Table of Contents
The Work Histories Interface File screen is used to import work history records into the software data structures.
Work Histories Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_WORKHISTORIES table.
- ID
- This field identifies the work history record within the data base.
- Candidate
- The candidate associated with the work history is displayed in this field.
- Company Name
- This field provides the name of the company where the employee was previously employed.
- Country Name
- This field identifies the country where the previous employment occurred.
- State, Country
- This field identifies the state where the previous employment occurred.
- Industry
- This field identifies the company’s industry.
- Verified Status
- This field indicates whether the past employment at the defined company has been verified or not.
- Verified On
- This field displays the date the employment.
- Contact Name
- This field provides the name of the main contact person for this company.
- Contact Title
- This field provides the title of the main contact person for this company.
- Address 1
- The field provides the address of the company being defined.
- Address 2
- This field provides additional address information for the company being defined.
- City/Town
- This field identifies the city for the company being defined.
- Zip Code
- This field provides the zip/postal code for the company being defined.
- Phone #
- This field provides the main phone number for the company being defined.
- Extn.
- This field provides the main phone extension for the company being defined.
- Alt. Phone
- This field provides an alternative phone number for the company being defined.
- Alt. Extn
- This field provides an alternative phone extension for the company being defined.
- Fax #
- This field provides a fax number for the company being defined.
- This field provides an email address for the company being defined.
- Lang. Code
- This field displays the main language that this assignment functioned under.
- Company Size
- This field indicates the size of the company being defined.
e.g. ‘Less than 25 EE’,. ’30 – 90 EE’, ‘Over 30,000 EE’
- Emp. Type
- This field displays the employment type that this assignment belonged to.
e.g. employee, retiree, contractor
- Group Type
- This field displays the group type that this assignment belonged to.
e.g. Temp FT, Contractor, Retiree, Student
- Resp Level
- This field indicates the responsibility level of the assignment.
e.g. staff, management, supervisory, executive, senior executive
- Category
- This field displays the job category that this assignment belonged to.
- Title
- This field displays the title that the employee held at their previous employment.
- Start Date/End Date
- These fields display the employment start and end date of this assignment.
- Reason for Leaving
- This field displays the reason why the employee left the company being defined.
- Hours/Day
- This field displays the average hours per day the employee worked in this assignment.
- Hours/Week
- This field displays the average hours per week the employee worked in this assignment.
- Wage Rate
- This field displays the ending wage rate that the employee received for this assignment.
- Basis
- This field displays the basis for the wage rate indicated in the previous field.
e.g. The employee was paid this amount on an hourly (HR) basis, a yearly (YR) basis, per unit (UN), etc.
- Available to Contact
- This field indicates if the candidate's referral is available to contact.