Attendance Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type
DAALView Planned LeavesScreen
EALRApprove Leave RequestsScreen
IAACDefine Attendance ComponentsScreen
IAALMaintain Leave RecordsScreen
IALAMaintain Leave AccrualsScreen
IALCCertify Leave RecordsScreen
IALPDefine Leave PoliciesScreen
IALSDefine Leave SchedulesScreen
IAPTDefine Leave Policy TypesScreen
MAALEnter New Leave DialogScreen
MAELHEnter Leave Hours DialogScreen
RAACAttendance Components ReportReport
RAALEmployee Absenteeism ReportReport
RAASLeave Accrual Status ReportReport
RAASFReport Leave Accrual Status (French Version)Report
RADAEmployee Detail Attendance ReportReport
RAEAEmployee Absence Statistics ReportReport
RALAEmployee Leave Accruals ReportReport
RALBEmployee Leave Balances ReportReport
RALPLeave Policy ProfilesReport
RALSLeave Schedule ReportReport
UACALCUpdate Leave AccrualsReport
UACLOZClose Leave Accrual UpdateReport
UADLLDelete Leave Lines With Zero BalancesReport
UAENTLLCreate Leave Line EntitlementsReport
UAUNDOCancel Leave Accrual UpdateReport
VALBView Leave BalancesScreen
XALPExtract Leave PoliciesReport

Related Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type

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