How Do You Return an Employee From a Leave#

  1. Go to the Maintain Assignments IEAS form.
  2. Select the employee using the 'FIND' bar.
  3. Click on the 'Effective Date' field in the Date Sensitive Navigator for the effective date record you will be updating.
  4. Enter the date of the change and use the 'tab' key to move your cursor to the 'Change Reason' field.
  5. Enter the Change Reason for the Date Effective Change you are making.
  6. Move the cursor to the Employment Status field on the Definition tab.
  7. Using either the LOV or by entering manually, change the employment status back to the proper 'Active' type.
    1. Remove the Leave date.
    2. Remove the Return date.
    3. Remove the Leave Reason.
  8. Save.

Frequently Asked Questions - Human Resources #

Notes #