How Do You Correct an Employee's Termination Date#

You may change the Termination Date of an employee if they have not been paid for the pay period in which the original termination date fell.
  1. Go to the Terminate Employees (IETR) form.
  2. Click on the 'Adjust Termination Date' icon.
    • The 'Adjust Termination Date' dialog box will open.
    • Enter the correct Termination Date and Termination Reason.
    • Click 'OK' to change the Termination Date or 'Cancel' to cancel the change.

This process will update:#

  1. The employee's 'Termination Date' on the IETR and IEEI forms.
  2. The 'Assignment Start Date' and the 'Effective Record' in the Maintain Assignments (IEAS) form.

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