Converting Benefit Enrollments#

The primary table for conversion of benefit information into the application is the Benefit Enrollment records seen from the IBEN screen. These records are loaded into the INF_CV_ENROLLMENT table and will be converted into the P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS, P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS and P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_COMPONENTS. Since the information in the interface tables contains data that will be stored into several tables within the application schema, it is likely that multiple records will have to be loaded for each benefit plan that each employee may be enrolled into.

The following table defines the layout of the INF_CV_ENROLLMENTS table:

ENTITY_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Used to derive link to EMPLOYMENT record
PERSON_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Used to derive link to EMPLOYMENT record
EMPLOYMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Used to derive link to EMPLOYMENT record
HIRE_DATE DATE Used to derive link to EMPLOYMENT record
PLAN_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid benefit plan from IBPN
EFFECTIVE NOT NULL DATE Date of enrollment into the plan. This should not be the BOT.
EXPIRY NOT NULL DATE Last day the enrollment record is active for, or EOT if current.
CHANGE_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid change reason from IDCR
COVERAGE_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid coverage code from IBPN
FREQUENCY_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Only filled in to override IBPN frequency setting
PARTICIPATION_RULE VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically 00 or Optional
COVERAGE_STEP_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Only used if Coverage rates are stepped
UNOFFICIAL VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically 1 or Official
ENROLLMENT_STATUS VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically 01 or Enrolled
ELIGIBILITY_START_DATE DATE Set to EFFECTIVE. This is recalculated when processed
ELIGIBILITY_END_DATE DATE Set to EXPIRY. This is recalculated when processed
PREMIUM_START_DATE DATE Set to EFFECTIVE. This is recalculated when processed
PREMIUM_END_DATE DATE Set to EXPIRY. This is recalculated when processed
PLAN_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2(50) Set to value for plan from IBPN. Used for remittance reports
EVIDENCE_OF_INSURANCE VARCHAR2(4) Check mark field. Set to 0, N, NO or NULL to turn off.
BC_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid Benefit Component Code from IBBC
AMOUNT NUMBER(18,6) Set to the initial value for the BC Code. This will be recalculated.
AMOUNT_OVERRIDE NUMBER(18,6) Set to the value for the BC Code. This will not be recalculated.

If the BC Code values can be derived from other information already loaded into the database (such as the employees wage rate), there is no need to load more than one record for each benefit plan/coverage per employee. Most benefit enrollment records can be loaded in without setting the value for the BC Code or amount fields. The next time the enrollment record is processed through a pay cycle and the unofficial record is created, all the Benefit components amounts will be calculated based on the rules defined for each.

However, these calculations can vary for each plan and coverage each plan/coverage definition within the application will have to be checked to know if a BC Code and Amount value will be needed during the conversion of the data.

Enrollment into any benefit plan will require a minimum of one record for each employee, plan and coverage combination within the application. If the plan and coverage combination does not need any BC Code values converted, there will be only one record which will have a null value in the BC Code and Amount fields. If the plan and coverage combination requires amounts to be loaded and converted into the ENROLLMENT records, the BC Code, Amount and Amount Override fields will need values. There may be one or more records in the interface table based on the number of BC Code values that need to be converted.

If any of the following BC Codes are being used with the associated rule, a record may need to be loaded and converted for this BC Code with a value:

B0300 03 Employee Wage Rate Use Enrollment Wage Rate
B0320 09 Eligible Earnings/Amount (before cap) Use Enrollment Amount
B0360 01 Eligible Earnings/Amount (after cap) Replace Enrollment Value
B0360 02 Eligible Earnings/Amount (after cap) Accumulate Enrollment Value
B0361 01 Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings Replace Enrollment Value
B0363 01 Prior Period Adjustment Earnings Replace Enrollment Value
B0365 01 Retroactive Salary Earnings Replace Enrollment Value
B0366 01 Special Compensation Amount Replace Enrollment Value
B0368 01 Worker's Compensation Earnings Replace Enrollment Value
B0400 02 Coverage Calculation Method Use Coverage from Enrollment
B0500 02 Coverage Step Method Use Enrollment Step
B0600 03 Premium Rate Use Value from Enrollment
B0610 03 Premium Rate 2 Use Value from Enrollment
B0620 02 Premium Calculation Method Use Premium Value on Enrollment
B0695 02 Survivor Amount Use Value from Enrollment
B0800 03 Contribution Rate Use Value from Enrollment
B0810 02 Contribution Method Use Contribution Amt on Enrollment
B0840 01 Contribution Amount Replace Value on Enrollment
B0840 02 Contribution Amount Accumulate Value to Enrollment
B1000 03 Deduction Rate Use Value from Enrollment
B1010 02 Deduction Method Use Deduction Amt from Enrollment
B1040 01 Deduction Amount Replace Enrollment Value
B1040 02 Deduction Amount Accumulate Enrollment Value
B1070 02 CSB Deduction (Non-RRSP option) Enrollment
B1072 02 CSB Deduction (RRSP option) Enrollment
B1210 02 Taxable Benefit Method Use Taxable Benefit on Enrollment
B1210 03 Taxable Benefit Method Use Taxable Benefit on Enrollment
B1300 01 Bond Denomination Specified Value or from Enrollment
B1310 01 Deduction Amount Specified Value or from Enrollment
B1320 01 Amount Available for Bond Purchase Enrollment Total + Current Deduction
B1340 01 Value of Bonds Purchased Specified Value from Enrollment

One thing to keep in mind when converting ENROLLMENT records is how this information would be keyed into benefit elections on the IBEL screen. If the only piece of information needed in IBEL to enroll an employee is the plan code and coverage code, no BC Codes or Amounts are needed to convert these records.

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