Converting Attendance Banks (Leave Accruals)#

The application stores the information for employee leave balances in a set of tables accessible from the IALA screen. This screen reads from the P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS and it dependent table P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUAL_DETAILS. The process of converting these records is to load them into the interface table, INF_CV_ACCRUALS, first and run the conversion procedure to move them from this table into the two application tables.

Since each leave policy can have a different setup and a different set of Attendance Component codes that will be required, the records can be loaded in separately for each policy type. This will allow the records to be loaded into the environment in smaller batches, over a period of time. As each set of records are loaded and converted they can be validated while the next set of records are being processed.

Typically, each employee will have up to three records loaded and converted for each leave policy type they are eligible to be a member of, for each leave bank year they needs to be maintained for historical purposes. The only set of records that will need to loaded and converted are for the current leave bank year. This is the only set of records that will have any impact on the payroll process, or will be picked up for leave time validation. The three records to be loaded for the leave accruals will be the total time accumulated for the leave bank, the total time taken within the current leave bank year and the total time rolled over from the previous leave bank year. These three records correspond to the AC290, AC300 and AC900, respectfully.

The following table is the layout of the ACCRUAL interface table:

Name Null? Type Notes
LEAVE_TYPE_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid Leave Policy Type entry from the IAPT screen
LEAVE_POLICY_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Must be a valid Leave Policy entry from the IALP screen
ENTITY_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Used to link to the EMPLOYEE records on IEEI
PERSON_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) Used to link to the EMPLOYEE records on IEEI
EMPLOYMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Used to link to the EMPLOYEE records on IEEI
HIRE_DATE DATE Used to link to the EMPLOYEE records on IEEI
LEAVE_POLICY_YEAR NOT NULL NUMBER(5,0) Must be set to the four digit year the records ends in.
UNOFFICIAL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically set to '1', for Official
START_DATE DATE Must be set to the anniversary of the Leave Policy start date from IALP
END_DATE DATE Must be set to the anniversary of the Leave Policy end date from IALP
LEAVE_POLICY_STATUS VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically set to '01', for Active
EVALUATED_BY VARCHAR2(50) Must be a valid user from the IMUS screen. Typically set to 'P2K'
ENTITLEMENT_FROZEN VARCHAR2(4) Check mark field. Typically left blank.
SERVICE_EVALUATION_DATE DATE Last date the records was processed through system. Set to START_DATE
ENTITLEMENT_GIVEN_DATE DATE Last date the any time was earned for this bank. Typically set tot START_DATE
AC_CODE VARCHAR2(16) Attendance Component Code for bank. Typically set to either A290, A300 or A900
EFFECTIVE DATE Date this record becomes active. Typically set to HIRE_DATE.
ACCRUAL_TYPE VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically set to '03' for Entitlement. This will be replaced during UACALC/UPCALC
ACCRUAL_VALUE_OVERRIDE VARCHAR2(200) Typically left blank.
ACCRUAL_VALUE_BASIS VARCHAR2(30) Must be a valid lexicon entry. Typically set to '07', for Hourly

Each leave bank will have a minimum of one record in the INF_CV_ACCRUALS table with all the “NOT NULL” fields filled in, as well as the AC_CODE and ACCRUAL_VALUE. This record will have the AC_CODE set to A290 and the ACCRUAL_VALUE set to the amount of time the employee has available in the bank. However, it is highly recommended that the A300 record also be loaded and converted to accurately calculate the amount of time remaining in the leave bank. A900 will also need to be loaded and converted if the bank allows the rolling over of time from one year to the next.

The A290, A300 and A900 AC CODES track time only. If you have any leave banks that track the dollars associate to this time, you will also need to loaded and convert the A380, A370 and A950. These are the current year amount earned, current year amount paid and the amount owing at year end. Since most leave banks are tracking time and not dollars, it is rare to convert these AC codes.

After the records have been loaded and converted, they will need to be processed by the UPCALC/UPCLOZ processes, or from UACALC/UACLOZ. If the leave accrual records will be processed by UACALC/UACLOZ, outside a pay cycle, the leave policy should not make use of user calcs. If the leave policy is defined with user calcs that makes use of any data that is derived during a pay cycle these would not be valid during UACALC. This would include any pay component values, elements, pay period start or end dates. If the user calc does not make use of any of these types of values, it can still be called from the attendance processing routines in the UACALC.

Until the leave accrual records are processed through either the UACALC or UPCALC functions, the employee’s record will only contain the three AC codes that have been loaded and converted. Once processed and closed, all the AC codes configured to store values in accruals from the leave policy definition screen will be filled in and stored in the employee’s records on the IALA screen.

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