CASCADE_RULE is an optional fixed Lexicon which controls cascade rules for leave time taken.

Displayed ValueNotes
00Not Specified
01Partial Day Not AllowedWhen Partial Day Not Allowed is selected, leave time taken may not be less than one day. If a partial day is taken, the time taken will cascade to either LWOP, or, if Cascading has been set up in the Cascade Tab, to a leave policy defined in the CASCADE Tab.
02No Cascade
03No Cascade PTSThis rule only applies to Timesheets and Leave Requests (IPTS, SS forms). It does not apply to Pay Transactions or Pay Lines (IPTR/IPPH).
04No Cascade LV Request and PTSThis rule only applies to Timesheets and Leave Requests (IPTS, SS forms). It does not apply to Pay Transactions or Pay Lines (IPTR/IPPH).

Example 1

  • IALP ‘Sick’
    • 'No Cascade’ rule and Cascade Tab shows to Cascade to ‘Vacation’.
      • Cascading would take place.
  • IALP ‘Vacation’, Cascade rule – either 'No Cascade PTS' or 'No Cascade LV Request and PTS'.
    • If employee does not have enough ‘Vacation’ balance, receive a message and time would go to the designated LWOP Time code on the policy.
      • Enter leave for ‘Sick’ and it has insufficient time, it will cascade to ‘Vacation’. If there is insufficient time in ‘Vacation’ - Stop.

Example 2
  • IALP ‘Sick’, Cascade rule - 'No Cascade PTS'.
    • When employee enters ‘Sick’ in time sheet and there is not enough time, receive warning and reset the time to ‘0’.

Example 3
  • IALP ‘Sick’, Cascade rule ‘No Cascade LV Request and PTS’.
    • When employee enters Sick in time sheet or requests leave and there is no sufficient time available, receive warning and reset the time to ‘0’.


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