The My Benefit Elections (WEBEL) screen allows you to directly select the benefit plans in which you wish to enroll or the current benefits that you wish to decline

The definition data for the My Benefit Elections screen is stored in the P2K_BE_ELECTIONS table.

This area of Employee Self Service may have been made always available by your employer or may only be made available during specific enrolment periods.

Benefit Plan
This field displays the benefit plan. e.g. DENTAL, LIFE, MEDICAL, etc.
Premium $
This field displays the entire coverage cost of the plan.
EE Cost $
This field displays the amount of the coverage costs that is paid by you.
i.e. The 'Deduction Amount (BC1040)' or any overrides entered.
ER Cost $
This field displays the amount of the coverage costs that is paid by the employer.
i.e. The 'Contribution Amount (BC0840)' or any overrides entered.
This field indicates if the plan is optional or required for employees.
This field displays the status of your enrollment in the benefit.

Select the Plan Above, then Enter the Coverage and Effective Date#

This field identifies the plan by name. (Mandatory)
This field indicates if the plan is optional or required for employees.
Enter the coverage you wish to enroll into for the plan selected.
Enter the date you wish to the enrollment to start. (Mandatory)

Elect or Decline the Coverage#

Depending on the status of the plan, you may or may not see a button below the Effective field.

If the status of a plan you have highlighted is Enrolled, only the Decline Plan option will be available.

By clicking on the Decline Coverage button you are requesting to be removed from enrollment in this plan as of the date you indicate.

Once you have submitted your request you will be present with one of two messages:

BEL_00004: Your removal of RETIREMENT PLAN with coverage TIRE 1 cannot be processed for a mandatory benefit.


BEL_00002: Your removal of AD&D with coverage STD has been submitted to administration.

If the status of the plan you have highlighted is Not Yet Enrolled, a button labeled Elect Plan will be available.

By clicking on the Elect Coverage button you are requesting to be enrolled in the plan and coverage as of the effective date indicated.

After you have elected a plan, you will receive a pop-up message to let you know that your request has been sent to administration.

BEL_00001: Your election of LIFE-BASIC with coverage 2XSal has been submitted to administration.

Related Info
If supplied by your employer, a related document or linked web-site may be displayed.

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