Leave policies are defined and maintained on the Define Leave Policies (IALP) form.

The AC Action for a specific component will default from the Attendance Components table. You can change the value of the AC Action as long as you go down the list. For example, if the AC Action defaults in as 'Calculate', it can be changed to any of the following: 'Log to Leave Line', 'Store on Accrual', or 'Log and Accrue'. However, if the AC Action defaults in as 'Store on Accrual', it should not be changed to 'Calculate'. The order of hierarchy is ‘Calculate’ -> ‘Log to Leave Line’ -> ‘Store on Accrual’ -> ‘Log and Accrue’.

Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code that distinguishes the type of leave for which the policy is being defined.
Leave Policy
This is a unique identifier of the policy.
This function is date sensitive and changes made in these areas below the date navigator may be split with a new effective date.

Details tab#

This field holds the user-defined description of the leave policy entered.
Policy Start
Policy Start is the date at which the leave policy year takes effect.
End Date
End Date is the date at which the leave policy year ends.
If the policy is to be processed based on a specific frequency that frequency needs to be indicated here.
LWOP Time Code
This field contains the user-defined time code that identifies where the time is to be extracted from when an employee does not have sufficient time available to take from the bank. For example, if an employee only has 10 hours in their vacation bank but wishes to take 15 and no cascading has been defined, then the additional 5 hours will come from the policy for which the time code in this field is associated to.
If you are setting up a LWOP (Leave without Pay) policy then you must ensure that the leave type is NOT indicated on the time code (IDTC) until after the time code is attached to the policy. Remember to go back to IDTC and attach the 'LWOP' leave type to the LWOP time code.
Leave Policy Basis
This field defines which unit of measure will be used to track the time for this policy.
Service Time Basis
If service is needed to calculate the policy entitlement, this field indicates which unit of measure will be used to track the service time.
Time Warning Rule
This field identifies the rule to be used when the time taken exceeds what is available to take. For the 'Error - Do not Allow' rule, users must set the Cascade Rule to 'No Cascade'.
Accrual Begin Rule
This field allows you to select the accrual begin rule for the leave policy.
Cascade Rule
This field identifies cascade rules for leave time taken.
Leave Reason Required
If this toggle is ON, the Leave Line Details popup box that appear in the IAAL, IPTS and IPTR screens will be invoked to allow users to enter a leave reason. The entry of the leave reason will not be mandatory on the IPPH or Time Exceptions screens when a leave line is entered. If this toggle is OFF, the Leave Line Details pop-up box will only appear when the time warning rule is invoked.

Components tab#

The sequence specified is the order in which the Attendance or Payroll Calculation program will process the attendance component.

We do not recommend changing the sequence numbers unless supervised by one of our consultants.
AC Code
This field displays a system-provided code to define the Attendance Component. All AC codes begin with the letter “A” followed by a 3 or 4 digit number. Users must now determine the AC codes needed to create their attendance policies.
A 2-digit code (provided) to describe the possible options available for each attendance component. The rules shown are applicable to the highlighted attendance component in the AC Code field of the form.
This field holds a provided description of the attendance component code entered.
This field shows a provided description of the attendance component rule entered.
If any of the attendance component refer to a value, that value must be entered here.
This is the action that will be performed by this attendance component.
Enter Leave Line
If this toggle is ON, the attendance component may be entered on a leave line for user data entry as well as the data being retrieved from the leave lines by the attendance routine. If this toggle is OFF, the attendance component cannot be used on leave lines and no data will be retrieved.
Value Override
If this toggle is ON, an override value for this attendance component may be entered on a leave line for user data entry. If this toggle is OFF, the value of the attendance component cannot be overridden on a leave line.
PC Code
For the following attendance component, a pay component may be defined:A300, A340, A350, A360, A700, A780, A910, A920.
This field provides a user-defined description of the pay component entered.
Element Code
If any of the attendance component from the list below are selected and the rule used references an element, that element must be listed here.
UserCalc Code
If any of the attendance component indicated below are chosen along with Rule 00, or if there is additional logic that is to be processed at this point, a UserCalc needs to be defined:

Service Level tab#

Service Up To
Based on the service time basis indicated on the Leave Policy (IALP) form, what is the level of service needed for the entitlement being defined? This is the up-to but NOT including maximum service time allowed using this evaluation rule.
Entitlement Time
Based on the leave policy basis defined on the Leave Policy (IALP) form, what is the amount of the entitlement at the service level indicated?
Policy Basis
This field defaults in from the leave policy basis defined on the Leave Policy (IALP) form. May not be updated.
Period Given
This period indicates how often this entitlement is given.
Time Worked %
If the attendance component A260, Rule 05 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
Regular Earnings %
If the attendance component A500, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
Legal Earnings %
If the attendance component A540, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
Abs Earnings %
If the attendance component A520, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
Suppl Earnings %
If the attendance component A510, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
Rolling Cap
If the attendance component and rule below is chosen, a rolling cap for the amount owing needs to be defined.
Entitlement Cap
If any of the attendance components (with the indicated rule) below are chosen, an entitlement cap needs to be defined: A320 Rule 03, A330 Rule 02, A900 Rule 02 or 04.
Year End Cap
If the attendance component below, along with either of the rules is chosen, a year-end cap needs to be defined: A900 Rule 03 or 05.
Special Earnings %
If the attendance component A530, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
User 1%
If the attendance component A550, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
User 2%
If the attendance component A560, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.
User 3%
If the attendance component A570, Rule 02 is chosen then the percentage needs to be defined.

Cascade tab#

Seq #
This field is used to prioritize in which order the time codes will be used when cascading occurs.
Time Code
The time indicated in this field will represent the policy from which time will be extracted when cascading occurs due to the employee having insufficient time in the bank. For example, the cascade for Vacation has been set up as first, Sick and second, Personal Leave.
The description will default from the time code that has been selected and cannot be modified.

Notes #

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