The Maintain Personal Qualifications (ICPQ) form allows you to establish and keep track of personal qualifications within the system.Maintain Personal Qualifications data is maintained on the P2K_RE_EDUCATIONS, P2K_RE_QUALIFICATIONS, P2K_CP_CORE_COMPETENCIES, P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS, P2K_RE_WORK_HISTORIES, P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES, and P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES table.
Maintain Personal Qualifications (ICPQ) - Education#
Information for the Education screen is maintained on the P2K_RE_EDUCATIONS table.- Degree
- This field indicates any educational degrees that the candidate has achieved. Degree is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_DEGREE) provided.
- Type
- This field indicates the type of institution where the degree was obtained. Education_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_EDUCATION_TYPE) provided.
- Phase
- This field indicates the phase of the degree process that the employee is at. Phase is a mandatory field that must be filled with a selection from the fixed-lexicon X_Education_Status.
- Status
- This field indicates the status of the verification of the degree. Education_Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_EDUCATION_STATUS) provided.
- Date Verified
- This field displays the date the status of the degree was verified. Date_Verified is a mandatory field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- School Name
- This field provides the name of school where qualification was earned. School_Name is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Faculty
- This field provides the name of faculty where qualification was earned. School_Faculty is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- City
- This field identifies the city where the qualification was earned. Locality is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- State
- This field identifies the state where the qualification was earned. State is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the LOV(P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES) provided.
- Major
- This field displays the employee’s main area of study with respect to this degree. Major_Area_Of_Study is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_MAJOR_AREA_OF_STUDY) provided.
- Minor
- This field displays the minor area of study with respect to this degree. Minor is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Started
- This field displays the date the employee began the degree. Education_Start_Month is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Ended
- This field displays the date the employee finished the degree. Education_End_Month is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- GPA Attained
- This field holds the grade point average (GPA) that the employee attained for their degree. GPA_Attained is an optional 7-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- GPA Maximum
- This field holds the maximum grade point average (GPA) that is available for this degree. GPA_Maxiumum is an optional 7-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Description
- The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the degree obtained. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Text
- The ‘Text’ field allows you to provide any additional information about the degree. Education_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Maintain personal Qualifications (ICPQ) - Qualifications#
Information for the Qualifications screen is maintained on the P2K_RE_QUALIFICATIONS table.- Type
- This field defines the type of qualification listed in this employee’s development profile.
e.g. Education, Experience, Certificate, License, Professional Association
Qualification_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_QUALIFICATION_TYPE) provided.
- Subtype Code
- If the qualification is sorted beyond the main qualification type, this field identifies thesubtype.
- Name
- This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the qualification being defined. Qualification_Name is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Reference
- The ‘Reference’ field allows you to further define the qualification. Qualification_Reference is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Start_Date
- If the qualification has a time limit, a drivers’ license for example, this field displays the first date the qualification is in effect. Qualification_Start_Date is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- End Date
- If the qualification has a time limit, a drivers’ license for example, this field displays the last date the qualification is in effect. Qualification_End_Date is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Status
- This field displays the status of the qualification. Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_QUALIFICATION_STATUS) provided.
- Category
- This field holds the category that this qualification may fall into. Qualification_Category is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the user-defined lexicon (X_QUALIFICATION_CATEGORY) provided.
- Proficiency
- This field displays the level of proficiency that the employee has for this particular qualification.Proficiency is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_PROFICIENCY) provided.
- Interest Level
- This field indicates the interest level the employee may have in the qualification. Degree is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_DEGREE) provided.
- Years Experience
- This field indicates how many years experience the employee has with this particular qualification. Years_Experience is an optional 5-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Years Last Used
- This field displays the year the employer last used this qualification. Years_Last_Used is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Confirmed Status
- This field indicates status of any confirmation that needs to be made on this qualification. Confirmed_Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon(X_CONFIRMED_STATUS) provided.
- Date Confirmed
- This field displays the date the qualification was confirmed. Date_Confirmed is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Confirmed By
- This displays the name of the individual who confirmed the qualification. Confirmed_By is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Description
- The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the qualification defined. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Text
- This field allows you to provide additional information about the qualification. Qualification_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Maintain Personal Qualifications (ICPQ) - Competencies#
Information for the Competencies screen is maintained on the P2K_CP_CORE_COMPETENCIES, P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS, P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES, and P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES table.- Competence Level
- This field is used to select the competence level for this development profile. Competence_Code is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the LOV (P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS) provided.
- Category
- This field this field identifies the category that the competency belongs to. Category_Code is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the LOV (P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES) provided.
Once the competence category has been selected, the lexicons for the ‘Competence’ and ‘Level’ fields will be limited to those choices that fall under the defined category.
- Competence Group
- The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the group the competency belongs to. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Start Date
- If competence is associated with the qualifications for specific time frame, this field displays the first date of that period. Start_Date is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- End Date
- If competence is associated with the qualifications for specific time frame, this field displays the last date of that period. End_Date is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Confirmed Status
- This field displays the confirmation status of the competency. Confirmed_Status is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_CONFIRMED_STATUS) provided.
- Date Confirmed
- This field displays the date the competency was confirmed. Date_Confirmed is an optional field you must either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Confirmation By
- This field indicates who confirmed the competency. Confirmation_By is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Maintain Personal Qualifications (ICPQ) - Work History#
Information for the Work History screen is maintained on the P2K_RE_WORK_HISTORIES table.- Start Date
- This field displays the employment start date of this assignment. Pay_Start_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- End Date
- This field displays the employment end date of this assignment. Pay_End_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Company Name
- This field provides the name of the company where the employee was previously employed. Company_Name is a mandatory 50-character alphanumeric field you must fill manually.
- Status
- This field indicates whether the past employment at the defined company has been verified or not. Verified_Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_VERIFIED_STATUS) provided.
- Verified
- This field displays the date the employment. Date_Verified is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9).
- Cont. Name
- The ‘Contact Name’ field provides the name of the main contact person for this company. Contact_Name is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Cont. Title
- The ‘Contact Title’ field provides the title of the main contact person for this company. Contact_Title is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Address 1
- The field provides the address of the company being defined. Address_Line_1 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Address 2
- This field provides additional address information for the company being defined. Address_Line_2 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- City
- This field identifies the city where the qualification was earned. Locality is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- State
- This field identifies the state where the qualification was earned. State is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the LOV(P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES) provided.
- Zip Postal
- This field provides the zip/postal code for the company being defined. Zip_Postal is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Phone #
- This field provides the main phone number for the company being defined. Phone_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Extn.
- This field provides the main phone extension for the company being defined. Phone_Extension is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Alt. Phone
- This field provides an alternative phone number for the company being defined. Alt_Phone_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Alt. Extn
- This field provides an alternative phone extension for the company being defined. Alt_Phone_Extension is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Fax #
- This field provides a fax number for the company being defined. Fax_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- This field provides an email address for the company being defined. Email_Address is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Lang. Code
- This field displays the main language that this assignment functioned under. Language_Code is an optional field that you may fill with a value from user-defined lexicon (X_LANGUAGE_CODE) provided.
- Industry
- This field identifies the company’s industry. Industry_Code is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV
- Company Size
- This field indicates the size of the company being defined.
e.g. ‘Less than 25 EE’,. ’30 – 90 EE’, ‘Over 30,000 EE’
Company_Size is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_COMPANY_SIZE) provided.
- Emp. Type
- This field displays the employment type that this assignment belonged to.
e.g. employee, retiree, contractor
Employment_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE) provided.
- Group Type
- This field displays the group type that this assignment belonged to.
e.g. Temp FT, Contractor, Retiree, Student
Group_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_GROUP_TYPE) provided.
- Job Category
- This field displays the job category that this assignment belonged to. Job_Category is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the user-defined lexicon (X_JOB_CATEGORY) provided.
- Assign. Title
- This field displays the title that the employee held at their previous employment. Assignment_Title is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
- Resp Level
- This field indicates the responsibility level of the assignment.
e.g. staff, management, supervisory, executive, senior executive
Responsibility_Level is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL) provided.
- Hours/Day
- This field displays the average hours per day the employee worked in this assignment. Average_Hours_Per_Day is an optional 9-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Hours/Week
- This field displays the average hours per week the employee worked in this assignment. Average_Hours_Per_Week is an optional 9-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Wage Rate
- This field displays the ending wage rate that the employee received for this assignment. Wage_Rate is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
- Basis
- This field displays the basis for the wage rate indicated in the previous field.
e.g. The employee was paid this amount on an hourly (HR) basis, a yearly (YR) basis, per unit (UN), etc.
Rate_Basis is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS) provided.
- Reason for Leaving
- This field displays the reason why the employee left the company being defined. Reason_for_Leaving is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_LEAVE_REASON) provided.
- Text
- This field provides a space for you to input any additional information regarding this particular past work assignment. Work_History_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may manually fill.