Canadian Pay Categories are used to set up typical tax processing rules for different types of Canadian pays.

You may define and maintain Canadian tax processing rules through the Define CDN Pay Categories (IPPGC) form. This function controls the taxation of a pay and allows you to control behavior of the pay header types. IPPGC will override the taxation indicators on the employee pay rule (TD1 claim form).

Canadian Pay Category data is stored in the P2K_PR_PAY_CATEGORIES and P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_CATEGORIES tables.

Pay Category Code
This field displays the user-assigned code that uniquely identifies the pay category. Pay_Category_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter.
This field describes the intended usage of the pay category. Description is a mandatory 50-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter.
Pay Category Type
This field identifies the type of pay category. Pay_Category_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PAY_CATEGORY_TYPE) that you may use to look up the value.
Pay Point Set
If a specific pay category should use a different pay point set other than the normal pay point set (as defined on the Payroll Information– IPPR form) it must be specified here. Pay_Point_Set_Code is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field that you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
Payment Method
This field indicates whether this pay category should override the payment to be paid by check or by prime deposit. Pay_by_Check is an optional fixed lexicon (X_PAYMENT_METHOD) that you may use to choose the method of payment, either by check or by prime deposit.
Regular Pay
If the ‘Regular Pay’ toggle is checked, pays of this category will have the normal pay period tax exemptions applied. Some benefit or calculations are based on this ‘Regular Pay’ toggle. Regular_Pay is an optional toggle field.
Collect Arrears
If the ‘Collect Arrears’ toggle is not checked, this pay category will allow arrears to be collected. If the toggle is not checked, the system will not attempt to recover arrears from this type of pay. Collect_Arrears is an optional toggle field.
Consolidate Disbursements
If the ‘Consolidate Disbursements’ toggle is checked, all net pay splits for this pay category, or other categories that are marked, will be consolidated into one check or deposit split. If the toggle is not checked, separate disbursements will be created for each pay. Consolidate_Disbursements is an optional toggle field.


The IPPGC taxation methods are used as overrides only. If taxation methods are not specified, the employee’s default taxation rules from IPRLC screen will be used.
FED Tax Method
The Canadian Federal Tax Method indicates the override for federal tax calculation: the annualized (table), cumulative averaging, flat amount, or percentage method.CFED_Tax_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CFED_TAX_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
FED CPP Method
The Canadian Federal Canada Pension Plan method indicates the override for CPP calculation: period exemption or an hourly exemption.
  • The period exemption method is used for employees who are paid a relatively consistent pay period amount, for example, salaried or full-time hourly employees.
  • The hourly exemption method is used for employees whose pay amount fluctuates significantly from period to period, for example, part-time hourly or casual employees.
CFED_CPP_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CFED_CPP_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
For Quebec, please see QPP under the Provincial tab.
FED EI Method
The Canadian Federal Employment Insurance method indicates the override for employment insurance calculation.CFED_EI_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CFED_EI_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
T4A/Relevé Eligible
If this toggle is checked, payments under this pay category are allocated to T4A/RELEVE2 taxable earnings and will be reported under T4A and the RELEVE2 form (Quebec). If the toggle is not checked, payments are allocated to the T4/RELEVE1 taxable earnings and will be reported under T4A and the RELEVE2 form (Quebec). T4A_Releve2_Eligible is an optional toggle field.


PROV Tax Method
For Canadian Installations Only: The Canadian Provincial Tax method indicates the override for provincial tax calculation using the annualized (table) method, by cumulative averaging, as a flat amount, or by a percentage. CPRV_Tax_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CPRV_TAX_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
PROV Health Tax Method
The Canadian Provincial Health Tax method indicates the override for the provincial health tax calculation. CPRV_Health_Tax_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CPRV_HEALTH_TAX_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
Indicates the override for Provincial Workers Compensation insurance premiums calculation. CPRV_WCB_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CPRV_WCB_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.
Quebec Only: The Quebec Pension Plan method specifies the override for calculation using either a period exemption or an hourly exemption.
  • The period exemption method is used for employees who are paid a relatively consistent pay period amount, for example, salaried or full-time hourly employees.
  • The hourly exemption method is used for employees whose pay amount fluctuates significantly from period to period, for example, part-time hourly or casual employees.
CPRV_QPP_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_CPRV_QPP_METHOD) that you may use to look up the value.

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