Sundry Lines are payroll transactions, usually of a recurring nature, that are not attached to a specific pay period and that have a processing frequency associated with them.
Exclusive of the batch control, miscellaneous or sundry transactions may be entered on the Maintain Sundry (IPSN) form. Transactions entered may be performed over multiple pay periods.
The processing frequency for the sundry transaction may be defined through the IPPF form. If the sundry transaction has a frequency of one time only, once it becomes a pay line in a pay header (IPPH), it is removed as a sundry (IPSN). The history is then kept with the pay header.
Sundry transactions can have:
- Declining Balances
- Maximums for Period, Month, Quarter, Fiscal or Year-to-Date
Sundry Line details contain the results of applying the PC rules of the pay component to derive all of the required values associated with a sundry line.
Sundries that are active on any day within a pay period will be picked up by the audit process (UPAUDT).
You may access this feature under the Screen/Form menu: Payroll > Maintain Sundry Pay / Deductions
Sundry Pay And Deduction data is stored on the P2K_PR_SUNDRY_LINES and P2K_PR_SUNDRY_LINE_DETAILS tables.
- Assignment
- The assignment type from the employee’s assignment screen will allow you to enter the sundry that is applicable to this assignment code only. Assignment_Code from P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS is available as an LOV (F9) that you may use to look up the value for this employee.
- Freq
- Processing frequencies indicates how often this payroll item (deduction, benefit, etc.) is processed from P2K_PR_FREQUENCIES. Frequency_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
- Cal
- This field is used to associate ate Sundry Calendar from IDCL to a Sundry Line. This field is used:
- when a sundry line has a 'Sundry Period to Date' maximum and the user needs to define the length of the period in the Sundry Calendar.
- in any situation where a transaction re-occurs at an interval different than the pay period.
- to place a maximum deduction amount during a period of time that is not the same as the Pay period. e.g. an employee has a monthly maximum deduction amount in a bi-weekly payroll.
- Start Date
- This field shows the date that the sundry transaction commences. Start_Date is a mandatory date field that will default as the beginning of time (01-Jan-0001), but may be overridden.
- End Date
- This field shows the date that the sundry transaction ends. End_Date is a mandatory date field that will default with the end of time (31-Dec-3999), but may be overridden.
- PC
- A pay component code is a unique number code from 1 to 9,999 assigned to uniquely identify the pay component.
Only pay components with the toggle ‘Enter Sundry’ turned on from the IPPC form will be accessible. PC_Code from
P2K_PR_PAY_COMPONENTS is a 4 digit numeric mandatory field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
- Abbreviation
- This field holds a short description of the pay component. This abbreviation will be printed on check and deposit statements, lists and pay registers. PC_Abbreviation is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default from the pay component chosen
- Value
- This field shows the amount or value of the sundry item. Time_Entered is an optional numeric field that needs to be completed if the pay component chosen is for time.
- Basis
- The basis is the unit of measure that the associated value is being stored or displayed in:
- YR - Yearly/Annual
- MO - Monthly
- WK - Weekly
- DY - Daily
- HR - Hourly
- UN - Unit
- CT - Contract - Normally used for Premiums not Sundry Lines
- KM - Kilometers - Normally used for Premiums not Sundry Lines
- PC - Pieces - Normally used for Premiums not Sundry Lines
- PP - Pay Period - Normally used for Premiums not Sundry Lines
- DV - Days Variable
- HV - Hours Variable
- $ - Amount
- Time_Basis is an optional fixed lexicon (X_TIME_BASIS) that will default from the pay component set up but may be overridden.
- When entering sundry lines, use ‘$’ (Amount) as the rate basis. DO NOT USE ‘PP’ (Pay Period) if the entered amount is for money.
- Prorate
- This field allows you to prorate the annual value of an employee’s sundry. e.g. An employee receives a $1,000 annual bilingual sundry. The employee only works for 3 months, with this toggle on, they will receive 1/4 of the salary.
- Show All
- If this toggle is ON, all sundries will be displayed. If this toggle is OFF, only active sundries will be displayed. Active sundries are defined by the following conditions:
- Start Date falls on or before the As Of Date
- End Date falls on or after the As Of Date
- If the Sundry has a Declining Balance it has a value greater than zero (0).
By applying the PC rules of the pay component, you will derive all of the required values associated with the sundry line. These results will be displayed in the Sundry Line details.
- PC
- This field shows the pay component code(s) that default in from the Sundry transaction pay component code entered at the top of the screen. For example, if a deduction component is entered on the Sundry transaction then the deduction and declining balance pay components may be generated on the pay detail line. PC_Code from P2K_PR_PAY_COMPONENTS is a 4-digit numeric mandatory field that will default from the PC entered on the sundry line but you make a selection from the LOV (F9) provided.
- Abbreviation
- This field shows a short alpha description of the pay component. This abbreviation will be printed on check and deposit statements, lists and pay registers. PC_Abbreviation is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default from the pay component chosen. The information in this tab is generated when the Sundry Line is saved.
- Type
- This field indicates how the pay component amount is used. For example, the pay component may be used to store time, an amount, a limit, or a declining balance. PC_Detail_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PC_DETAIL_TYPE) that will default from the pay component but may be overridden.
- Amount
- This field shows the amount calculated as a result of applying the PC Calc Method. Amount is an optional numeric field that is system maintained.
- Override
- You may manually enter the amount to be used in the pay calculation into this field. Amount_Override is an optional numeric field that will be populated by the system based on the pay component rules but may be overridden.
- Description
- This field provides a free form description of the sundry line. Description is a 50 character alphanumeric optional field that will be system populated but you may manually enter.
- Wage Rate
- This field shows the wage rate derived from the pay component rule. Wage_Rate is an optional 18 digit numeric field that is calculated from the wage rate source then re-derived based on the basis indicated.
- Wage Override
- You may override the wage rate in this field. Wage_Rate_Override is an 18 digit optional numeric field that you many manually enter.
- Basis
- The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated rate is being stored or displayed in, for example, hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate_Basis is a fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS) that will default a value from the pay component.
- Rate Override
- The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated rate is being stored or displayed in, for example, hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate Basis may be overridden in the entry screen, or through the transaction loader process. Rate_Basis_Override is an optional fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS) that will be derived from the basis indicated on the sundry line but may be overridden.
- Distribution DR
- The distribution mask contains the distribution derived from the assignment, position, or job, overlaid by the distribution mask based on the debit GL code of the pay component. Distribution_DR_Mask is an optional 50 alphanumeric field that you manually enter or use the Distribution Editor to enter the value.
- Distribution CR
- The distribution mask contains the distribution derived from the assignment, position, or job, overlaid by the distribution mask based on the credit GL code of the pay component. Distribution_CR_Mask is an optional 50 alphanumeric field that you manually enter or use the Distribution Editor to enter the value.
- User Variable
- This field shows the user variable that may be used according to the pay component details set up. User_Variable_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that will default a value from the pay component or be manually entered.
- Override
- You may manually enter the user variable amount. For example, the user variable field may indicate a rate of 1.5 but for this particular transaction you may wish to enter 1.55. User_Variable_Override is an optional numeric field that you may manually enter.
- Element
- This field shows the element that is to be used according to the pay component details set up. Element_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that will default from a value from the pay component or be manually entered.
- Action
- The PC Action determines whether a transaction item entered under this pay component will be accumulated to the total value of the pay component, replace a prior transaction item, trigger a user calculation, or suppress a user calculation. PC_Action is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PC_ACTION) that will default from the pay component and may be overridden.
- Rate Source
- Indicates from where the wage rate is derived.
- Primary Assignment
- Matching Assignment
- Position or Job
- Job
- Prime + Premiums
- Assign + Premiums
- Job/Posn + Premiums
- Job + Premiums
- PC_Rate_Source is an optional fixed lexicon (X_PC_RATE_SOURCE) that will default from the pay component.
- Calc Meth
- Indicates the method by which an amount is calculated. PC_Calc_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_PC_CALC_METHOD) that will default from the pay component but may be overridden.
- Position
- This is the position code from the sundry’s assignment. Position_Code will default based on the sundry line but may be overridden.
- Job
- This is the Job code from the sundry’s assignment. Job_Code will default based on the sundry line but may be overridden.
- Jurisdiction
- This jurisdiction field is not currently being used.
- User Calc
- This field shows the UserCalc that may be attached to the pay component chosen. UserCalcs will be discussed further during UserCalc training.
- Pay Point Type
- This field indicates when this pay component needs to be picked up for processing during the pay calculation. Pay_Point_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PAY_POINT_TYPE) that will default from the pay component chosen for this sundry.
- Seq.
- This field displays the unique sequence number assigned to each item processed in a pay point. Items processed in a pay point may include multiple pay lines, UserCalcs, Benefit Plans and Leave Policies. Pay_Point_Sequence is an optional numeric field that will default from the pay component chosen for this pay line.
- Reference
- This field allows you to enter a note or reference for the sundry. This reference information may be either anecdotal or more structured (e.g. Union Code or Court Number). If the Reference field on IPPC is defined as 'Enter Vendor Code', you will select a code from an LOV. If there is no link, you may use this field to provide a description directly on the IPSN screen.You will be able to enter up to 200 characters as reference on the pay lines. This entry will not be checked against values within any lexicon. Reference_Info is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field.
- Sundry Type
- Indicates whether the sundry line is for a regular amount, an arrears amount, or a retro pay amount Sundry_Line_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_SUNDRY_LINE_TYPE) that is system maintained.
- Times Used
- The Times Used field is not currently being used.
- Distribution
- This field holds the sundry’s overridden distribution mask applicable for all its sundry details within the DR and CR journal entry posting. You may use the Distribution Editor button to enter the Distribution. The Distribution button provides the predefined G/L Segment information. The values and descriptions come from the G/L Segment set up. As the values are manually entered or selections chosen from the LOV available the sections are concatenated together at the bottom of the form. Distribution will be discussed further during Payroll Advanced training.
- Work Order
- Work Order is used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry. The Work Order Validation is defined on the ‘Define G/L Company’ (IDGC) form. The work order on each pay line can be unedited (no validation) or validated from an external system that has been programmed by High Line. Work_Order is a 50-character optional alphanumeric field.
- Cost Center
- Cost Center is used to define a short cut for the cost center information attached to a specific sundry. Cost_Center from P2K_CM_COST_CENTERS is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that you manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
- Pay Point Task
- A pay point task identifies the kind of process within the pay point. Pay_Point_Task is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PAY_POINT_TASK) that you may use to look up the value.
- WC Class
- This field shows the Workers’ Compensation derived from the assignment indicated for this sundry line. WCB_Class is an optional user-defined lexicon (X_WCB_CLASS) that will default from the assignment type indicated.
- Audit Text
- This field will display the exception text generated for this line. Audit_Text is an optional alphanumeric field that will be updated by the system.
Maintain Sundry (IPSN) - Premiums#
- Premium
- This field will identify the premium associated with the sundry. Premium_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that you may select from the LOV(F9).
- Rate
- This field shows the premium rate that is used in the premium calculation. Premium_Rate is an 18 digit numeric field.
- Basis
- The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated rate is being stored or displayed in, for example, hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate_Basis is an optional fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS) that you may use to look up the value.
- Override Rate
- Premium override rate you have entered that is used in the premium calculation. Premium_Rate is an 18 digit numeric field.
- Basis
- The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated rate is being stored or displayed in, for example, hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate_Basis is an optional fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS) that you may use to look up the value.
Maintain Sundry (IPSN) - History#
This tab provides historical information regarding sundry transactions that have been processed through