The initial administrative tasks are completed through following five stages:

  1. Create Master User
  2. Review Delivered System
  3. Customize System Components
  4. Security Setup: Create Self Service Users and Roles
  5. System Maintenance

Stage 1: Create Master User#

Before you can access anything in Self Service, a Web Site Administrator Master user will need to be created. This user will have full administrative privileges with access to the system for review and setup.

Create a user profile to be applied to the Self Service Web Site Administrator Master user. This user profile, when associated to an employee within the Admin UI creates a Self Service user who will be able to do the following:

  • access all web modules;
  • see all menus, sub-menus and functions within the modules;
  • have maximum allowable execution rights (granted by P2K_MASTER) to all Self Service functions.

Even though they are given the P2K_Master role, this user will not have access to the Admin UI as they will not have been given a user profile for it.

To create this Master user, you will need full access to the following forms in Personality: IMUS, IMUR, IEID, IMRE.

Once you have created this user, access to IMUS and IMUR will not be necessary for the user, as these forms are completely functional within Self Service.

The following steps are to be done within the application.

Step 1: Assign Web Menu Roles to the Web Site Administrator in Personality#

Go into the Assign Users (IMUR) screen and assign the following web menu roles to your WSA user:

At least one WSA user will require the P2K_DBA role in order to add new users via the IMUS screen.

If you have Recruiting Self Service, WWW_CANDIDATE and WWW_PUBLIC will be reassigned to a generic user with execution and field security.

Step 2: Create a Master User#

In the Define User Information (IMUS) screen, create the user name "SS_WSA_MASTER". This user name is referred to as the user profile within Self Service.

Step 3: Assign Roles to the Master User#

In the Assign Roles (IMUR) screen, associate roles to the "SS_WSA_MASTER" user:

All roles must have unique sequence numbers. This is important as there is a direct correlation between the sequence number and the order in which the icons are displayed in the Self Service header.

The ‘WWW’ role with the lowest sequence number will be displayed on the far left.

The role with the highest sequence number will be displayed on the far right and will also be the default module that the user will enter when they sign into Self Service.

In this example the user will be brought into the Website Administrator module when signing into Self Service.

Sequence is important with any role that is used to grant execution rights to a user as the role with the highest sequential number will override a role with lower sequence number.

For example, for the function WEEPP the role UTR_ESS_FT has been granted the execution rights of retrieve, update and delete and has a sequence of 100. The role of UTR_ESS_PT has been granted the execution right of retrieve and has a sequence number of 110. This means that within WEEPP, the UTR_ESS_PT role will prevail and the user will not be able to update or delete on this function.

Step 4: Attach the Master User to A Single Identity#

Within the Define Identity Information (IEID) screen, select the employee you wish to assign the Master User role, then in the User Profile field found in the Self Service Access tab, select "SS_WSA_MASTER" and save the record. You MUST save these changes before beginning the next step, ‘Set the Master User PIN’.

Step 5: Set the Master User PIN#

Use the following steps to assign a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the Master User profile:
  1. Open the Reset PIN (IMRE) screen.
  2. Select the employee’s Person Code from the find block.
  3. Enter the New PIN# and Confirm PIN#.
  4. Or, have the system generate a new PIN by turning the toggle ON for the Or Generate New PIN field.
  5. Or, have the system force the employee to change their PIN on the next login by turning the toggle ON for the Force PIN Change On Next Login field.
  6. Press the save button in the form's toolbar to save the password change.
  7. Click the <OK> button on the confirmation message.

Your new Self Service Web Site Administrator Master employee is now ready to log into Self Service.

Step 6: Test the Master User Login#

Sign into Self Service as the employee who has been assigned the Master User profile to ensure that the set up is correct.

Stage 2: Review Delivered System#

You will be delivered an operational Self Service application, with a wide range of features and functionality, that is completely usable by your organization “right out of the box”.

However, it is likely that your organization will want to modify and enhance some of the functions and menus, as well as control access to the system. You should take this opportunity to think about what needs to be added, removed or changed to the system as well as who will have access to which areas.

Keep in mind that if your organization does not license the related module in the application you will not have access in Self Service.

Stage 3: Customize System Components#

In this stage, you will customize the application by determining which delivered functions and menus you will be using, what needs to be changed on them and what new functions you will need to create.

Stage 4: Security Setup - Create Self Service Users and Roles#

A security setup must be established by creating user profiles and assigning those profiles to employees. By creating, mixing and matching various types of users and roles, you can tailor access to Self Service for almost any type of user.

Web Module Roles#

Determine which of these provided business roles your organization has access to.

For all Self Service Packages

  • WWW_ADMIN - Web Site Administrator Self Service

For Employee, Manager and Time Management Self Service

For Recruiting Self Service

Each of these roles grants access to a module, but not execution rights.

User Type Role#

Create user type roles for your own Self Service application. e.g. UTR_ESS_FT.

Each of these roles will be used to grant specific execution rights to users once they have access to a module.

Group Users#

Create group users for your own Self Service application.

You will then need to assign to these group users the required role of P2K_USER, at least one Web Module role and at least one Self Service user type role.

User Profile#

In order for an employee to access Self Service, they must have a user profile attached to their Identity (IEID) screen within the application.

They must also have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) created in the Reset Pin Number (IMRE) screen.

Users will have the ability to reset their PIN in the Employee Self Service module.

Stage 5: Access Maintenance#

The system administrator can manipulate employee access to Self Service by:
  • changing the roles attached to the user profile (thereby affecting access for many employees), or
  • assigning a different user profile to an employee (thereby affecting access to only that employee)

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