FormTask DescriptionRequiredCompleted
IBPTEnsure plan types have been defined in IBPT. You may need to create new ones or redefine the type to better reflect the plans.Yes
Ensure a sequence has been entered. This will determine the order the plan types are displayed in WEBOEE.
Recipient Type can be defined for the plan type if the recipient type is the same for all of the plans linked to the plan type.
A URL can be specified to provide the employees with a link to external documents that may provide additional information on the plan type or additional information on each plan within the plan type. This will be displayed on the SS election form beneath the Election Intro Text.
Ensure a description has been defined and is reflective of the plans within the plan type as this will be visible in the SS benefit election forms. HTML code can be used to format the text.
Introductory text to the list of plans in WEBOEE can be included via the Election Intro Text. Basic HTML tags can be used to format the text.
IMLNDefine plan sets in the lexicon X_PLAN_ELECTION_SET in IMLN. These are used when there are multiple plans with the same plan type that are mutually exclusive of one another (ie: multiple medical plans are offered by different carriers and the employee is only allowed to elect 1 plan.)
Define decline reasons in the lexicon X_BE_DECLINE_REASON. Before employees can submit their elections they are prompted for a decline reason for the elections they declined. This is a user-defined lexicon which clients must populate with suitable decline reasons.
IMSTIf decline reasons are not required when employees decline plans, the site preference BSS D REASON REQ must be defined in IMST with a value of N. If a reason is required, the value must be Y. By default, decline reasons are required.
If BSS EVIDENCE REQ(System_Preference) is defined with a <Y> will force an employee to submit the requested documentation for the plan/coverage before they can submit their Open Enrollment.
IPPGU /IPPGCCreate a new pay category with the Pay Category type of ‘Open Enrollment’. This category will be used to determine the correct frequency detail record when calculating the EE and ER costs. This category will not be used for payroll purposes.Yes
IPPFAdd the 'Open Enrollment' type pay category to the frequencies used by the benefit plans associated to the Open Enrollment and define the number of pays the benefits are processed in a year in the Times Per Year field (ie: 24, 26). This is the frequency record that will be used for the calculation of the EE and ER costs.Yes
IBPNEnsure that benefit plans and their associated coverages have been defined in IBPN.Yes
If the plan is part of a plan election set, then you must identify in the Plan Election Set field which plan set to associate the plan to.
Ensure the plans that are to be included in the Open Enrollment process have the 'Open Enroll Allowed' field set to either 'Always Open' or 'OE Periods Only'. If you do not want the benefit plan to be included in the Open Enrollment process then set the field to 'Never Open'.Yes
Ensure you have selected the appropriate Approval Required rule. The options available are: No Approval Required, Approval Required, Apr Req for Chgs Only.
Has the plan been "Grandfathered"? If so, check the toggle ON in IBPN so that the plan is no longer available to employees.
Ensure you have specified a display sequence for the plan. This will determine the sequence of how the plans are displayed within their plan type in WEBOEE.
In the Required Documents field specify what documents, if any, are required to be submitted by the employee during the Open Enrollment.
Ensure a recipient type has been defined for each coverage. If the coverage is only available to the employee, a recipient type is not needed.
If there is a waiting period before the employee can elect into the coverage, ensure the number of days is specified in the Waiting Period field.
If the coverage is only available to employees who work a minimum number of hours in a week, ensure that you have defined that number in the Minimum Hours/Week field.
If the coverage is only available to a specific number of recipients define what the maximum number is in the Number Recipients field.
If the coverage has an age restriction for children, specify what the Maximum Child Age is.
If the coverage has an age restriction for students, specify the Maximum Student Age.
If evidence is required before an election into the coverage can be processed ensure the Evidence Required toggle is ON (i.e. birth certificate).
If EE and ER costs are based on estimated earnings the Estimated Costs toggle should be checked ON. This will display a Yes in the Est. Costs column in WEBOEE for each coverage with this toggle checked ON.
The Pre-tax toggle can be turned on at the coverage level to identify whether or not this is a Pre-tax coverage. If the toggle is checked then the Pre-tax column on WEBOEE will display 'Yes' for the specific coverage.
If the plan requires information from the employee such as a Deduction Amount for a FSA plan the Enter Election toggle must be checked ON for that specific BC Code (ie BC1040 Deduction Amount).
If a coverage is not to be included in the Open Enrollment ensure the Exclude from OE toggle is checked ON.
Ensure the ‘Allow Value Override’ toggle is turned ON for BC1040 and BC840 in order for the costs to display.
IBSCEnsure new plans have been added to the Benefit Schedule.
If necessary, the Waiting Period and Minimum Hrs/Week can be overridden for the coverage at the schedule.
IDGREnsure that the 'Enable OE Elections' toggle is turned ON in IDGR for all groups that will participate in open enrollments.Yes
IBETCreate the various event types (e.g. BIRTH OF CHILD, MARRIAGE, SPRING MASS ENROLLMENT, FALL MASS ENROLLMENT) in IBET. Benefit event types are used for all types of open enrollments, mass and individual.Yes
Ensure the correct Open Enrollment type has been defined for each event type.Yes
Enter a description to further define what the event type is for. This will be reflected in IBOE.
If Proof of the event is required, ensure the toggle is checked ON.
If an OE period is allowed to be automatically created when a life or work event has been recorded, the Allow Auto Open Enroll should be checked ON.
Make sure the number of days the Open Enrollment is open for has been defined. This will be used to determine the Open Enrollment Period End Date for Life / Work Events.
Ensure the correct standing has been selected for the events. Available options are Active, Frozen, and Obsolete.
A URL can be defined at the event type if desired.
Additional information describing the event can be added in the Event Type Text.
Link the necessary plans or plan election sets to the event type.Yes
If the employee must elect a coverage from a plan or plan election set, ensure the Election Required toggle is checked ON.
IMFDThe AUTO COMMIT preference must be added to WEBOEE in order for the employees’ election choices to automatically save. The value for the preference should be <Y>.Yes
If headers and footers are desired then the Header and Footer preferences need to be defined. For more info on Header and Footer set up please review WSA.
If birth certificate, marriage license or health questionnaire do not meet your business needs the form item name prompts for these documents may be translated to something else. These media are used in WEBOEE, IBPOE and in VBOEE.
Additional media may be added to the WEBOEE form if documents other than birth certificate, marriage license, or health questionnaire are required. First media codes would have to be defined in IMEC and then these would need to be added to the form definition for WEBOEE, IBPOE and VBOEE. The three existing media codes in WEBOEE can be used as an example.
IMROIf using the Open Enrollment facility employees should only have access to WEBOEE in Self Service, they should not have access to WEBEL.Yes
Access to the following new forms and reports should be granted to the appropriate users: IBET, IBOE, IBPOE, VBOEE, IBEV, RBET, RBOE, UBOE, UBPOEYes
IMMSYou may use translations to modify the messages that are displayed to the users in the Open Enrollment facility. There are messages on the following tables: BBR, BEN, BEPS, BEV and BOEE. Basic HTML tags are supported.
You may use translations to modify the WEBOEE_EMPTY message, as long as the Site Preference SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG(System_Preference) is set to <Y>. If there are no Open Enrollments for an employee the message in WEBOEE_EMPTY will be displayed to the employee. Basic HTML tags are supported.
IDAPIf approvals are required, an approval process must be defined for the type Open Enrollment EEs.
IMNTFor release 4.07.05 the note type VALIDATION must be manually added to the table P2K_BE_EMPLOYEE_PLAN_SETS. For releases thereafter, this will be done automatically during the install of the software.Yes
IMECFor release 4.07.05 the media code, EVENT_PROOF, must be manually added to IMEC for the table P2K_BE_EVENTS. For releases thereafter, this will be done automatically during the install of the software.Yes
NOTE: Now that the Open Enrollment set up has been done you may proceed to running UBOE to create a Mass Open Enrollment period.

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