Deposit/Check Has Been Issued
  1. Correct the Employee’s Pay Rule (IPRLU) or Pay Category (IPPGU)
  2. Ensure you have a Pay Category (IPPGU) other than ‘REGULAR’ that is not attached to any Pay Frequencies (IPPF)
  3. Create a batch in IPBE for the same pay period with the category of ‘REPLACEMENT’ (for example) for the period that was incorrect.
  4. Add a pay for the period for the batch you just created
    • Add a pay header for the employee in IPPH for the batch that you just created. Choose the Payment method if required.
    • Save
    • Go to the Pay Lines and enter the Pay Components that need to be corrected as NEGATIVE amounts
      • FICA EE
      • FICA ER
      • FICA EE Wages
      • FICA ER Wages
    • Save
    • Trial calculate to verify the information
    • Audit (UPAUDT)
    • Calculate (UPCALC)
    • Print the pay register (RPREGC)
    • Close (UPCLOZ) if everything is correct.
    • Disburse the pay as you normally would (UPDISB, UPSTUBC,UPSTUBD etc.)

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