View Employment Profile #

The View Employment Profile (VEEP) form allows you to view almost all information about an employee in one place. The information fields within the VEEP form is for viewing only. You will not be able to alter the information through this screen.

‘View Employment Profile’ Usage and Examples#

Gov’t Code
This field displays the government identification code assigned to each citizen in that country. U.S.A.: Social Security Number (SSN). Canada: Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Hire Date
The hire date is the date that the employment agreement or period of employment commences.
Term Date
This field shows the last day that an employee has a relationship with the organization.
This field displays the user-defined termination code that uniquely identifies the reason for the termination.


This field indicates whether the employee is male or female.
Birth Date
This field shows the date of birth of the employee.
This field displays the age of the employee in years calculated up to the system ‘As of’ date.
This field displays the home address (street or rural route or concession number) of the employee.
City, State, Zip
This field provides the city, state or province and ZIP/postal code of the home address
Home Phone
This is the employee’s home phone number.
Work Phone
This is the employee’s work phone number.
This field holds the normal work phone extension where the employee may be contacted.
This field shows the work location where the employee may be found, in their prime assignment.
Resp. Level
Responsibility level is a security feature used to control access to an employee's information. Only a user whose responsibility access matches or is higher than the responsibility level on the employee's assignment will be able to access that employee.
Last Review Date
This is the date the employee last received a review.
Next Review Date
This is the scheduled date of the next review for this employee.
Originally Hired
This field shows the date that the employee was originally hired.
Seniority Date
This field indicates that date the employee gains seniority.
Rehire Status
This field indicates whether a terminated or laid off employee would be rehired or recalled.
Expected Return
This field is used with the rehire status to indicate the expected date of a future recall.
This section lists all the aliases for this employee

Personal History#

The information on this row is valid from the date indicated in this field.
This field displays the home address (street or rural route or concession number) of the employee.
This field displays the additional information about home address (apartment number) of the employee.
Locality refers to the city, district or township name of residence.
This field provides the standard abbreviation of the state or province code where employee resides.
Zip / Postal
This field will display the mailing code.

Assignment History#

This field holds the identifying code of the assignment associated with this record.
This field displays the date that this record is effective.
This is the position of the employee, in this assignment record
This is the department that the employee is working in, in this assignment record.
This is the job that the employee is performing in this assignment record.
Job Seniority Date
The job seniority date is used to track a seniority date that is related to a specific assignment, position, department or job.
This is the title given to this assignment.
Change Reason
This field displays the reason for this record.
This field displays the unit the employee belongs to in this assignment.
This is the group that the employee is attached to in this assignment.
This shows the work location in which the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed for this assignment.
Work Rule
This is the work rule associated with the employee while performing this assignment.
WCB Class
This field shows the Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting.
The employee's employment status, in effect for this assignment record.
The FTE value assigned to the employee in this assignment.
The salary range (if applicable) associated with this assignment record.
Scale / Step
The wage scale and step (if applicable) associated with this assignment record.·
The wage rate for the employee in this assignment.·
The standard hours per pay, per week, per day, if they are defined at the assignment level.


As of
This is the date that the compensation will / has taken effect.
This field shows the position this employee is in.
This field holds the department to which the employee belongs.
This field shows the job associated with this compensation.
This field displays the assignment title associated with this compensation.
This field shows the unit to which the employee belongs.
This is the group associated with this assignment.
This field shows the status of this assignment
This field shows the Full Time Equivalent associated with this assignment.
Fulltime Wage
If the FTE indicated in the Assignment Work Arrangement area is less than 1.00, this toggle will indicate whether the displayed salary or wage is the full time equivalent amount. Suppose an employee has an FTE of 0.5 and the wage rate indicated is $4,000. If the toggle is OFF, this means that the employee will actually receive the full $4,000. If the toggle is turned ON, the displayed salary or wage is the 1.00 Full Time Equivalent amount. This means that in this case, where the FTE is 0.5, the employee will receive $2,000.
This is the salary range for this assignment.
Scale / STEP
This is the wage scale associated with this assignment.
This is base salary or wage amount upon which rate and pay calculations are based.
Scale Overridden
If the toggle is ON, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the wage scale table. If the toggle is OFF, either the wage rate has been derived from the wage scale table or wage scale tables are not being used. The following fields will hold data ONLY if the employee is paid on a salary range. Salary ranges are defined in the Maintain Salary Ranges (ISSR) form.
This is the minimum amount for the salary range.
This is the mid-range amount for the salary range.
This is the top end amount for the salary range.
This field shows the normal hours per day that the employee would work in this assignment.
This field shows the normal hours per week that the employee would work in this assignment.
This field shows the normal hours per pay period that the employee would work in this assignment.
Compa Ratio
This ratio is calculated using the employee’s salary as a percentage of the ‘Midpoint’ amount. e.g. For a midpoint salary of $40,000 if:
- Employee salary is $20,000, then compa ratio would be 50%
- Employee salary is $40,000, then compa ratio would be 100%
- Employee salary is $60,000 then compa ratio would be 150%
If the salary range were to be broken down into quartiles, this value shows the quartile that the employee’s current salary would be in.

Quartile 0 If Salary is < Minimum 1 If Salary is >= Minimum and < Mid-Low 2 If Salary is >= Mid-Low and < Midpoint 3 If Salary is >= Midpoint and < Mid-High 4 If Salary is >= Mid-High and <= Maximum 5 If Salary is > Maximum

Skill Adjustment
This field allows you to identify the associated skill adjustment.
Annual/ Monthly / Semi Monthly / Bi-Weekly / Weekly / Daily / Hourly(info)
These field show the compensation rate on the indicated basis: annual, monthly, weekly, etc.
Show FT Wage
If this toggle is ON, the employee’s current FULL TIME salary will be displayed.
Any premiums the employee receives will be displayed in this field.
Annual/ Monthly / Semi Monthly / Bi-Weekly / Weekly / Daily / Hourly(info)
These field show the premium rate on the indicated basis: annual, monthly, weekly, etc.
Show FT Premium
Turning this toggle on will convert premiums displayed to a Full Time employee equivalent value, in the same manner as the wages.

User Fields#

User Fields will only show those user fields associated to the employee on
This field identifies the date from which the user field is effective.
This field shows the last date user field is effective.
This field identifies the table to which the field is attached.
This field shows the title of the field.
This field displays the actual entry made into the field.
View All
This button, when pressed, will toggle the display between: all user field values, current as well as expired and future only current user field values


Only notes for Identity, Personals, Employments, Assignments, and Assignment Details for the employee will be shown here.

This field displays table associated with the note.
Note Type
This field classifies the note into a specific group (e.g. General, Planning, etc.). See IMNT.
Start Date
If this note is date sensitive, this field displays the first date that the note is effective.·
End Date
If this note is date sensitive, this field displays the last date that the note is effective.
This field holds the text of the note.
This toggle indicates a private note you created which only be seen by your user.
This box displays the entire note.
File Name
This field will show a file that has been uploaded in a note added to an employee screen.

Notes #

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