Processing Information#

The Retroactive Pay facility is designed to provide a means to use historical pay information and create earnings and deductions ‘differences’ for the employee in a new pay. It is usually invoked after a change in a contract (union agreement) and can affect wages, premiums, benefits, or any other pay component.

Typically changes are ‘backdated’ to the date they should have been made.

You will select the employees, types of historical pays, and the pay components to be processed to produce the required retro pay.

For more information on the necessary set up required to run UPRETRO see the RETROACTIVE PAY page.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
Entity Mandatory, LOV Available
PayrollMandatory, LOV Available
Payroll Mandatory, LOV Available
From DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Used to qualify the pays to be evaluated. Only ‘closed’ pays with pay start date (on
the IPPH) greater than or equal to this date will be included in the retro evaluation.
To DateMandatory, LOV Available
Used to qualify the pays to be evaluated. Only ‘closed’ pays with pay end date (on
the IPPH) less than or equal to this date will be included in the retro evaluation.
New Pay CategoryMandatory, LOV Available
Pays will be created with the category specified in this field. Pay categories are
defined on the IPPGU (U.S. Clients) and/or the IPPGC (Cdn. Clients).
New Pay Period Mandatory, LOV Available
Enter the pay period in which the retro assessment will be paid to employees, for
new retro pays.
Triggered Employees OnlyMandatory, Toggle
If YES, only those employees with the IEAS field ‘Trigger Retro Pay’ set to ‘on’ will be processed.
Create as EligibleOptional, Toggle
Choose if the new batches should be flagged as ‘eligible to pay’ or not. UPCALC
will ignore batches with this flag ‘off’. This flag may be manually updated on the
IPBE (Administer Batches) form, and is used to ensure that batches are not
prematurely picked up by an UPCALC run.
Store Hours into PCOptional, LOV Available
If chosen, all hours that are evaluated (the associated time transaction from all
earnings pc’s with Retro triggered) may be stored into a ‘time’ PC (should be a
special pc created for just this purpose). This might be used as a ‘checks and
balances’ pc to audit all the hours evaluated. Note that all overtime, premium and
regular hours will store into the one pc entered here.
Use IEAS WagesOptional, Toggle
If ON, the assignment wage will always be used during regeneration and not
necessarily the matching one.
Batching MethodOptional, LOV Available
Choose a batching method (the manner in which UPRETRO will group employees
for batch totals and administration). The same choices exist as for all other ‘batch
creating’ programs: Authorization Area, Department, Dept. Batch Code, Location,
Payroll or Work Area.
Update Existing PaysOptional, Toggle
Defaults to ‘Yes’. Causes UPRETRO to create the ‘new’ retro assessment amounts
into an existing pay (IPPH record, must have been created prior to running
UPRETRO, and must be in stage ‘To Be Audited’ or ‘Audited’). This option allows
users to pay retro on the same pay header as their ‘regular’ pay.
Note: if users would like a separate pay (to control taxation or sundries, or to
prevent benefits or attendance calculations from occurring), but do not want multiple
pay stubs to be created:
1) Choose ‘No’ for this parameter (create retro into a separate pay);
2) Use the ‘Consolidate Disbursements’ flag on the Pay Category (IPPGU or
IPPGC) to force one pay stub for both pays.
Process New AdditionsMandatory, Toggle
Defaults to ‘No’. If ‘Yes’, when back dated changes are made to configuration
(IPPC/IEAS/ISPM, etc), these changes will cause Pay Lines to be generated
that did not exist on the previous pays.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV Available
Defaults to ‘Exceptions Only’, may be changed to allow users to view higher-level
exception messages (if problems occur, or to assist in set up and testing).
TrialOptional, Toggle
If ‘OFF’ then the update is committed.
If ‘ON’ then the update is not committed and the UPRETRO may be run again.

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
Person CodeOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
Department Optional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
UnitOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
GroupOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available
All of the above fields are used to qualify the employees to be evaluated.
Qualifications work as ‘and’. For example, if both a department and unit are chosen,
only employees whose records match both the department AND the unit will be
chosen. Employees in the department, but not in the unit, will be ignored. Users may
choose by exact matches (i.e. full Unit name “FT-Salary”), or by using ‘match’ (i.e.
Evaluate CategoriesOptional, Multiple Selection, LOV Available.
Used to qualify the pays to be evaluated. Only ‘closed’ pays with category matching
those chosen in this parameter will be included in the retro evaluation. Pays of
category type ‘Reversal’, ‘Adjustment’, and ‘Retro’ will be ignored by UPRETRO,
regardless of entry here. (Pays that have been reversed are also ignored,
regardless of their category).

Notes #

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