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Class Registration Improvements#

The Class Registration process has been enhanced with new features to provide more flexibility in registering and enrolling Candidates into offered classes.

Candidates can now be put on a 'waiting list', they can withdraw their class registration/enrollment, approved registrants may be automatically enrolled into a class, and registrants can control which courses/classes they see in WECCL.

Class Enrollment Options#

In ICRSC a new lexicon has been added called Class Enrollment Option. This field provides the Administrator with 4 options

X_CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed ValueMeaning
10Manual Enroll, No Wait List With this selection the Registrants must be manually enrolled by the Administrator and there are no waiting lists allowed for the class. If the class is Open or Almost Full, the Candidates may register for the class. Their request will be entered as Requested and will be sent for approval. Once approved the Administrator would manually change the status from Approved to Enrolled. The class does not allow a waiting list, therefore once the class is full Candidates will not be able to sign up for the class.
20Auto Enroll, No Wait ListWith this selection the Registrants will be automatically enrolled into the class and there are no waiting lists allowed for the class. If the class is Open or Almost Full, the Candidates may register for the class. Their request will be entered as Requested and will be sent for approval. Once approved the system will automatically change the status from Approved to Enrolled. The class does not allow a waiting list, therefore once the class is full Candidates will not be able to sign up for the class.
30Manual Enroll, Allow Wait ListWith this selection the Registrants must be manually enrolled by the Administrator and the class allows a waiting list. If the class is Open or Almost Full, the Candidates may register for the class. Their request will be entered as Requested and will be sent for approval. Once approved the Administrator would manually change the status from Approved to Enrolled. Once a class becomes full, candidates may still register for the class. Once their enrollment request has been approved, their enrollment status will automatically change from Approved to Wait Listed. When an opening occurs it will be up to the Administrator to manually change the status from Wait Listed to Enrolled for the Candidate they wish to enroll.
40Auto Enroll, Allow Wait ListWith this selection the Registrants will be automatically enrolled into the class and the class does allow a waiting list. Once the Candidate's enrollment request has been approved they will be automatically enrolled into the class if there are open slots available. If the class is full, the Registrants will be automatically added to the Waiting List once their enrollment request has been approved. When an opening occurs, due to a registration being cancelled, the system will automatically enroll the Candidate with the highest priority as determined in ICRSE, if no priority is provided the Candidate with the earliest request date will be enrolled. If a withdraw or cancellation occurs and if there are no Candidates with the status Approved, the system will open up the class to allow new registrants.

WECCL Changes#

Show All Option#

The table where the Courses are listed in the header of the form has been enhanced with a Show All toggle to provide a means of constraining the list of courses.

When SHOW ALL toggle is On, WECCL will show all the courses that have at least an offered class and the system's As Of Date is between the Class's Enrollment Start and End Dates. WECCL will show Full classes if their courses are offered and fall between the dates.

If SHOW ALL toggle is OFF WECCL will show only classes that are available for registration or the candidate is already register/enrolled in, this is to allow him to withdraw from the class. WECCL will also show a Full class that allows a waiting list.

Class Status / Capacity#

Withdraw Option#

ICRSE Changes#