This process is available for weekly paid employees only.

For weekly paid employees, Personality provides the ability to generate a ‘Future Pay’ category pay for vacation time entered as a Leave Line (IAAL).

This process respects and does not interfere with the time scheduling module. When an employee is put on vacation for three weeks, UPCVAC will pick up and pay the employee three weeks vacation. The schedule exceptions on DTSH/DTESH for the coming weeks will still reflect that the employee is away from post even though the leave has been processed by payroll. When time scheduling is used to populate the payroll with time, the employees who have already been paid in advance do not get paid again by the scheduling system.


Pay Components and Time Codes#

The vacation ‘Time’ pay component must have an associated Vacation ‘Earnings’ pay component and a time code on IPPC.

The vacation ‘Earnings’ pay component must be set up with a ‘Calculation Method’ of ‘Entered Value’. This is needed so that computed ‘Vacation Earnings’ on generated pay lines are properly ‘Generated’ into the attached pay line details.

Leave Lines#

In order for leave lines to qualify for the UPCVAC program they must have the following set up:
  • The X_ABSENCE_SOURCE lexicon must have a value of AT DATA ENTRY.
  • The X_ACCRUAL_STATUS lexicon must have a value of 1-REQUESTED.
  • The Start and End Dates of the leave line must match that of the Pay Period’s Start and End Dates.
  • The leave line must span an entire week, it cannot be just for 1 day.
  • The Time Basis of the Time Code must be HOURLY or DAILY.
  • The Payroll must be WEEKLY.


If an employee’s leave will put the bank into a negative balance and the time warning rule on the leave policy is “Error Do Not Allow” or “Warning Allow Time” then you want the leave line flagged on the exception report. This will allow you to deal with the negative balances immediately.

Handles any number of employees in one execution.

Vacation Pay is generated for Leave Lines that span an entire week. If the Leave Line does not begin or end on a week boundary, then the line will not be picked up. There can be NO gaps in time between leave lines. The first gap of any size will terminate vacation generation for the employee.

Full employment selection criteria are provided.

Various ‘Batching Methods’ are provided to allow for choices in managing batches.

This process will never update an existing pay. Vacation is generated into a new pay using the pay category provided on the report selection screen.

Pay must be created into a pay category of the type ‘Future Pay’.

Separate pays are created for each full week of leave.

i.e. If a person has more than one-week vacation then each week shall be in a different pay header identifying the pay period the vacation is for.

The newly created batch will be assigned a ‘Batch Source’ of ‘UPCVAC Vacation’.

The pay issue date (usually the same as the current pay issue date) is supplied as a report parameter.

The output is the form of an exception report. Included are totals for each employee by pay component. A summary total is also provided for all hours and pay components.

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