Two different programs can be run to fill vacant scheduled posts.

The Fill Vacant Time Slots (UTAUTOFILL) screen will try to fill all vacancies for the given period. The UTBPR Bid Run Process will try to fill all vacancies for a given period based on the Selected Shift Bids filled out in ITWO. If the Selected Shift Bids are not used then UTBPR does not need to be run.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
From Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the first date from which the report is to process information.
To Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the last date from which the report is to process information.
Exception Level Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.
User Comment Optional, Text.Manually entered text that will be printed in the report header.

Report Filters
Work Division Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work division(s) specified.