How Do I Create a Role?#

  1. Access the Create Roles form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of roles.
  2. Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
  3. Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the role you wish to create.
  4. Enter the role’s Name and Description. Role names cannot begin with a number, contain spaces, or special characters with the following exceptions ( _, $, #). Underscores (_) are allowed.
  5. Select Role Type (e.g. Executions)
  6. If you wish to indicate that this will be the default role outside of the Personality world assign a Password in the next field.
  7. At this point you may also define the role’s Preferences and assign Users.
  8. Save the file.

Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site Administrator Self Service#

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