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The Pay Transaction Quick Entry (IPQE) form is used to enter transactions quickly in to the system for employees.



This field will contain the entity the batch belongs to.
There can only be one payroll attached to each batch. If more than one payroll needs to be processed through the pay cycle then additional batches must be created for each payroll. All of the batches may then be calculated together.
Pay Period
This field indicates the pay period the batch was generated for. Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the pay period # of the year
201701 is the first pay period in 2017.
201702 is the second pay period in 1999 and so on.
Pay of Year
This indicates the pay number of the year that this pay period is.
Batch #
This field will contain the the automatic numeric value assigned to this batch.
Batch Code
This field specifies the batch code.
Pay Category
This field shows the user-assigned code that uniquely identifies the pay category. Pay_Category_Code will default from the batch entered but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9).


Entered By
This field will indicate the user ID of the user that created the batch. User_Name from P2K_AM_USERS is a 30 character alphanumeric mandatory field that is system updated, and cannot be changed.
Created Date
The date/time that this record was originally created.
Balance Batch
This is a toggle to indicate if the batch has passed successfully through the batch balancing check of the Audit Process UPAUDT through the ‘Batch Balance’ tab on the IPQE form, if so the toggle is ON.
Ready for Approval
This field indicates that the batch is ready for approval.
Reopen Batch
This button allows the batch to be re-opened if it has been marked as Approved.


Batch Date
If you wish to provide given totals, the date of the batch control totals must be entered. Batch_Date is mandatory date field.
Given Pays
If you wish to provide given totals you must enter the number of pays that must be compared against the Actuals. Pay_Count is an optional 5 digit numeric field that you may manually enter.
The Batch Elements define the pay elements used to derive the system-calculated total when balancing a batch of payroll transactions. The IPPR form must define a list of elements for batch balancing before the user can supply the element total in this field. This field displays the name of the element containing the pay components that you may want to total and balance against.
i.e. Regular Time only or Reg. Time and Reg. Earnings, etc.
Given Amount
This field shows the Given amount for the element indicated to be compared against the Actuals. Given_Amount is an optional 5 digit numeric field that you may manually enter.
Actual Amount
This field shows the Actual amount for the element indicated to be compared against the Givens. This amount is calculated from the transactions entered.
Calc Totals
This is a button which will calculate the actual amounts for each batch element defined.

This field shows the Person code of the employee associated with the pay transaction.
The assignment associated with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
Last Name
This is the surname of the employee.
Start Date
This field displays the date of the pay transaction
Time Code
This field shows the time code of the pay transaction.
Time or Amount
The amount of time associate with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
Cost Center
If the line is going to pay transactions, a cost center may be indicated in this field.
The job associated with the pay transaction is identified in this field.
Wage Rate
This field shows the standard wage rate from primary assignment.
Work Order
This is a customized field used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry. The Work order validation is defined on the 'Define G/L Company' (IDGC) form. The work order on each pay line can be unedited (no validation) or validated from an external system that has been pre-programmed.

Reference Information
This field shows any reference information for the pay line generated.
This field displays the distribution code associated with the transaction.

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