Payroll Batches are used to group pay headers together for data entry and payroll processing purposes.

You may access this feature under the Screens/Forms menu: Payroll > Administer Batches

Through the Administer Payroll Batches (IPBE) form you may create batches manually or they may be generated automatically by one of the payroll processes such as the transaction generator or the transaction loader.

The Controls tab enables you to supply batch totals for the data attached to the batch via Pay Headers and Pay Lines. The system compares the Given Totals provided to the Actual Totals calculated by the Audit process.

Before payroll calculation can be processed, batches must be flagged as Eligible, Audited, and Balanced. The Audit process audits the pay lines of the pay headers and sets the Balanced and Audited flags on if:

  • there are no given amounts, or
  • the given element amounts match the actual pay line detail amounts exactly

Batch Elements must be defined in the Define Payrolls (IPPR) form (through the Batch Balancing Elements tab) in order to be accessible for balancing.

‘Maintain Payroll Batches’ Usage and Examples


An automatic number assigned to this batch is held in this field. Sequence must be defined in Define Code Sequence Fields (IMCS) form. A single batch may be used for either Pay Transactions (IPTR) or Pay Headers (IPPH), but not for both.
When Pay Transactions are generated by the Transaction Generator or Loader, a batch number is assigned. When those pay transactions are turned into time sheets by the UPTR process, a new batch will be created for the time sheets. Batch_Number is a mandatory numeric field that will be automatically assigned by the Application.

Administer Batches (IPBE) - Details#


The entity for which the payroll batch is being specified in this field. Entity_Code defaults in from the Entity find field.
There can only be one payroll attached to each batch and identified in this field. If more than one payroll needs to be processed through the pay cycle then additional batches must be created for each payroll. Payroll_Code defaults in from the Payroll find field.
The bank account for which the funds are withdrawn for deposit/checks is held in this field. Bank_Account from P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS is an optional 30 character alphanumeric field that will default from the payroll entered.
User Name
This field will indicate the user ID of the user that created the batch. User_Name from P2K_AM_USERS is a 30 character alphanumeric mandatory field that is system updated, and cannot be changed.
Through this field, a specific department may be assigned to the batch to limit user access.
Department_Code from P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
A specific authorization area may be assigned to the batch to limit user access. Authorization_Area_Code from P2K_CM_AUTHORIZATION_AREAS is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).


Batch Code
You may wish to give the batch a unique identifier to allow quicker queries. Batch_Code is a optional 16-character alphanumeric field that will be assigned by ePersonality if the batch has been generated or may manually entered.
Batch Source; This field indicates how the batch was created
  • IPBE (PPH records)
  • UPTR (PPH records)
  • UPTL (PPH records)
  • Retro Pay Generator
  • UPCPAY (PPH records)
  • UPTG (PTR records)
  • UPCVAC (Vacation)
  • UPTL Loader
  • UPPAL (PTR records)
Batch_Source is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_BATCH_SOURCE) that is system updated and cannot be overridden.
Batch Status
This field indicates that the batch is one of the following:
  • Active
  • To be Deleted
  • Processed by UPTR
  • Closed
Batch_Status is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_BATCH_STATUS) that is system updated and may not be overridden.
Batch Type
This field indicates that the batch is a pay header (IPPH) or pay transaction (IPTR) batch. Batch_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_BATCH_TYPE) that is system updated and may not be overridden.
Pay Category
This field indicates the pay category for the pays in this batch. Allows for defaulting to the pay header but may be overridden on IPPH. Pay_Category_Code from P2K_PR_PAY_CATEGORIES is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
Pay Period
This field indicates the pay period being paid for the pays in this batch. Allows for defaulting to the pay header but may be overridden on IPPH. Pay_Periods from P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS is a 6-digit numeric mandatory field.
The Eligible toggle is a mandatory flag that is set manually by you in IPBE or automatically by the process that created the batch. If the ‘Eligible’ toggle is ON, the batch has been marked as eligible for processing through the payroll calculation process (UPCALC). If the toggle is OFF, the payroll calculation process will ignore the batch. Eligible is system updated but may be overridden.
If the ‘Audited’ toggle is ON, the batch has passed successfully through the audit process (UPAUDT). If the toggle is OFF, either the batch has not yet been audited, or it has failed to pass the audit process. Audited is system updated and cannot be overridden.
If the ‘Balanced’ toggle is ON, the batch has passed successfully through the Batch Balancing Check of the audit process (UPAUDT) through the ‘Batch Balance Element’ tab from IPPR. If Batch Balance Element is not specified on IPPR, then the batch is always ‘balanced’. If the toggle is OFF, the batch has not yet passed successfully through the balance check. Balanced is system updated and cannot be overridden.

Administer Batches (IPBE) - Controls#