Approval Processes are used to ensure that approval is obtained for certain actions within the system. The Approval Process (IDAP) allows you to set up approval requirements for different processes within Wiki.

The definition data for the Define Approval Processes screen is stored in the P2K_CM_APPROVAL_PROCESSES, P2K_CM_APPROVAL_STEPS, P2K_CM_APPROVAL_RECORDS and P2K_CM_APPROVERS tables.

Approval Process
This field holds the unique user-defined name of the process.
This field identifies classifies the approval process to a specific type.
This field allows you to enter a brief description about the process.
Each Approval Process is assigned a Priority. The Priority of an approval process indicates the order that the approval processes are checked. The highest is checked first. If multiple Approval Processes exist of the same type and if multiple qualify for a given transaction, the process with the highest Priority will be used.
Where Clause
The field allows you to select a `Where Clause' which may be used to specify conditions for selecting approval process. i.e. The `Where Clause' may restrict this process to employee time sheets where the employee is in a specific Unit or Department. By pressing the F9 key while focusing in this field, the user may create a new where clause specifically for this approval process using the 'Where Clause Creater dialog' that pops up.
Start Date / End Date
Approval Processes can also be defined using a start date and/or an end date where the rules are considered to be “effective”. If the current processing as of date falls within the time frame specified the approval is considered effective.

Approval Steps#

Certain transactions may require more than one level of approval before being accepted. Hence, approval processes may have one or more steps. Each step in a multi-level approval process is given a sequence number and a description. This area allows you to define the individual steps within the process and the order in which they are to take place.
Seq #
The sequence number indicates the order the steps within the process will be executed.
This field allows you to enter a brief description about the step.
Function Name
This field allows you to enter a function name which is the form to be used for approving the record. If no function is specified, the record may be approved in any form that calls the subject focus of the approval process and that calls the Approval Process logic.

Approver tab#

Approvers are categorized by type as follows: Department Manager, Position Manager, Assignment Manager, Any Manager, Any Manager, Specified Person, etc. This tab identifies the individual who is allowed to approve the current step in the process and what approval rights they have.
This is a supplied predefined lexicon. APPROVER_TYPE is a mandatory field which you must fill from the user-defined lexicon X_APPROVER_TYPE.
  • Department Manager
    • An employee who is identified on the department (IDDP) as the `Dept. Supervisor' or Manager- Person Code.
  • Position Manager
    • An employee who is identified on the position (IDPS) as the `Supervisor by' or Classification-Manager.
  • Assignment Manager
    • An employee who is identified on the assignment (IEAS) the employee as Service-Supervised By.
  • First Manager
  • User with Match
    • A specific employee who is identified under Last, First.
  • Manager
    • Currently not supported.
  • Specified Person (works with Last, First)
    • A specific employee who is identified in the IEID form.
  • Spec List of People (works with People List)
    • This identifies multiple people who qualify to be approvers. Note: only People Lists that are defined through EP can only used in this selection. EP People Lists are cased on Where Clauses.
  • Last Approvers Manager
  • All Managers
If the type of approver is listed as `Specified Person or User with Match', the user may select the specific person in this field using the drop down LOV.
Or People List
If the type of approver is listed as `Spec List of People', the user may select the appropriate people list code in this field using the LOV provided.
Where Clause
The field allows you to select a `Where Clause' which may be used to specify conditions for selecting approvers. i.e. The `Where Clause' may restrict this process to approvers in a specific unit or department.
From Date / To Date
If there is a specific start or end to this approver's rights then these fields can control the time frame that they are active. If the approval rights for the individual are for a set time frame only, a Start and End Date may be defined.
Up to Approval
If the individual is part of a sequence of approvers, but has this toggle checked, they can by pass the other approvers and authorize the process directly. e.g. the approval process goes through the department manager, the assignment manager and the position manager. The position manager has `Up to Approval' checked. In this case, the position manager can approve the process without having to wait for the department or assignment manager's approval.
Allow Send Back
The Allow Send Back option gives the approver the ability to send the approval process back to the first approval step. This feature is only available to approvers on a step higher than the first step. If an approver in a multi step process is defined with Up To Approval rights, they cannot send back the approval until the previous step has been approved
Allow Decline
The Allow Decline option gives the approver a right to decline an approval record.
Allow Change
The Allow Change option has been added to the IDAP form, however it currently has no logic behind it. This will be implemented in the near future.

Approval Record tab#

Approval actions are recorded as they are performed - approved, not approved, cancelled etc. The date/time, approver and approval action of all approvals are tracked. Employees are able to check the approval status of their transactions at any time. Administrators can see the detailed Approval Records on IDAP. This area provides information on the approvals which have been created. This tab is View Only
This field identifies when the approval was created.
This field shows where the approval is in the process. e.g. Approved, Ready To Be Approved. This field is tied to the lexicon X_APPROVAL_STATUS.
Approval Record For
The individual who granted the approval will be identified in this field.
Approval Entity Id
This field uniquely identifies the approval within the system.
Reference Info
This field is system populated with a system message which displays information pertaining to the record being approved.
Approver Type
The type of approver associated with the approval will be identified here.
From Date / To Date
If there is a specific start or end to this approver's rights then these fields can control the time frame that they are active. If the approval rights for the individual are for a set time frame only, a Start and End Date may be defined.
Specified Person
If the type of approver is listed as `Specified Person or User with Match', this field will identify that person.
Or People List
If the type of approver is listed as `Spec List of People' this field will identify that list of people.
Further information or notes on the approval is provided in this field.