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Generation of batches of pay transactions is done for:

All transaction generation is based on work rules previously set up.

All HR changes that will affect the current payroll MUST be made prior to UPTG.

Generated pay transactions may be batched by department, department batch code, authorization area, location, or payroll (all in a single batch).

Generation is not done for “completed” or “cancelled” assignments.

Pay Type must be identified as “Salary” or “Hourly” - no generation is done for “Commission”.

Daily Time Generation#

Weekly/Period Time Generation#

If the Time Generation work rule is “By Week with Time”, “By Week w/o Time”, “By Period with Time” or “By Period w/o Time”, summary pay transactions will be created by week or pay period with the following exceptions:

Salary Generation#

If a Salary $ Code work rule is specified, salary earnings will be generated on the last day of the qualifying time frame with the following exceptions:

Rate and Shift Premium Generation#

The rate on each pay transaction defaults to the rate defined on the assignment detail that is effective on the transaction date.

Leave Bank Balance Checking#

After all transactions for the qualifying time frame have been generated, a second pass is done to handle leaves that are governed by leave policies.

The system checks if the employee is able to take time with the time code, by checking the Leave Schedule (IALS). If a schedule exists that matches the employee’s person code, group, unit, or entity, the system will ensure that employees have enough time available in their bank, taking into consideration all leaves taken to date.

Leave bank balance checking is done in accordance with the leave policies.

If there is not enough time left in the bank and if leave cascade records exist on IALP, the cascade banks are checked and additional time codes are generated as appropriate to cover the time.

If there is still not enough time and the Time Warn Rule field on IALP indicates “Error, don’t allow”, the leave time is generated using the “LWOP Time Code” specified on the policy.

Exception messages are generated for all leave bank excesses.