How Do I Create a User Name?#

  1. Access the Create User (IMUS) form through the Web Site Administrator main menu. You will be presented with a list of users.
  2. Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list;
  3. A ensure your cursor is on that row. Directly beneath the list are the fields that allow you to define the user you wish to enter.
  4. Enter the user’s ID/Name and Description in the appropriate fields.
  5. If the user should have access for a limited time period, you may define that time period through the Start Date and End Date fields.
  6. You may provide an Email Address and Password in the appropriate fields
  7. Define the general execution rights for this user through the Create Allowed, Retrieve Allowed, Update Allowed and Delete Allowed Boolean.
  8. Define execution rights to a specific function for this user through the Execution Rights tab at the bottom of the form.
  9. At this point you may also define the role’s Preferences and assign Roles.
  10. Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, click the Save button.

Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site Administrator Self Service#

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