControl Number on Form2810Data Base ColumnEnter your company data
W2-BY-E-FORMW2 By Electronic Form2880Constant
W2-EXCLUDE-EEExclude Employee2900Data Base ColumnEnter your company data
W2-FIT-WAGEWages, Tips, Other Compensation3000ElementW2-BOX-01
W2-FIT-TAXFederal Income Tax Withheld3010ElementW2-BOX-02
W2-FLI-AMOUNTFamily Insurance Amount5100Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-SSN-WAGESocial Security Wages3020ElementW2-BOX-03
Derivation expression LEAST(~,113700.00) may be used for year 2013 max

System verify Box 3 + Box 7 does not exceed annual max, otherwise issue message
W2-SSN-TAXSocial Security Tax Withheld3030ElementW2-BOX-04
Derivation expression LEAST(~,7049.40)may be used for year 2013 max
W2-MEDI-WAGEMedicare Wages and Tips3040ElementW2-BOX-05
W2-MEDI-TAXMedicare Tax Withheld3050ElementW2-BOX-06
W2-SSN-TIPSocial Security Tips3060ElementW2-BOX-07
W2-ALLOC-TIPAllocated Tips3070ElementW2-BOX-08
W2-EICAdvanced EIC Credit3080ElementW2-BOX-09
W2-DEP-CAREDependent Care Benefit3090ElementW2-BOX-10
W2-NQUALNon Qualified Plans3100ElementW2-BOX-11
W2-NQUAL-457Non Qualified Plans Sect 4573102ElementW2-BOX-11-457
W2-NQUAL-N457Non Qualified Plans Not Sect 4573104ElementW2-BOX-11-N457
W2-CODE-AUncollect SSA/RRTA tax on tips4000Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-BUncollect Medicare tax on tips4010Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-CGroup Term Life Ins > 500004020Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-DDeferred 401(k) Cash4030Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-EDeferred 401(b) Salary Reduction4040Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-FDeferred 408(k)(6) Salary Reduction4050Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-GDeferred 457(b) Compensation4060Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-HDeferred 501(c)18(D) Tax Exempt4070Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-JNon Taxable Sick Pay4080Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-K20% Excess Parachute Payment4090Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-LEmployee business expense reimburse4100Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-MUncollect SSA/RRTA Group Insurance4110Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-NUncollect Medicare Group Insurance4120Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-PMoving Expense4130Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-QNontaxable combat pay4140Pay ComponentEnter your company data (obsoleted since Tax Year 2012)
W2-CODE-REmployer Contributions to MSA4150Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-SSalary Reduction to 408(p)4160Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-TAdoption Benefits4170Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-VIncome of Nonstat Stock Opt4180Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-WER Contributions Health Saving Account4190Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-YDeferrals 409A Nonqual Plan4200Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-ZIncome 409A Nonqual Plan4210Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-AARoth Contributions 401(k)4220Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-BBRoth Contributions 403(b)4230Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-CCHIRE Act Wages4240Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-DDER Sponsored Health Coverage4250Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-EEDesignated Roth Contributions 457(b)4260Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-FFPermitted Benefits Under a Qualified
Small Employer Health
Reimbursement Arrangement
4270Pay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-OTHER-01 to W2-OTHER-20 are printed on W2 Form Box 14.

Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-OTHER-01Your company description5000Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-02Your company description5010Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-03Your company description5020Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-04Your company description5030Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-05Your company description5040Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-06Your company description5050Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-07Your company description5060Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-08Your company description5070Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-09Your company description5080Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-10Your company description5090Database ColumnEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-12Your company description5110Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-13Your company description5120Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-14Your company description5130Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-15Your company description5140Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-16Your company description5150Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-17Your company description5160Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-18Your company description5170Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-19Your company description5180Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-20Your company description5190Pay ComponentEnter your company data

Please enter Box 14 Description in the Prompt field in format of 14-xxxxxxx.

The values from W2-USER-01 to W2-USER-20 are used by CLIENTS only, the values are not printed on the W2 form or file. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on the RPYEU Summary report. Example: 125 plan, 401 plan, benefit amounts, or employer portion of certain employee contribution etc.

Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-USER-01Your company description5500Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-USER-nnYour company description Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-USER-20Your company description5690Pay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-HL-01 to W2-HL-10 are used by High Line only. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on RPYEU Summary report or for other purposes. These are reserved areas for High Line to define additional new variables that are not available or defined when the programming is done. If needed, High Line will give instructions for users to set these up.
Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-HL-01High Line defined description5700Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-HL-nnHigh Line defined description Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-HL-10High Line defined description5790Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-STAT-EEStatutory employee6000StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-RETIRE-PLANRetirement plan employee6020StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-3PARTY-SICKThird-party sick pay6060StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-SCHL-WAGESchool Taxable Wages6500ElementW2-SCHL-WAGE
W2-SCHL-TAXSchool Tax6510ElementW2-SCHL-TAX
W2-STATE-REGISTState Registration I.D. No7010Data Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
W2-ST-REG-OTHERState Other Registration Number7015ConstantEnter your company data
W2-STATE-WAGE-HOMEState Wages and Tips (Home State)7020ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-H
W2-STATE-WAGE-WORKState Wages and Tips (Work State)7030ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-W
W2-STATE-TAX-HOMEState Income Tax (Home State)7040ElementW2-STATE-TAX-H
W2-STATE-TAX-WORKState Income Tax (Work State)7050ElementW2-STATE-TAX-W
W2-SUI-WAGE-EEState SUI Wages (Employee)7200ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-EE
W2-SUI-WAGE-ERState SUI Wages (Employer)7210ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-ER
W2-SUI-TAX-EEState SUI Tax (Employee contribution)7220ElementW2-SUI-TAX-EE
W2-SUI-TAX-ERState SUI Tax (Employer contribution)7230ElementW2-SUI-TAX-ER
W2-SDI-WAGE-EEState SDI Wages (Employee)7240ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-EE
W2-SDI-WAGE-ERState SDI Wages (Employer)7250ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-ER
W2-SDI-TAX-EEState SDI Tax (Employee contribution)7260ElementW2-SDI-TAX-EE
W2-SDI-TAX-ERState SDI Tax (Employer contribution)7270ElementW2-SDI-TAX-ER
W2-SUI-HRS-WRKSUI Hours Worked7280ElementW2-SUI-HRS-WORK
W2-SUI-WK-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (From User)7285ElementW2-SUI-WK-WORK
W2-SUI-WEEKS-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (Derived)7290Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-TAXABLE-WAGESSUI Taxable Wages7300Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-EXCESS-WAGESSUI Excess Wages7310Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH1-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 17320Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH2-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 27330Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH3-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 37340Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-ST-WAGESUI State Gross Wages Reported7350Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-ST-WAGESUI State Tax Reported7360Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-TIP-WAGE-WORKWork State Tips Wages 7500ElementTips Wages for each State
W2-ST-TIP-WORKWork State Tips7510Pay ComponentTips for each State
W2-OTH-WAGE-WORKWork State Other Non-Regular Wages7520
W2-WC-WORKWorkers Compensation Contribution7600ElementW2-WC-WORK
W2-CNTY-NAMECounty Name8000Data Base ColumnDCN.COUNTY_NAME
W2-CN-WAGE-HOMECounty Wages (Home County)8010ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-H
W2-CN-WAGE-WORKCounty Wages (Work County)8020ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-W
W2-CN-TAX-HOMECounty Tax (Home County)8030ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-H
W2-CN-TAX-WORKCounty Tax (Work County)8040ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-W
W2-CI-WAGE-HOMECity Wages (Home City)8510ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-H
W2-CI-WAGE-WORKCity Wages (Work City)8520ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-W
W2-CI-TAX-HOMECity Tax (Home City)8530ElementW2-CITY-TAX-H
W2-CI-TAX-WORKCity Tax (Work City)8540ElementW2-CITY-TAX-W

For California SDI reporting, there are two options to print SDI on W2 forms:

  1. For California, if IDFDV Identifier Seq 7260 W2-SDI-TAX-EE is not zero, then Box 19 will print the employee's SDI contribution and Box 20 will print the description ‘CASDI’ (This option is only available to clients who are running the W2 report in Oracle, it is not available to clients running W2 in the Windard platform).
  2. For California, if IDFDV Identifier Seq 7260 W2-SDI-TAX-EE is not set up, Box 14 can be set up to print ‘CASDI’ and the SDI amount.

IDFDV – Employer Primary Address and Mailing Address#

  • In order to use the Employer Primary Address, Identifiers 2020 – 2070 do not need to be set up. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as the default
  • In order to use the Employer Mailing Address, the following Identifiers need to be defined:

SeqField IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2020W2-ER-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location AddressMAIL
2030W2-ER-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery Addressblank
2040W2-ER-CITYEmployer Cityblank
2050W2-ER-STATEEmployer State Abbrevblank
2060W2-ER-ZIPEmployer Zip Codeblank
2070W2-ER-ZIP-EXTEmployer Zip Code Extensionblank
2100W2-ER-COUNTRYEmployer countryblank
  • The Reference Text field will guide the set up of each Address Identifier.
  • If the mailing address is not defined for the employer on IDLN or IDEN location field, the IDLN primary address will be used.
  • If the user has previous Address set up prior to 2006 and if the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.

Foreign Employer Country Primary and Mailing Address set up:
SeqField IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2080W2-ER-F-STATEEmployer foreign State AbbrevBlank or enter the word NAME

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the State name is used, otherwise the State code is used. This foreign state description is printed on W2 and reported on EFW2 file
2090W2-ER-F-POSTALEmployer foreign postal CodeBlank
2105W2-ER-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign countryBlank or enter the word NAME, or ISO

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the Country name is used
If ‘ISO’ is entered, the ISO Country code from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’ is used, otherwise the IDCO Country code is used

IDFDV – Employee Primary Address and Mailing Address#

  • In order to use the Primary Address, Identifiers 2600 – 2650 do not need to be set up. Leave these Identifiers blank and the system will use the Primary Address as default
  • In order to use the Mailing Address, the following Identifiers need to be defined:
SeqField IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2600W2-EE-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location AddressMAIL
2610W2-EE-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery AddressBlank
2620W2-EE-CITYEmployer CityBlank
2630W2-EE-STATEEmployer State AbbrevBlank
2640W2-EE-ZIPEmployer Zip CodeBlank
2650W2-EE-ZIP-EXTEmployer Zip Code ExtensionBlank
2680W2-EE-COUNTRYEmployer countryBlank
  • The Reference Text field will guide the set up of each Address Identifier.
  • If the mailing address for the employee is not defined on IEPI, the primary address on IEPI will be used.
  • If the user a has previous Address set up prior to 2006 and if the word ‘MAIL’ is defined, then the mailing address will be used, otherwise the primary address will be used.

Foreign Employee Country Primary and Mailing Address set up:
SeqField IdentifierDescriptionField Variable
2660W2-EE-F-STATEEmployee foreign State AbbrevBlank or enter the word NAME
If ‘NAME’ is entered, the State name is used, otherwise the State code is used. This foreign State description is printed on W2 and reported on EFW2 file.
2670W2-EE-F-POSTALEmployee foreign postal codeBlank
2685W2-EE-F-COUNTRYEmployee foreign countryBlank or enter the word NAME, or ISO

If ‘NAME’ is entered, the Country name is used
If ‘ISO’ is entered, the ISO Country code from IDCO UDF ‘ISO COUNTRY CODE’ is used, otherwise the IDCO Country code is used

Definition for file HL$US-QTY-YYYY (Mandatory for Filers NOT using the EFW2 Reporting Format)#

HL$US-QTR-2017: Supplied, file name remains the same for year 2011 onwards
US UI Quarterly definition: Defines the QTR definition is for non-EFW2 filing format

Field IdentifierDescriptionSuggested SourceSuggested Variable
TRAN EINTransmitter EINConstantTransmitter 9 characters EIN
TRAN ADDR INDTrans Foreign Address IndicatorConstantBlank if not Foreign Transmitter
TRAN NAMETransmitter NameConstantEnter transmitter name
TRAN ADDRESSTransmitter AddressConstantEnter transmitter address
TRAN CITYTransmitter CityConstantEnter transmitter city
TRAN STATETransmitter StateConstantEnter transmitter state abbreviation
TRAN ZIP EXTNTransmitter ZIP code extensionConstantTransmitter ZIP extension, including the hyphen.
TRAN ZIP CODETransmitter ZIP codeConstantTransmitter ZIP code
TRAN CONTACTTransmitter Contact PersonConstantName of Contact Person
TRAN CONTACT PHONContact Phone ExtensionConstantPhone Number of Contact Person
TRAN CONTACT EXTNContact Phone Extension ConstantContact Phone extension
TRAN MEDIA NUMBETransmitter Media NumberConstantMedia Number as assigned
EMPLOYER SEANEmployer SEAN (Ohio)ConstantPhone extension
THIRD PARTY ADMIN IDThird Party ID (Ohio)ConstantID Number as assigned
BASIC EINOrganization EINConstantEnter Organization EIN
BASIC COMPUTERComputerConstantName of Computer
BASIC ADDR INDOrganization Address IndicatorConstantLeave blank if not Foreign
BASIC NAMEOrganization NameConstantOrganization Name
BASIC ADDRESSOrganization AddressConstantOrganization Address
BASIC CITYOrganization CityConstantOrganization City
BASIC STATEOrganization StateConstantOrganization State
BASIC ZIP EXTNOrganization ZIP code extensionConstantOrganization ZIP extension, including the hyphen.
BASIC ZIP CODEOrganization ZIP codeConstantOrganization ZIP code
BASIC INTERNAL LABInternal LabelConstantThe first 2 characters for Internal label; the 3rd and 4th characters for Filing Type (if required by state)
BASIC DENSITYDensityConstant
BASIC RECORDING MRecoding ModeConstantBasic Recording Mode and Number of tracks. ‘ASC09’ for ASCII 9-track
ER MAIL ADDRUse Employer Mailing AddressConstant
TYPE OF EMPLOYMENEmployer Type of EmploymentConstant
ESTABLISHMENT NUEstablishment NumberConstant
FOREIGN ADDR INDICForeign Address IndicatorConstant
BLOCKING FACTORMaximum Blocking FactorConstant
OTHER EINEmployer Other EINConstant
WAGE PLAN CODEWage Plan CodeConstant
NUMBER OF WEEKSWeeks WorkedElement
TOTAL GROSS WAGESTotal Gross WagesElement
SUI TOTAL WAGESSUI Total WagesNot RequiredNot Required. The system will derive this amount from W2-STATE-WAGE-HOME (Seq #7020) and W2-STATE-WAGE-WORK (Seq #7030) in HL$US-W2-YYYY.
SUI TAXABLE WAGESSUITaxable WagesNot RequiredNot Required. The system will derive this amount from SUI total wages and the Maximum SUI wage base.
SDI TAXABLE WAGESSDITaxable WagesNot RequiredNot Required. The system will derive this amount from W2-SDI-WAGE-EE (Seq #7240) in HL$US-W2-YYYY.
TIP WAGESTip WagesElement
TAXES DUE SUITax Remittance AmountElement
PREVIOUS UNDERPAYPrevious Quarter UnderpaymentElement
INTERESTInterest on Overdue UIElement
PENALTYPenalty on Overdue UIElement
CREDIT OVERPAYMECredit/OverpaymentElement
ER ASSESSMENT RATEmployer Assessment RateConstant
ER ASSESSMENT AMOEmployer Assessment AmountElement
EE ASSESSMENT RATEmployee Assessment RateElement
EE ASSESSMENT AMOEmployee Assessment AmountElement
PAYMENT DUEPayment DueElement
ALLOCATION AMOUNAllocation AmountElement
STATE TAX WAGESWages subject to St Income TaxNot RequiredNot Required. The system will derive this amount from W2-STATE-WAGE-HOME (Seq #7020) and W2-STATE-WAGE-WORK (Seq #7030) in HL$US-W2-YYYY.
STATE TAXState Income TaxElement
SEASONAL INDICATOSeasonal IndicatorConstant
SEPARATE SUI SITSeparate SUI and SIT in the fileConstant
RS REFERENCE NUMEmployment Security Ref NumberConstant
HOURS ELEMENTElement Code for Hours WorkedElement
ROUTING NUMBERBank Routing NumberConstantEnter your company data
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERBank Account NumberConstantEnter your company data
ACCOUNT TYPEBank Account TypeConstantEnter your company data
NAME ON BANK ACCOUNTName on Bank AccountConstantEnter your company data
OUT OF STATE WAGEOut of State Wage IndicatorConstantEnter your company data

State File Procedures#

Most States accept quarterly filing information via magnetic media using either the EFW2 or the ICESA format. The record codes that are generally required for the EFW2 reporting are RA, RE, RS, RT, and RF, however, some record codes may be optional for some States. The record codes generally required for the ICESA reporting are A, B, E, S, T, and F.

When running RPYEU (the Year End Wage Report and File Formatter program), the EFW2 reporting format is automatically triggered when the values in both the ‘Annual Form Code’ column and the’ Quarterly Form Code’ column are identical (or the ‘Quarterly Form Code’ column is left blank). To create a State Reporting format other than the EFW2 format, the ‘Quarterly Form Code’ MUST be entered, and it MUST be different than that of the ‘Annual Form Code’.

In addition to the EFW2/ICESA reporting formats, many States also accept other reporting formats. The reporting formats that are supported for each State are listed in Section II. Please note that the supported State information is informational only and is current at the time this document was prepared. It is subject to change without notice by each of the State governments.

In addition to the State magnetic media filing, employers may be required to manually fill in the State form to report additional information for SUI.

The ‘Total Wages Paid’, ‘Wages in Excess of SUI Wage Base’, ‘SUI Taxable Wages’ and/or the 'Employee Count' information may be required to be filled in for employees who have been paid on the 12th day of each month of the quarter. When RPYEU is run for quarterly information, it produces a report at the ‘SUI Registration’ level that contains this information. The required information can then be manually entered on the Form to file for the State.

Using RPYEU for State Quarterly Wage Reporting #

For quarterly reporting, depending on the State, some states accept the EFW2 format and other states accept ICESA format.

For states that accept EFW2 format:

  • Enter the Annual Form Code: HL$US-W2-YYYY
  • The Quarterly Form Code must either be blank or the same as the Annual Form code.
Note: Do not enter HL$US-QTR-YYYY in this code field, or the program will produce the quarterly wage report file in the ICESA format, regardless of the State selected.

For states that accept ICESA or another state specific format:

  • Enter the Annual Form Code: HL$US-W2-YYYY
  • Enter the Quarterly Form Code: HL$US-QTR-YYYY
Note: Leaving this code field blank will trigger the program to generate the quarterly wage report file in the EFW2 format, regardless of the State selected.

When the Quarterly Form Code is for the ICESA format, RPYEU will call the quarterly logic and use the Identifiers from the Quarterly Form Code=HL$US-QTR-YYYY to generate the ICESA format. The State Wages, Taxes, SUI. etc. are retrieved from the Annual Form Code=HL$US-W2-YYYY for the proper Work/Res GEO.


Form Code:HL$US-W2-YYYY
Federal Regist Number:Enter the Federal Registration Number
Period Type:Enter ‘Quarter’
Period End Date:Enter the Quarter Ending Date
As of Date:Defines the start date of the reporting period
Sort by Level:Users must enter ‘DEPT SUI ER Number’, if required, such as for Minnesota
Provide Sort Level Totals:Optional. When set to YES, the totals are generated by ‘DEPT SUI ER Number’
Combine Employment Type:Users must set this field to YES because the Code RE record is not reported by ‘Employment Type’
Media Format:Select either ‘State File Format’ or ‘State SUI File Format’ for Quarterly MMREF1 File
Select State:Select the State to be reported, such as Minnesota, USA’
Please enter other prompts accordingly.

RPYEU will generate the State Quarterly File Format (EFW2/ICESA) according to the State specifications. A text file and an XML file, as defined on the ‘Media File Name’ field, will be created for submission to the government. In addition, if the 'Trace Level' (set to anything other than Exceptions Only) is used, then a ‘_trace.csv’ and a ‘_select.txt’ file will be created for the purpose of tracing and/or system problems.

City File Procedures#

There will be as many Code RS records as needed per employee for each city that has tax information, as required by each State. Below is an example of selecting an OHIO city when running RPYEU.

RPYEU must be run and the following selected to generate the Ohio City file information:

Media Format: Local File Format
Select State: Ohio, USA

State Format Details - Notes on All State Formats: #

The information contained in this section is for information only, is current at the time this document is prepared and is subject to change without notice, by each State. For the latest State UI wage report information, please contact the Unemployment Insurance department of each respective State.
  • Most States accept either the EFW2 or the ICESA quarterly wage reporting formats with a slight variation from the supplied Standard SSA format that is described in earlier sections of this page.
  • The record length for the ICESA wage reporting format can be either 275 bytes or 276 bytes in length, although most States that accept this format prefer a 275 byte record. However, a 276 byte record is acceptable from those installations that cannot produce an odd number record length file.
  • Many States only read the columns (within each record type) that are applicable for their State and will ignore data that may be present in other columns.
  • To minimize inconsistencies for all States, the program will compare the State specific format to the Standard SSA supplied format. As long as all the State required columns are present, and in the same positions, in the same record type as defined in the Standard SSA format, then a record with the Standard SSA format will be created for that State.
  • Other columns that are not required by the State may or may not be blank, or zero filled. Consequently, these columns may contain some data that is defined in the Standard SSA format but is not used by the State.
  • For States where a file column is different than those of the Standard SSA format, those columns will be highlighted with the State abbreviated code for easy identification.
  • Refer to the ICESA Formatting section for a more detailed description of each record type and the values required for each column, for States that accept the ICESA wage reporting format.
  • Refer to the EFW2 Formatting section for a more detailed description of each record type and the values required for each column, for States that accept the EFW2 wage reporting format.
  • Unless there are marked differences in the setup procedure required for running quarterly wage report for any particular State, refer to the General Set Up Procedure for further information.

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format#

Code RA - Submitter Record#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RA - Submitter Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RA"
3-11Submitter’s Employer ID Number (EIN)Required.
Derived from the ‘SUB-ER-EIN’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1000).
Numeric only.
12-19User Identification (User ID)Required.
Enter the eight-character BSO User ID assigned to the employee who is attesting to the accuracy of this file.
20-23Software Vendor CodeEnter the numeric four-digit Software Vendor Identification Code assigned by the National Association of Computerized Tax Processors (NACTP).

If "99 (Off-the-Shelf Software)" is entered in the Software Code field (positions 36-37) enter the Software Vendor Code.
Otherwise, fill with blanks.
24-28BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
29Resub IndicatorEnter "1" if this file is being resubmitted. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
30-35Resub Wage File Identifier (WFID)If "1" was entered in Resub Indicator field (position 29), enter the WFID displayed on the notice SSA sent. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
36-37Software CodeEnter "99" to indicate 'Off-the-Shelf Software'
38-94Company NameEnter the Company Name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
95-116Location AddressEnter the company's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc).
Left justify and fill with blanks
117-138Delivery AddressEnter the company's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Example: 123 Main Street.
Left justify and fill with blanks
139-160CityEnter the company's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks
161-162State AbbreviationEnter the company's State or commonwealth/territory.
Use a postal abbreviation. For a foreign address, fill with blanks
163-167ZIP CodeEnter the company's ZIP code. For a foreign address, fill with blanks
168-171ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the company's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks
172-176BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
177-199Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the company's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
200-214Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the company's foreign postal code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
215-216Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:
* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
217-273Submitter NameRequired.
Enter the name of the organization's submitter to receive error notification if this file cannot be processed.
Left Justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1150).
274-295Submitter Location AddressEnter the submitter's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-LOCN’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1160).
296-317Submitter Delivery AddressRequired.
Enter the submitter's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-DELIV’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1170).
318-339Submitter CityRequired.
Enter the submitter's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-CITY’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1180).
340-341Submitter State AbbreviationRequired.
Enter the submitter's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-STATE’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1190).
342-346Submitter ZIP CodeRequired.
Enter the submitter's ZIP Code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1200).
347-350Submitter ZIP Code extensionEnter the submitter's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXT’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1210).
351-355BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use
IMPORTANT NOTE: If using a foreign address, the foreign State/Province (postions 356-378), Foreign Postal Code (positions 379-393) and the Contry Code (positions 394-395) are required to be completed.
356-378Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the submitter's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
379-393Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the submitter's foreign Postal Code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
394-395Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks
* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
396-422Contact NameRequired.
Enter the name of the person to be contacted by SSA concerning processing problems.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1250).
423-437Contact Phone NumberRequired.
Enter the contact's phone number with numeric valies only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.

NOTE: It is imperative that the contact's telephone number be entered in the appropriate positions. Failure to include correct and complete submitter contact information may, in some cases, delay the timely processing of your file.

Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-TEL’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1260).
438-442Contact Phone ExtensionEnter the contact's telephone extension.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-TEL-EXT’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1270).
443-445BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
446-485Contact E-mail/InternetEnter the contact's e-mail/internet address.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-EMAIL’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1280).
486-488BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
489-498Contact FaxIf applicable, enter the contact's fax number (including area code). Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘SUB-CONT-FAX’ IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 1290).
499BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
500Preparer CodeEnter one of the following codes to indicate who prepared this file:
* A = Accounting Firm
* L = Self Prepared
* S = Service Bureau
* P = Parent Company
* O = Other

If more than one code applies, use the code that best describes who prepared this file.
501-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RE - Employer Record#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RE - Employer Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RE"
3-6Tax yearRequired.
Enter the tax year for this report (YYYY).
Derived from the user defined FROM-TO period, converted to YYYY.
7Agent Indicator CodeIf applicable, enter one of the following codes:
* 1 = 2678 Agent
* 2 = Common Paymaster
* 3 = 3504 Agent
If more than one code applies, use the one that best describes your status as an agent.
Otherwise, fill with a blank.
8-16Employer/Agent EINRequired.
Derived from the applicable Federal reporting EIN, from IDGV or IDGR.
17-25Agent for EINIf "1" was entered in the Agent Indicator Code field (position 7), enter the client-employer's EIN for which you are an Agent. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
26Terminating Business IndicatorIf this is the last tax year that W-2s will be filed under this EIN, enter "1". Otherwise, enter 0 (zero).
27-30Establishment NumberFor multiple RE (Employer) Records with the same EIN, you can use this field to assign a unique identifier for each RE (Employer) Record. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
31-39Other EINFor this tax year, if you submitted tax payments to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, CT-1 or Schedule H or W2 data to SSA, and a different EIN was used from the EIN in positions 8-16, enter the other EIN. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Employer's Name field (positions 40-96) and the Employer's Address fields (positions 97-173) should normally match the employer name and address under which tax payments were submitted to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, 945, CT-1 or Schedule H.
40-96Employer NameRequired.
Enter the name associated with the EIN entered in positions 8 - 16.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-NAME' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2010).
97-118Employer Location AddressEnter the employer's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-LOCN-ADDR' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2020).
119-140Employer Delivery AddressEnter the employer's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-DELIV-ADDR' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2030).
141-162Employer CityEnter the employer's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-CITY' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2040).
163-164Employer State AbbreviationEnter the employer's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-STATE' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2050).
165-169Employer ZIP CodeEnter the employer's ZIP Code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-ZIP' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2060).
170-173Employer ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the employer's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-ER-ZIP-EXT' IDFDV Field Identifier (seq 2070).
174Kind of EmployerRequired.
Enter the appropriate kind of employer:

* F = Federal Government
* State/local non-501c
* T = 501c non-government
* Y = State/local 501c
* N = None apply

NOTE: Leave blank if the tax jurisdiction Code in position 220 of the RE (Employer) Records is "P" (Puerto Rico).
175-178BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
179-201Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the employer's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
202-216Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the company's foreign postal code. Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
217-218Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:

* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
219Employment CodeRequired.
Enter the appropriate employment code:

* A = Agriculture (Form 943)
* H = Household (Schedule H)
* M = Military (Form 941)
* Q = Medicare Qualified Government Employment (Form 941)
* X = Railroad (CT-1)
* F = Regular (Form 944)
* R = Regular (all others) (Form 941).
NOTE: Railroad reporting is not applicable for Puerto Rico and territorial employers.
220Tax Jurisdiction CodeRequired.
Enter the code that identifies the type of income tax withheld from the employee's earnings:

* Blank (W-2)
* V = Virgin Islands (W-2VI)
* G = Guam (W-2GU)
* S = American Samoa (W-2AS)
* N = Northern Mariana Islands (W-2CM)
* P = Puerto Rico (W-2PR/499R-2)
221Third Party Sick Pay IndicatorEnter "1" for a sick pay indicator. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
222-248Employer Contact NameEnter the name of the employer's contact.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
249-263Employer Contact Phone NumberEnter the employer's contact telephone number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
264-268Employer Contact Phone ExtensionEnter the employer's contact telephone extension with numeric values only. Do not use any special characters.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
269-278Employer Contact Fax NumberIf applicable, enter the employer's contact fax number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.
Otherwise, fill with blanks.
For US and US Territories only
279-318Employer Contact E-Mail/InternetEnter the employer's contact e-mail/internet address.
319-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RW - Employee Wage Record (Optional for State Quarterly Reporting)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RW - Employee Wage Record #

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RW"
3-11Social Security NumberRequired.
Enter the employee's SSN.
If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is filled with zeros.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SSN’ (seq 2500) IDFDV Field Identifier.
12-26Employee First NameRequired.
Enter the employee's first name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-FIRST-NAME’ (seq 2510) IDFDV Field Identifier.
27-41Employee Middle Name or InitialIf applicable, enter the employee's middle name or initial.
Left Justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’ (seq 2520) IDFDV Field Identifier.
42-61Employee Last NameRequired.
Enter the employee's last name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’ (seq 2530) IDFDV Field Identifier.
62-65Employee SuffixIf applicable, enter the employee's alphabetic suffix.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’ (seq 2540) IDFDV Field Identifier.
66-87Employee Location AddressEnter the employee's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-LOCN-ADDR’ (seq 2600) IDFDV Field Identifier.
88-109Employee Delivery AddressEnter the employee's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box).
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-DELIV-ADDR’ (seq 2610) IDFDV Field Identifier.
110-131Employee CityEnter the employee's City.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-CITY’ (seq 2620) IDFDV Field Identifier.
132-133Employee State AbbreviationEnter the employee's State or commonwealth/territory.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-STATE’ (seq 2630) IDFDV Field Identifier.
134-138Employee ZIP CodeEnter the employee's ZIP code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-ZIP’ (seq 2640) IDFDV Field Identifier.
139-142Employee ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the employee's four-digit ZIP code extension.
If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 2650) IDFDV Field Identifier.
143-147BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
148-170Employee Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the employee's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’ (seq 2660) IDFDV Field Identifier.
171-185Employee Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the employee's foreign postal code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’ (seq 2670) IDFDV Field Identifier.
186-187Employee Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:

* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’ (seq 2680) IDFDV Field Identifier.
188-198Wages, Tips and Other CompensationNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’ (seq 3000) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
199-209Federal Income Tax WithheldNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-FIT-TAX’ (seq 3010) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
210-220Social Security WagesZero fill if the Employment Code reported in position 219 of the preceding RE (Employer) Record is 'Q-MGQE' or 'X-Railroad'.

If Employment Code is 'H-Household' and the tax year is 1994 or later, the sum of this field and the Social Security Tips field must be equal to or greater than the annual Household minimum for the tax year being reported. Otherwise, reports zeros.

The sum of this field and the Social Security Tips field should not exceed the annual maximum Social Security wage base for the tax year being reported.

No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’ (seq 3020) IDFDV Field Identifier.
221-231Social Security Tax WithheldZero fill if the Employment Code reported in position 219 of the preceeding RE (Employer_ Record is 'Q-MGQE' or 'X-Railroad'.

If the Employement Code is not 'Q-MGQE' or 'X-Railroad' and the amount in this field is greater than zero, then the Social Security Wages field and/or the Social Security Tips field must be greater than zero.

No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-SSN-TAX’ (seq 3030) IDFDV Field Identifier.
232-242Medicare Wages and TipsZero fill if the Employment Code reported in position 219 of the preceding RE (Employer) Record is 'X-Railroad'.

If Employment Code is 'H-Household' and the tax year is 1994 or later, this field must be equal to or greater than the annual Household minimum for the tax year being reported. Otherwise, fill with zeros.

No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’ (seq 3040) IDFDV Field Identifier.
243-253Medicare Tax WithheldZero fill if the Employment Code reported in position 219 of the preceding RE (Employer) Record is 'X-Railroad'.

No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’ (seq 3050) IDFDV Field Identifier.
254-264Social Security TipsZero fill if the Employment Code reported in position 219 of the preceding RE (Employer) Record is 'Q-MGQE' or 'X-Railroad'.

The sum of this field and the Social Security Wages field should not exceed the annual maximum Social Security wage base for the tax year being reported. Otherwise, reports zeros.

If Employment Code is 'H-Household' and the tax year is 1994 or later, the sum of this field and the Social Security Wages field must be equal to or greater than the annual Household minimum for the tax year being reported. Otherwise, report zeros.

No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-SSN-TIP’ (seq 3060) IDFDV Field Identifier.
265-275BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
276-286Dependent Care BenefitsNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-DEP-CARE’ (seq 3090) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
287-297Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 401(k) (Code D)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-D’ (seq 4030) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
298-308Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 403(b) (Code E)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-E’ (seq 4040) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
309-319Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 408(k)(6) (Code F)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-F’ (seq 4050) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
320-330Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 457(b) (Code G)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-G’ (seq 4060) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
331-341Deferred Compensation Contributions to Section 501(c)(18)(D) (Code H)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-H’ (seq 4070) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
342-352BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
353-363Nonqualified Plan Section 457 Distributions or ContributionsNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-NQUAL-457’ (seq 3102) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
364-374Employer Contributions to a Health Savings Account (Code W)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-W’ (seq 4190) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
375-385Nonqualified Plan Not Section 457 Distributions or ContributionsNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’ (seq 3104) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
386-396Nontaxable Combat Pay (Code Q)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
397-407BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
408-418Employer Cost of Premiums for Group Term Life Insurance Over $50,000 (Code C)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-C’ (seq 4020) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
419-429Income from the Exercise of Non-Statutory Stock Options (Code V)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-CODE-V’ (seq 4180) IDFDV Field Identifier.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
430-440Deferrals Under a Section 409A Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan (Code Y)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
441-451Designated Roth Contributions to a Section 401 (k) Plan (Code AA)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
452-462Designated Roth Contributions to a Section 403 (b) Salary Reduction Agreement (Code BB)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
463-473Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage (Code DD)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
474-484Permitted Benefits Under a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Code FF)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
485BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
486Statutory Employee IndicatorEnter "1" for statutory employee. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
Derived from the ‘W2-STAT-EE’ (seq 6000) IDFDV Field Identifier.
487BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
488Retirement Plan IndicatorEnter "1" for a retirement plan. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero).
Derived from the ‘W2-RETIRE-PLAN’ (seq 6020) IDFDV Field Identifier.
489Third-Party Sick Pay IndicatorEnter "1" for a sick pay indicator. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero). Derived from the ‘W2-3PARTY-SICK’ (seq 6060) IDFDV Field Identifier.
490-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RO - Employee Wage Record (Optional for State Quarterly Reporting)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RO - Employee Wage Record #

1-2Record IdentifierConstant ‘RO’
3-11BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
12-22Allocated TipsNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’ (seq 3070)
23-33Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips (Codes A and B)Combine the uncollected Social Security tax and the uncollected Medicare tax.
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-A’ + Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-B’ (seq 4010)
34-44Medical Savings Account (Code R)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-R’ (seq 4150).

Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
45-55Simple Retirement Account (Code S)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-S’ (seq 4160).

Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
56-66Qualified Adoption Expenses (Code T)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-T’ (seq 4170).

Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
67-77Uncollected Social Security or RRTA Tax on Cost of Group Term
Life Insurance over $50,000 (Code M)
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-M’ (seq 4110).

Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
78-88Uncollected Medicare Tax on Cost of Group Term Life Insurance
over $50,000 (Code N)
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-N’ (seq 4120).

Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
89-99Income Under a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan
That Fails to Satisfy Section 409A (Code Z)
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
100-110BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
111-121Designated Roth Contributions Under a Governmental
Section 457(b) Plan )(Code EE)
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
122-132Income from Qualified Grants Under Section 83(i) (Code GG)No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
133-143Aggregate Deferrals Under Section 83(i) Elections as of
the Close of the Calendar Year (Code HH)
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.
144-274BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
275-285Wages Subject to Puerto Rico TaxNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
286-296Commissions Subject to Puerto Rico TaxNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
297-307Allowances Subject to Puerto Rico TaxNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
308-318Tips Subject to Puerto Rico TaxSNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
319-329Total Wages, Commissions, Tips, and Allowances
Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
330-340Puerto Rico Tax WithheldNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
341-351Retirement Fund Annual ContributionsNo negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Puerto Rico employees only.
352-362BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
363-373Total Wages, Tips and Other Compensation Subject to
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa or Northern Mariana Islands Income Tax
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or Northern Mariana Islands employees only.
374-384Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or
Northern Mariana Islands Income Tax Withheld
No negative amounts.
Right justify and zero fill.

For Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or Northern Mariana Islands employees only.
385-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RS - Supplemental Record (Use for State Wage Reporting)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RS - State Record#

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RS"
3-4State CodeEnter the appropriate postal numeric code.
Derived from the State being reported.
5-9Taxing Entity CodeDefined by State/local agency.
10-18Social Security NumberEnter the employee's SSN. If no SSN is available, enter zeros.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SSN’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
19-33Employee First NameEnter the employee's first name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-FIRST-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
34-48Employee Middle Name or InitialIf applicable, enter the employee's middle name or initial.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-MIDDLE’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
49-68Employee Last NameEnter the employee's last name.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-LAST-NAME’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
69-72Employee SuffixIf applicable, enter the employee's alphabetic suffix.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-SUFFIX’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
73-94Employee Location AddressEnter the employee's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.)
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-LOCN-ADDR’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
95-116Employee Delivery AddressEnter the employee's delivery address.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-DELIV-ADDR’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
117-138Employee CityEnter the employee's city.
Left justify and fill with blanks.
Derived from the 'W2-EE-CITY’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
139-140Employee State AbbreviationEnter the employee's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-STATE’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
141-145Employee ZIP CodeEnter the employee's ZIP Code.
For a foreign address, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-ZIP’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
146-149Employee ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the employee's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks.
Derived from the ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’ IDFDV Field Identifier.
150-154BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
155-177Foreign State/ProvinceIf applicable, enter the employee's foreign State/Province.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
178-192Foreign Postal CodeIf applicable, enter the employee's foreign postal code.
Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks.
193-194Country CodeIf one of the following applies, fill with blanks:

* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A.
* District of Columbia
* Military Post Office (MPO)
* American Samoa
* Guam
* Northern Mariana Islands
* Puerto Rico
* Virgin Islands

Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code.
Locations 195 to 267
Apply to Quarterly Unemployment Reporting
If the user has defined ‘Period Type’ as ‘Quarter’, then Locations 195 to 267 will be filled.
Please read the document Tax Reporting - US General for details on quarterly reporting.

195-196Optional CodeDefined by State/local agency.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
197-202Reporting PeriodEnter the last month and four-digit year for the calendar quarter that this report applies.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
203-213State Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Total WagesRight justify and zero fill.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
214-224State Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Total Taxable WagesRight justify and zero fill.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
225-226Number of Weeks WorkedDefined by State/local agency.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
227-234Date First EmployedEnter the month, day and four-digit year.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
235-242Date of SeparationEnter the month, day and four-digit year.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
243-247BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
248-267State Employer Account NumberEnter the State's Employer Account Number.
Applies to unemployment reporting.
268-273BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
Locations 274 to 337
Apply to Income Tax Reporting
If the user has defined ‘Period Type’ as ‘Quarter’ or ‘Year’, then Locations 274 to 337 will be filled.

274-275State codeEnter the appropriate postal numeric code.
Derived from the State being reported.
Applies to income tax reporting.
276-286State Taxable WagesRight justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-ST-WAGE-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-WAGE-WORK’ IDFDV Field Identifiers.
Applies to income tax reporting.
287-297State Income Tax WithheldRight justify and zero fill.
Derived from the ‘W2-ST-TAX-HOME’ and ‘W2-ST-TAX-WORK’ IDFDV Field Identifiers.
Applies to income tax reporting.
298-307Other State DataDefined by State/local agency.
Applies to income tax reporting.
308Tax Type CodeEnter the appropriate code for entries in fields 309-330:
* C = City Income Tac
* D = County Income Tax
* E = School District Income Tax
* F = Other Income Tax.
Applies to income tax reporting.
309-319Local Taxable WagesTo be defined by State/local agency.
Applies to income tax reporting.
320-330Local Income Tax WithheldTo be defined by State/local agency.
Applies to income tax reporting.
331-337State Control NumberOptional.
Applies to income tax reporting.
338-412Supplemental Data 1To be defined by user.
413-487Supplemental Data 2To be defined by user.
488-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Multiple Code RS records:
Multiple code RS records are generated for an employee if there are applicable county, city or school district tax information to be reported for a State. In this case, the State wages and tax will be zero for the subsequent code RS records.

Code RT - Total Record#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RT - Total Record #

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RT"
3-9Number of RW RecordsTotal number of "RW" records reported since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
10-24Wages, Tips and Other CompensationTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands emplyees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’
25-39Federal Income Tax WithheldTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands emplyees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-TAX’
40-54Social Security WagesTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Zero fill if the Employment Code is position 219 of the preceeding RE Employer Record is "Q-MQGE" or "X-Railroad".
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’
55-69Social Security Tax WithheldTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Zero fill if the Employment Code is position 219 of the preceeding RE Employer Record is "Q-MQGE" or "X-Railroad".
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TAX’
70-84Medicare Wages and TipsTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Zero fill if the Employment Code is position 219 of the preceeding RE Employer Record is "X-Railroad".
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’
85-99Medicare Tax WithheldTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Zero fill if the Employment Code is position 219 of the preceeding RE Employer Record is "X-Railroad".
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’
100-114Social Security TipsTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Zero fill if the Employment Code is position 219 of the preceeding RE Employer Record is "Q-MQGE" or "X-Railroad".
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TIP’
115-129BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
130-144Dependent Care BenefitsTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-DEP-CARE’
145-159Deferred Compensation Contributions to
Section 401(k) (Code D)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-D’
160-174Deferred Compensation Contributions to
Section 403(b)(Code E)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-E’
175-189Deferred Compensation Contributions to
Section 408(k)(6) (Code F)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-F’
190-204Deferred Compensation Contributions to
Section 457(b) (Code G)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-G’
205-219Deferred Compensation Contributions to
Section 501(c)(18)(D) (Code H)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-H’
220-234BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
235-249Nonqualified Plan Section 457 Distributions or ContributionsTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-457’
250-264Employer Contribution to a Health Savings Account
(Code W)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
No negative amounts.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-W’
265-279Nonqualified Plan Not Section 457 Distributions or ContributionsTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’
280-294Nontaxable Combat Pay (Code Q)Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
295-309Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage
(Code DD)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
310-324Employer Cost of Premiums for Group Term Life Insurance over $50,000 (Code C)Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-C’
325-339Income Tax Withheld by Payer of Third-Party Sick PayTotal of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Total Federal Income Tax withheld by third-parties (generally insurance companies) from sick or disability payments made to your employees.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘SUB-3RD-PARTY-TAX’
340-354Income from the Exercise of Non-statutory Stock Options (Code V)Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-V’
355-369Deferrals Under a Section 409A Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan (Code Y)Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Mariana Islands employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
370-384Designated Roth Contributions to a Section
401(k) Plan (Code AA)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
385-399Designated Roth Contributions to a Section
403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement (Code BB)
Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Right justify and zero fill.
400-414Permitted Benefits Under a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Code FF)Total of all "RW" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
415-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RU - Total Record (Optional for State Quarterly Reporting)#

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RU - Total Record #

1-2Record IdentifierConstant "RU"
3-9Number of RO RecordsTotal number of "RO" records reported since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
10-24Allocated TipsTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam or Northern Maraina Islands employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’
25-39Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips (Code A and B)Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-A’ and ‘W2-CODE-B’
40-54Medical Savings Account (Code R)Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Maraina Islands employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-R’
55-69Simple Retirement Account (Code S)Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-S’
70-84Qualified Adoption Expenses (Code T)Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Maraina Islands employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-T’
85-99Uncollected SSA tax or RRTA Tax on Cost of Group Term Life
Insurance over $50,000 (Code M)
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees. Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-M’
100-114Uncollected Medicare Tax on Cost of Group Term Life Insurance
over $50,000 (Code N)
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico employees.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-N’
115-129Income Under a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan
That Fails to Satisfy Section 409A (Code Z)
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Maraina Islands employees.
130-144BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
145-159Designated Roth Contributions Under a Governmental
Section 457(b) Plan (Code EE)
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
Does not apply to Puerto Rico or Northern Maraina Islands employees.
160-174Income from Qualified Equity Grants Under Section 83(i) (Code GG)Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
175-189Aggregate Deferrals Under Section 83(i) Elections as
of the Close of the Calendar Year (Code HH)
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
190-354BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.
355-369Wages Subject to Puerto Rico TaxTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
370-384Commissions Subject to Puerto Rico TaxTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
385-399Allowances Subject to Puerto Rico TaxTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
400-414Tips Subject to Puerto Rico TaxTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
415-429Total Wages, Commissions, Tips and Allowances
Subject to Puerto Rico Tax
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
430-444Puerto Rico Tax WithheldTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
445-459 Retirement Fund Annual ContributionsTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Puerto Rico employees only.
460-474Total Wages, Tips and Other Compensation Subject to
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa or Northern Mariana
Islands Income Tax
Total of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa or Northern Mariana Islands employees only.
475-489Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or Northern Mariana Islands Income Tax WithheldTotal of all "RO" records since last "RE" record.
Right justify and zero fill.
For Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa or Northern Mariana Islands employees only.
490-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.

Code RF - Final Record #

State Media Magnetic Media Reporting - SSA EFW2 File Format for Annual and Quarterly Reporting#

Record Name: Code RF - Final Record#

1-2Record IndentifierConstant "RF"
3-7BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use
8-16Number of RW RecordsTotal number of RW (Employee) Records reported on the entire file.
Right justify and zero fill
17-512BlankFill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use

Standard ICESA Magnetic Format for Quarterly Wage Reporting #

Record Name: Code A - Transmitter Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘A’
2-5Payment YearDefines the year this report is being prepared for.
Derived from the user defined FROM-TO period, converted to YYYY
6-14Transmitter’s Federal EINEnter only numeric characters. Omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes.
Derived from IDFDV 'TRAN EIN’ Field Identifier.
15-18Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
19-23BlankFill with blanks
24-73Transmitter NameEnter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN NAME’ Field Identifier.
74-113Transmitter Street AddressEnter the street address of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN ADDRESS’ Field Identifier.
114-138Transmitter CityEnter the City of the organization submitting the file.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN CITY’ Field Identifier.
139-140Transmitter StateEnter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN STATE’ Field Identifier.
141-153BlankFill with blanks
154-158Transmitter ZIP CodeEnter a valid ZIP Code
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN ZIP CODE’ Field Identifier.
159-163Transmitter ZIP Code extensionEnter the four digit extension of ZIP code, if applicable.
Include a hyphen in position 159.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN ZIP EXTN’ Field Identifier
164-193Transmitter ContactEnter the name of the individual from transmitter's organization responsible for the accuracy of the wage report.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN CONTACT’ Field Identifier.
194-203Transmitter Contact Telephone NumberEnter telephone number for the transmitter's contact.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN CONTACT PHONE’ Field Identifier.
204-207Telephone ExtensionEnter the transmitter's contact telephone extension.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN CONTACT EXTN’ Field Identifier.
208-213Media Transmitter/Authorization NumberEnter the Identifier assigned to the entity transmitting the media.
Derived from IDFDV ‘TRAN MEDIA NUMBER’ Field Identifier.
214-214C-3 DataState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
215-219Suffix CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
220-220Allocation ListsState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
221-229Service Agent IDState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
230-242Total Remittance AmountState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
243-250Media Creation DateEnter the date in the MMDDYYYY format.
Derived from the System Date
251-275BlankFill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only for systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Record Name: Code B - Authorization Record#

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘B’
2-5Payment YearEnter the year this report is being prepared for
6-14Transmitter’s Federal EINEnter only numeric characters. Omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes.
Derived from IDFDV 'BASIC EIN' Field Identifier.
15-22ComputerEnter the manufacturer’s name
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC COMPUTER’ Field Identifier.
23-24Internal LabelEnter SL, NS, NL or AL
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC INTERNAL LABEL’ Field Identifier.
25-25BlankFill with blanks
26-27DensityEnter 16, 62 or 38
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC DESITY’ Field Identifier.
28-30Recording Code (Character Set)Enter EBC
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC RECOEDING MODE’ Field Identifier.
31-32Number of TracksEnter 09 or 18
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC RECORDING MODE’ Field Identifier.
33-34Blocking FactorEnter the blocking factor of the file. Not to exceed 85.
Derived from IDFDV ‘BLOCKING FACTOR’ Field Identifier.
35-38Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
39-146BlankFill with blanks
147-190Organization NameThe name of the organization the media should be returned to
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC NAME’ Field Identifier.
191-225Street AddressEnter the street address of the organization the media should be returned to
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC ADDRESS’ Field Identifier.
226-245CityThe City of the organization the media should be returned to
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC CITY’ Field Identifier.
246-247StateEnter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC STATE’ Field Identifier.
248-252BlankFill with blanks
253-257ZIP CodeEnter a valid ZIP code
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC ZIP CODE’ Field Identifier.
258-262ZIP Code extensionEnter the four digit ZIP code extension, if applicable. Include the hyphen in position 258.
The hyphen (‘-‘) must be included when defining the BASIC ZIP EXTN’ Field Identifier on IDFDV.
Derived from IDFDV ‘BASIC ZIP EXTN’ Field Identifier.
263-275BlankFill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only for systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Record Name: Code E - Employer Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘E’
2-5Payment YearEnter the year the report is being prepared for
6-14Federal EINEnter only numeric characters. Omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes.
Derived from IDFDV 'BASIC EIN' Field Identifier.
15-23BlankFill with blanks
24-73Employer NameEnter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the State UI agency.
Derived from the entity.
74-113Employer Street AddressEnter the street address of the employer
Derived from the Entity Location.
114-138Employer CityEnter the city of the employer’s mailing address
Derived from the Entity Location.
139-140Employer State\Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation of the employer’s address
Derived from the Entity Location.
141-148BlankFill with blanks
149-153ZIP Code ExtensionEnter the four digit ZIP code extension, if applicable. Include the hyphen in position 149
Derived from the Entity Location.
154-158ZIP codeEnter a valid ZIP code
Derived from the Entity Location.
159-159BlankFill with blanks
160-160Type of EmploymentEnter the type of employment. Options are:
A: Agriculture
F: Federal
H: Household
M: Military
Q: Medicare Qualified Government Employees
R: Regular, all others
X: Railroad
Derived from IDFDV ‘TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT’ Field Identifier.
161-162Blocking FactorEnter the blocking factor of the file. Not to exceed 85.
Enter blanks for diskette
Derived from IDFDV ‘BLOCKING FACTOR’ Field Identifier.
163-166Establishment Number or Coverage Group/PRUEnter either the establishment number of the coverage group/PRU, or fill with blanks
Derived from IDFDV ‘ESTABLISHMENT NUMBER’ Field Identifier.
167-170Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
171-172State Identifier CodeEnter the State FIPS postal numeric code for the State that is being reported
173-187State Unemployment Insurance Account NumberEnter the State UI employer account number
Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration.
188-189Reporting PeriodEtner 03, 06, 09 or 12
190-190No Workers/No WagesEnter ‘0’ to indicate that the ‘E’ record will not be followed by the ‘S’ record.
Enter ‘1’ to indicate otherwise
191-191Tax Type CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
192-196Taxing Entity CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
197-203State Control NumberState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
204-208Unit NumberState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks
209-255BlankFill with blanks
256-256Foreign IndicatorIf data in positions 74-158 is for a foreign address, enter the letter ‘X’, otherwise, leave it blank
Derived from IDFDV ‘FOREIGN ADDR INDICATOR’ Field Identifier.
257-257BlankFill with blanks
258-266Other EINEnter blanks if no other EIN was used
Derived from IDFDV ‘OTHER EIN’ Field Identifier.
267-275BlankFill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only for systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Record Name: Code S – Employee Wage Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘S’
2-10Social Security NumberEnter the Employee’s social security number. If not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10
11-30Employee Last NameEnter the employee's last name
31-42Employee First NameEnter the employee's first name
43-43Employee Middle InitialEnter the employee's middle initial, if applicable.
Leave blank if no middle initial.
44-45State CodeEnter the state FIPS postal numeric code for the State being reported.
46-49BlankFill with blanks
50-63State QTR Total Gross WagesQuarterly wages subject to all taxes.
Derived from IDFDV 'TOTAL GROSS WAGES' Field Identifier.
64-77State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total WagesQuarterly wages subject to unemployment taxes.
Derived from IDFDV Field Identifier: Sequence 7200
78-91State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess WagesQuarterly wages in excess of the State UI taxable wage base.
92-105State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable WagesState QTR UI total wages less State QTR UI excess wages.
106-120Quarterly State Disability Insurance Taxable WagesSate Specific Data. If not used, fill with zeroes.
121-129Quarterly Tip WagesInclude all tip wages
130-131Number of Weeks WorkedEnter the number of weeks worked in the reporting period
This can either be defined as a constant, be picked up from a pay component that was previously populated by a UserCalc, or, if left null, the system will compute the value.
Derived from IDFDV 'NUMBER OF WEEKS' Field Identifier.
132-134Number of Hours WorkedEnter the number of hours worked in the reporting period
Derived from IDFDV 'HOURS ELEMENT' Field Identifier.
135-142BlankFill with blanks
143-146Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
147-161State Unemployment Insurance Account NumberThe SUI Registration Number from IDGV
162-176Unit/Division Location/Plant CodeThe ID assigned to identify wages by work site.
177-190State Taxable WagesEnter wages subject to State income tax.
191-204State Income Tax withheldEnter wages subject to State income tax.
205-206Seasonal IndicatorState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
Derived from IDFDV 'SEASONAL INDICATOR' Field Identifier.
207-207Employer Health Insurance CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
208-208Employee Health Insurance CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
209-209Probationary CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
210-210Officer CodeEnter ‘1’ for Officers of the corporation. Otherwise enter ‘0’.
211-211Wage Plan CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
212-212Month-1 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if the employee is covered by UI, worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month. Otherwise enter ‘0’.
213-213Month-2 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if the employee is covered by UI, worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month. Otherwise enter ‘0’.
214-214Month-3 EmploymentEnter ‘1’ if the employee is covered by UI, worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month. Otherwise enter ‘0’.
215-220Reporting Quarter and YearEnter the last month and year for the calendar period for the reporting period, in MMYYYY format. Example: 0620YY for Apr-June 20YY
221-226Date First EmployedEnter the month and year the employee was first employed, in DDYYYY format
227-232Date of SeparationEnter the month and year the employee separated, in DDYYYY format
233-275BlankFill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only for systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Record Name: Code T - Total Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘T’
2-8Total Number of EmployeesThe total number of ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
9-12Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
13-26State QTR Total Gross Wages for employerQTR gross wages subject to all taxes.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
27-40State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages for employerQTR wages subject to state unemployment taxes.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
41-54State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages for employerQTR wages in excess of the State UI taxable wage base.
Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
55-68State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages for employerQTR UI total wages less State QTR UI excess wages.
Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
69-81Quarterly tip wages for employerEnter all tip income.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
82-87UI tax rate this quarterEnter the employer UI rate for this reporting period. Format: One decimal point followed by 5 digits, such as 2.8% =.02800
88-100State QTR UI taxes dueUI taxes dueQTR State UI taxable wages multiplied by the UI tax rate
101-111Previous Quarter(s) underpaymentState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
112-122InterestState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
123-133PenaltyState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
134-144Credit/OverpaymentState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
145-148Employer Assessment RateState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
149-159Employer Assessment AmountState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
160-163Employee Assessment RateState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
164-174Employee Assessment AmountState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
175-185Total Payment DueState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
186-198Allocation AmountState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
199-212Wages subject to State Income TaxState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
213-226State Income Tax withheldState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
227-233Month-1 EmploymentTotal number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month.
Total for all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.
234-240Month-2 Employment
Total number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month.
Total for all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.
241-247Month-3 Employment
Total number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month.
Total for all ‘S’ records after the last ‘E’ record.
248-250Country CodeState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
251-257Outside Country EmployeesState Specific Data. If not used, fill with blanks.
258-267Document Control NumberState Specific Data. If not used, fill withh blanks.
268-275Blank Fill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only for systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Record Name: Code F - Final Record #

1-1Record IdentifierConstant ‘F’
2-11Total Number of Employees in File.The total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file.
12-21Total Number of Employers in File.Enter the total number of ‘E’ records in the entire file.
22-25Taxing Entity CodeConstant ‘UTAX’
26-40Quarterly Total Gross Wages in FileQTR gross wages subject to all taxes.
Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file.
41-55Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Total Wages in FileQTR wages subject to State UI tax.
Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file.
56-70Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages in FileQTR wages in excess of the State UI taxable wage base.
Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file.
71-85Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages in FileState UI gross/total wage less quarterly State UI excess wages.
Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file.
86-100Quarterly State Disability Insurance Taxable Wages in FileState Specific Data. If not used, fill with zeroes.
101-115Quarterly Tip Wages in FileAll tip income.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records in the file.
116-123Month-1 EmploymentTotal number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the first reporting month.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records in the file.
124-131Month-2 EmploymentTotal number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the second reporting month.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records in the file.
132-139Month-3 EmploymentTotal number of employees covered by UI who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the third reporting month.
Total of this field on all ‘S’ records in the file.
140-275BlankFill with blanks
276-276BlankUsed only systems that cannot produce an odd number record length file.

Appendix: State Reporting documents#

AlabamaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 01Tax Reporting - AL
Alaska State FIPS code is 02Tax Reporting - AK
American Samoa State FIPS code is 03
(FIPS 5-1 Reserved Code)
ArizonaWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 04Tax Reporting - AZ
ArkansasWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 05Tax Reporting - AR
CaliforniaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 06Tax Reporting - CA
Canal Zone State FIPS code is 07
(FIPS 5-1 Reserved Code)
ColoradoWage File Due Date is March-31State FIPS code is 08Tax Reporting - CO
ConnecticutWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 09Tax Reporting - CT
DelawareWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 10Tax Reporting - DE
District of ColumbiaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 11Tax Reporting - DC
Florida State FIPS code is 12Tax Reporting - FL
GeorgiaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 13Tax Reporting - GA
Guam State FIPS code is 14
(FIPS 5-1 Reserved Code)
HawaiiWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 15Tax Reporting - HI
IdahoWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 16Tax Reporting - ID
IllinoisWage File Due Date is February-15State FIPS code is 17Tax Reporting - IL
IndianaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 18Tax Reporting - IN
IowaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 19Tax Reporting - IA
KansasWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 20Tax Reporting - KS
KentuckyWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 21Tax Reporting - KY
LouisianaWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 22Tax Reporting - LA
MaineWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 23Tax Reporting - ME
MarylandWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 24Tax Reporting - MD
MassachusettsWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 25Tax Reporting - MA
MichiganWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 26Tax Reporting - MI
MinnesotaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 27Tax Reporting - MN
MississippiWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 28Tax Reporting - MS
MissouriWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 29Tax Reporting - MO
MontanaWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 30Tax Reporting - MT
NebraskaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 31Tax Reporting - NE
Nevada State FIPS code is 32Tax Reporting - NV
New Hampshire State FIPS code is 33Tax Reporting - NH
New JerseyWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 34Tax Reporting - NJ
New MexicoWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 35Tax Reporting - NM
New YorkWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 36Tax Reporting - NY
North CarolinaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 37Tax Reporting - NC
North DakotaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 38Tax Reporting - ND
OhioWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 39Tax Reporting - OH
OkalahomaWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 40Tax Reporting - OK
OregonWsge File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 41Tax Reporting - OR
PennsylvaniaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 42Tax Reporting - PA
Puerto RicoWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 72Tax Reporting - PR
Rhode IslandWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 44Tax Reporting - RI
South CarolinaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 45Tax Reporting - SC
South Dakota State FIPS code is 46Tax Reporting - SD
Tennessee State FIPS code is 47Tax Reporting - TN
Texas State FIPS code is 48Tax Reporting - TX
UtahWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 49Tax Reporting - UT
VermontWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 50Tax Reporting - VT
VirginiaWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 51Tax Reporting - VA
Virgin Islands State FIPS code is 52
(FIPS 5-1 Reserved Code)
Washington State FIPS code is 53Tax Reporting - WA
West VirginiaWage File Due Date is February-28State FIPS code is 54Tax Reporting - WV
WisconsinWage File Due Date is January-31State FIPS code is 55Tax Reporting - WI
Wyoming State FIPS code is 56Tax Reporting - WY

