Instructions and Messages on WebPages#

We are now using Messaging rather than static files, as it gives a more dynamic capability (and translatable for different groups of employees).

Steps to add embedded Messages in a form are as follows:
  1. IMMS - create a new message
    • Allows multiple lines and HTML.
    • Best practice recommendation: name the Message ‘xxxxx_HEADER’ (i.e. WEBOEE-HEADER) – allows easy search on client-created messages. Clients may also wish use a naming convention with their customer code embedded – this is not necessary assuming that clients properly label the message as “User Defined”.
  2. IMWC - create a new Where clause
    • Table (Data Source) = P2K_AM_MESSAGES
    • Where Clause Condition will be setup as Type = Ad Hoc, Column Name = MESSAGE_CODE, Operator = EQUALS, Value = xxxxx-HEADER (message name from step 1)
  3. IMFDH – add the Message to the function
    • Table Usages tab: add a new table usage for P2K_AM_MESSAGES (Data Source)
      • Table Alias = MMSH (or something unique for this message).
      • Use the where clause created in step 2.
      • Toggle on x Retrieve Allowed (save the change).
    • Form Layout tab: add a new row (Form Group = something unique, ie: HEADER INFO) to the form layout in the required position/block
      • Parent Group = FORM
      • Layout type = TEXT
      • Decoration = Lined Border, if you want (save)
    • In the new Form Group: add a display only field of MMSH.MESSAGE_TEXT (use the alias you created instead of MMSH if different)
      • Display width = SS-Widest
      • Height must be > 1
      • If you don't add a label, the system will display "Text".
      • High Line recommends "Instructions" or "Note".

Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site Administrator Self Service#

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page