My Work Preferences#

The My Work Preferences (WCRWPO) form is where internal and external Candidates can reset work preferences and where they can see the list of matching postings.

Any changes made to the work preference will update the postings list below.

Only Postings that are OPEN or PARTIALLY FILLED and whose Closed Date is either null or greater than the As Of Date will be displayed.

A Candidate can apply to a posting by clicking on the Apply button. An application will be created to the selected posting. This button will only be available for open postings and if the Candidate is not already hired. A Candidate can apply multiple times to the same postings but only one application at a time will be active. If a Candidate does re-apply to the same posting the status for the previous application will become stale.

Any fields that are mandatory will display a red star beside the prompt. Mandatory fields are determined by the web administrator who defines the Work Preference Options IRWPO.

For detailed information on work preferences please see the page Candidate Work Preferences.

This first portion of the screen will display the work preference options as defined by the Administrator in the Professional application.

Chosen Work Pref.
This field will display the candidate's selection for the work preference, if provided.
Work Pref. Status
This field will display messages in regards to the candidate's work preference status. If there are mandatory preferences that have not been populated, the message 'Mandatory preferences have not been completed' will display. If the candidate/Administrator has selected a value for a preference without saving, the message 'Click on Save Button to refresh the postings list' will display. If all of the mandatory preferences have been populated the message 'Completed' will display.


Any postings that match the selected work preferences above will display here.
Posting #
This field will display the posting code that matches the selected work preferences above.
Posting Title ^(click to view detail)
The posting title of the posting will display here. You may click on the posting title to go directly to the posting for more information.
This field will indicate the posting category.
Posting Status
This field will indicate the status of the posting.
Posting Opened
This field will indicate when the posting was opened.
Closes On
This field will indicate when the posting will close.
This field will display a Yes or No, indicating if an application has been supplied for the posting.

Application Status
This field displays the current status of the application. The following are the available status':
  • You can apply to this posting
    • If the candidate wishes to apply, they may do so by clicking the APPLY button
    • This button will only be visible if they have not yet applied to the posting.
    • Once this button has been pressed, a pop up message will display informing the Candidate that they have officially applied.
  • You have withdrawn your application to this posting
    • If the candidate had previously applied a posting and then withdrew their application through the My Applications form, they will see the following status.
    • If they decide to reapply, they may do so by clicking the APPLY button.
    • This button will only be visible if they withdrew their previous application from the posting.
    • Once this button has been pressed, a pop up message will display informing the candidate that they have officially applied.
  • You have applied to this posting.
    • If the candidate has already applied to the posting, they will see a message in the Appl. Status section providing them with the application number.
Time Remaining
This field indicates how many days/hours are left until a posting is closed.
The candidate may apply to the posting by pressing this button .


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