This area within the product was recently enhanced to populate a toggle dynamically when a leave has cascaded due to insufficient bank balances. Leave reasons can now be made ‘required’ and selected within IPTS or All Professional and Self Service Leave screens.

Cascade and Leave Reason Functionality#

  • IAAL now displays a Cascade toggle that will dynamically populate when the leave cascades. It is easier for the user to see at a glance if the cascade has occurred.
  • IALP (Details Tab) - The LWOP Time Code MUST be defined. When the Cascade Tab is blank the leave will cascade to the ‘LWOP Time Code’.
  • IALP (Details Tab) - When the ‘Leave Reason Req’d toggle’ is checked the user will be prompted / required to fill in the leave reason.

Cascade and Leave Reason Setup #

In order to use the Cascade functionality there are set up requirements that must be fulfilled.

Set Up – Cascade#

  • In order for a Leave to cascade a user MUST first define the ‘LWOP Time Code’ and optionally the Cascade Tab may be defined with a leave time code.
  • Launch IALP and ensure there is a LWOP time code selected.
  • If desired advance to the Cascade Tab and define a leave time code.
  • Set the ‘Time Warning Rule’ to ‘Error, Do Not Allow’.
  • Leave time codes defined on the Leave Plan MUST be attached to a Leave Schedule in IALS. If the time code is not on the leave schedule the cascade toggle will still populate in IAAL but the balance of the leave time will not cascade.

Once defined the cascade functionality will operate when the employee’s leave bank has been depleted.

Set Up – Leave Reason Req’d#

To make the leave reason a requirement the Leave Reason Req’d Toggle must be checked in IALP.

IAAL – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons#

  • Leaves may be entered directly into the Requested Tab of IAAL.
  • In IAAL, when a leave is first entered the leave status defaults to ‘1-Requested’. It is at this time the user MUST select a leave reason or the record will not save. Failing to enter a leave reason will produce the message ‘You need to enter a leave reason before save’.
  • Any leaves entered in IAAL and saved will dynamically display the cascade toggle if the leave was cascaded.
  • Any leaves entered in IAAL will display in IPTS and vice versa.

IPTS – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons#

  • Leaves may be entered directly on the timesheet in IPTS.
  • After saving the records, an indicator will display in the Value field. If the record is not in focus, the indicator may be a red disc marked with a white ‘x’ in the center, this indicates a leave reason is required. When the mouse is hovered over the icon a bubble text will appear with a message indicating the leave reason is required. If the record is in focus, the value will be crossed out, the red disc icon will not display. If the indicator is a yellow triangle marked with a white ‘!’ in center, this indicates the leave has cascaded. Again, the user may hover their mouse over the icon to display the message.
  • Since the leave line is created on the fly the leave reason can only be filled by selecting the Show Require Leave Reason button. This button is available in the header of IPTS. Note: The Show Require Leave Reason button may be added on any timesheet screen or leave entry screen similar to the way it displays in IPTS.
  • When the user clicks on this button a window displays with the leave entries that require a leave reason. The user may then fill the leave reason. The user may also enter a Leave Reason free form description in the ‘Leave Reason Text’ field. If the window is blank there are no leave reasons to fill.
  • The timesheet cannot be submitted until all the leaves that require a leave reason has one of following columns with information “Reason” or “Leave Reason Text”.

IPTR / IPTRE – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons#

  • Leaves may be entered directly as a pay transaction in the grid of IPTR and IPTRE.
  • After saving the records, if the leave requires a leave reason or if the leave has cascaded an indicator will display in the Value field. If the record is not in focus, the indicator may be a red disc marked with a white ‘x’ in the center, this indicates a leave reason is required. When the mouse is hovered over the icon a bubble text will appear with a message indicating the leave reason is required. If the record is in focus the value will be crossed out and double arrows will display which may be clicked to reveal the leave dialog. If the indicator is a yellow triangle marked with a white ‘!’ in center, this indicates the leave has cascaded. Again, the user may hover their mouse over the icon to display the message.
  • The transactions within the grid may be filtered to only display those requiring a leave reason or to display leaves which have cascaded. This may be done via the Filter By drop down just beneath the grid.
  • The Leave Reason may be provided in the Leave Information section within the Time Codes tab of IPTR / IPTRE.

IPPH – Entering Leaves and Leave Reasons#

  • Leaves may be entered directly as a pay line in IPPH.
  • After saving the records, if the leave requires a leave reason or if the leave has cascaded an indicator will display in the Value field. If the record is not in focus, the indicator may be a red disc marked with a white ‘x’ in the center, this indicates a leave reason is required. When the mouse is hovered over the icon a bubble text will appear with a message indicating the leave reason is required. If the record is in focus, the value will be crossed out, the red disc icon will not display. If the indicator is a yellow triangle marked with a white ‘!’ in center, this indicates the leave has cascaded. Again, the user may hover their mouse over the icon to display the message.

UPCTSP – Load Timesheets to Pay Headers#

  • Leave Reason is currently carried over and supported through UPCTSP only.
  • When UPCTSP runs all IAAL “3-In Payroll” leaves are tagged as” 3-Reevaluated” (non display) and reinserted as “3-In Payroll” leaves lines again.
  • After UPCTSP completes the leave reasons will carry over to the newly inserted “3-In Payroll leave lines in IAAL.
  • Leave reasons will not display in IPPH.