DRV_CHECK_APPLICATION is a derived field which displays the current status of the application. The following are the available status':

  • You can apply to this posting
    • If you wish to apply, you may do so by clicking the APPLY TO POSTING button
    • This button will only be visible if you have not yet applied to the posting.
    • Once you have clicked this button, you will receive a pop up message informing you that you (have officially applied.
  • You have withdrawn your application to this posting
    • If you had previously applied a posting and then withdrew your application through the My Applications form, you will see the following status.
    • If you decide to reapply, you may do so by clicking the APPLY TO POSTING button.
    • This button will only be visible if you withdrew your previous application from the posting.
    • Once you have clicked this button, you receive a pop up message informing you that you have officially applied.
  • You have applied to this posting.
    • If you have already applied to the posting, you will see a message in the Appl. Status section providing you with the application number.

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