How Do I Create a Function?#

When you create a function, you will actually need to complete two processes. You will first create the function and then attach that function to a screen.

Only external and manual functions may be created. (i.e. creating a link to your company’s web site.) All other functions are only created either by us or under our direction. You may, however, copy an existing function in order to modify the form.

Create a Function
  1. Access the Maintain Function form (IMFN) through the Web Site Administrator main menu. You will be presented with a list of functions.
  2. Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
  3. Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the function you wish to enter.
  4. Enter the Product to which the function belongs. e.g. BE
  5. In the appropriate fields, enter the function’s
    • Name
    • Description
    • Usage (User Defined)
    • Type (External or Manual)
    • Purpose
  6. Enter either the URL in the Web Address field or the external function path in PL/SQL Block field.
  7. Define the general execution rights for this function through the Create Allowed, Retrieve Allowed, Update Allowed and Delete Allowed booleans. Normally, external functions are Retrieve Allowed only.
  8. Define the execution rights to this function for a specific role in the Execution Rights tab at the bottom of this form.
  9. Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, Save the file.
Attach Function to Form
The new function must be attached to a form in order to be accessed.
  1. Access the Create Menus form (IMMU) through the Web Site Administrator main menu.
  2. Select the menu you wish to add the new function to.
  3. Click the Add icon found at the bottom of the list of the menu’s functions and sub-menus; Located below the Menu Code and Menu Usage. A blank row will now appear in the list.
  4. Ensure your cursor is on that row.
  5. Identify the menu items (functions or menus) that will compose your menu and the order in which they should appear through the Sequence, Code and Type fields.
  6. Enter the name of the new function in the Call Function field
  7. Complete the Label field and if desired, the Icon Name field.
  8. Set the Menu Action Usage to User Defined. This must be completed as stated.
  9. When you are satisfied with the data you have provided, click the Save button.

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