How Do I Create a Role?#
- Access the Create Roles form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of roles.
- Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
- Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the role you wish to create.
- Enter the role’s Name and Description. Role names cannot begin with a number, contain spaces, or special characters with the following exceptions ( _, $, #). Underscores (_) are allowed.
- Select Role Type (e.g. Executions)
- If you wish to indicate that this will be the default role outside of the Personality world assign a Password in the next field.
- At this point you may also define the role’s Preferences and assign Users.
- Save the file.
Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site Administrator Self Service#
- How Do I Create a Function?
- How Do I Copy/Extend a Function?
- How Do I Delete/Remove a Function?
- How Do I Create a Form?
- How Do I Copy a Form?
- How Do I Add a Header or Footer to a Screen?
- How Do I Create a Menu?
- How Do I Create a User Name?
- How Do I Set Up a Generic User or User Profile?
- How Do I Create a Role?
- How Do I Assign a User to a Role?
- How Do I Assign a Role to a User?
- How Do I Change a Message to the User?
- How Do I Attach Assessments to the New Candidate Procedure?
- How Do I Allow New Candidates from the New Candidate Procedure?