This page (revision-44) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Karen Parrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
44 26-Nov-2021 10:22 16 KB Karen Parrott to previous
43 26-Nov-2021 10:22 16 KB Karen Parrott to previous | to last
42 26-Nov-2021 10:22 16 KB Karen Parrott to previous | to last
41 26-Nov-2021 10:22 16 KB Ian Howie to previous | to last

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[{TableOfContents }]
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The screen WEBOEE is a scroll view of the employee’s elections.
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The screen WEBOEE is a scroll view of the employee’s election options that are available in the Open Enrollment.
The top of the form displays the Employee’s Open Enrollment Record Status and the OE Start and End dates.
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If there are no open enrollments for an employee, a message will be presented indicating there is no information to display. There is a site preference called [SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG(System_Preference)] which when set to ‘Y’ will display the message defined in ‘<FORM_NAME>_EMPTY’, where FORM_NAME is the name of the form that has no data to display, i.e.: WEBOEE. These messages can be tailored in [IMMS] using translations, the message code for WEBOEE is: WEBOEE_Empty.
An introductory paragraph is shown followed by several numbered paragraphs that step the employee through the election process. The content of these paragraphs may be tailored and may contain HTML tags. These paragraphs are the Election Intro Text found on the Plan Type in [IBPT].
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Only plans that are part of the Open Enrollment process will appear.
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At any time during the open enrollment process, the employee can print off their [open enrollment elections summary|WEBOEE_PRT]. The print icon is displayed at the top of the form.
If there are no open enrollments for an employee, a message will be presented indicating there is no information to display. There is a site preference called [SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG] which when set to ‘Y’ will display the message defined in ‘<FORM_NAME>_EMPTY’, where FORM_NAME is the name of the form that has no data to display, i.e.: WEBOEE. These messages can be tailored in [IMMS] using translations, the message codes are: WEBOEE_Empty.
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The WEBOEE form is a multi-tabbed form which includes multiple steps that walk the employee through the election process.
At any time during the open enrollment process, the employee can print off a summary of the open enrollment elections. The print icon is displayed at the top of the form.
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Only plans that are part of the Open Enrollment process will appear.
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!!Enrollment Information tab
This tab holds the splash screen for general enrollment information. This tab can be customized by editing the file WEBOEE_TEMPLATE.html in the HLAppResources/release/docs/information_pages/ folder on the application sever. To customize this form a basic/general understanding of [HTML] will be required.
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This tab allows the employee to see what plans are available in their Open Enrollment and see what their enrollment status is with each of the plans.
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;Go To My Person Profile: This button will take the employee to the [WEEPP] form so they may update their personal information.
;Go To My Contacts (Spouse,Dependents, Others): This button will take the employee to the [WEECN] form so they may update their contacts.
;[Go To My Person Profile|ACT_UPDATE_PERSONAL_INFO]: This button will take the employee to the [WEEPP] form so they may update their personal information.
;[Go To My Contacts (Spouse,Dependents, Others)|ACT_UPDATE_CONTACTS]: This button will take the employee to the [WEECN] form so they may update their contacts.
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Newly added in Personality 5.04+ - Description boxes are now available to be used to further explain general information based on the currently highlighted benefit plan.
These description boxes are controlled by html files found on your application server in the /HLAppResources/release/docs/information_pages/ folder. To edit these boxes you must create an html file for each benefit plan and then link them to the plan via [IBPN - Maintain Benefit Plans|IBPN] and the Benefits Description URL field.
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!5. Review the following plan options and choose your elections.
In this step the employee's are required to review their benefit election options and decide which plans they wish to enroll in.
The employee makes an election choice by clicking the coverage they want. When one coverage option line is toggled on, all other lines are automatically toggled off.
If the plan participation is optional, an additional “Coverage Declined” line will be shown at the bottom of the list to give the employee the ability to opt out of the plan. On the third tab the employee will be prompted for the reason for the decline for any plans / plan election sets that they have declined here in tab 2.
In all cases where there is a choice, a “Coverage To Be Decided” line will appear at the bottom of the list to give the employee time to think about the coverage they want.
The “Coverage To Be Decided” line will not appear if the plan participation is required and there is only one coverage level to choose from.
New OE created is using the coverage effective date from IBOE and the coverage amount set in Enter Election Changes will be reflected in Review Costs and Submit Elections tab.
__Plan Type__
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Plans of the same type that are mutually exclusive may be grouped in a [Plan Election Set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET]. Only one coverage option may be elected from a [Plan Election Set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET].
The Election Intro Text, if provided in [IBPT], will display above the list of plans within the plan type. If a URL was provided in [IBPT], it too will also be displayed above the table of available plans.
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__Election Intro Text__
Plans of the same type that are mutually exclusive may be grouped in a [Plan Election Set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET]. Only one coverage option may be elected from a [Plan Election Set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET].
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The [Election Intro Text|ELECTION_INTRO_TEXT], if provided in [IBPT], will display here above the list of plans within the plan type. This may be used to provide instructions for the employee or it may be used to provide additional information regarding the plan(s).
If BC codes were configured in [IBPN] to allow data to be entered (Enter Election) these will display above the plan details.
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The employee makes an election choice by clicking the coverage they want. When one coverage option line is toggled on, all other lines are automatically toggled off.
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If the plan participation is optional, an additional “Coverage Declined” line will be shown at the bottom of the list to give the employee the ability to opt out of the plan. On the third tab the employee will be prompted for the reason for the decline for any plans / plan election sets that they have declined here in tab 2.
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__Plan Type URL__
In all cases where there is a choice, a “Coverage To Be Decided” line will appear at the bottom of the list to give the employee time to think about the coverage they want.
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If a URL was provided in [IBPT], it too will also be displayed here above the table of available plans.
The “Coverage To Be Decided” line will not appear if the plan participation is required and there is only one coverage level to choose from.
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;[Plan|DRV_PLAN_ELECTION_DESCRIPTION]: The description of the plan will be displayed here. If the plans are tied to a [plan election set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET], the name of the [plan election set|PLAN_ELECTION_SET] will display.
;[Plan|DRV_PLAN_ELECTION_DESCRIPTION]: The description of the plan will be displayed here.
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;Enter Election: If BC codes were configured in [IBPN] to allow data to be entered using the [OE Enter Elections toggle|ENTER_ELECTION] these will display above the plan details. For example, this could be the employee's Deduction Amount. If there are no BC Codes configured to display, this field will not be visible.
;[Benefit Recipient|DRV_ECT_IDS]: This field will display any recipients that the employee has elected for the plan. Participants may be beneficiaries, children, dependents, or a spouse/others. The list of recipients available to an employee is derived from the relation type defined in [IECT] for each of their contacts and the recipient type defined in [IBPN] for each of the plan’s coverages. Participant changes are effective on the effective date of the coverage and do not impact current payrolls.
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;[Benefit Recipient|DRV_ECT_IDS]: This field will display any recipients that the employee has elected for the plan. Participants may be beneficiaries, children, dependents, or a spouse/others. The list of recipients available to an employee is derived from the __[RELATION]__ Type defined in [IECT] for each of their contacts and the recipient type defined in [IBPN] for each of the plan’s coverages. Participant changes are effective on the effective date of the coverage and do not impact current payrolls.
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;[OE Questions|ACT_TAKE_ASSESSMENT]: This is an action button which will display when an employee elects a coverage which has an assessment associated to it. The button, when pressed, will present a window where the employee is directed to answer questions pertaining to the selected plan/coverage. Once the assessment (OE Questions) has been taken the [status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS] will change to Completed and the button will become greyed out. See the page [Open Enrollment Questions|OPEN ENROLLMENT ASSESSMENTS|OPEN ENROLLMENT ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS] for more information.
;[Re-Open Questions|ACT_REOPEN_ASSESSMENT]: This is an action button which will reset the status of the assessment (OE Questions) to allow the employee to change their responses to the questions. Once depressed, the [OE Questions|ACT_TAKE_ASSESSMENT] button will be available.
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;[Your Cost|DRV_EE_COST]: The employee's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component [B1040 |BC-B1040]. The [Allow Value Override toggle|ALLOW_VALUE_OVERRIDE] must be checked ON for [B1040 |BC-B1040] in order for this cost to show.
;[ER Cost|DRV_ER_COST]: The employer's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component [B0680|BC-B0680].The [Allow Value Override toggle|ALLOW_VALUE_OVERRIDE] must be checked ON for [B0680 |BC-B0680] in order for this cost to show.
;[Your Cost|DRV_EE_COST]: The employee's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component [B1040 |BC-B1040].
;[ER Cost|DRV_ER_COST]: The employer's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component [B0680|BC-B0680].
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__Corrections are needed to this coverage selection__
;[Please Note|NOTE_TEXT]: This field will display any validation errors for the above benefit elections. If there are no validation errors, this field will not be visible.
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;[Please Note|NOTE_TEXT]: This will display any validation errors for the above benefit elections. If there are no validation errors, this field will not be visible.
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!6. Validate your election choices to ensure all of the requirements have been fulfilled. Once all of the options have been validated you may proceed to the next tab to submit your elections.
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The prompts for these can be translated to meet your business needs and additional media may be added to the form if necessary.
As stated earlier, the prompts for these can be translated to meet your business needs and additional media may be added to the form if necessary.
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! 9. Below is a summary of your benefit election costs.
A summary of costs is displayed to let the employee see the impact of their elections. Totals are displayed for the employee’s pre tax cost, employee’s post tax cost and the employer cost. Costs will be shown by Pay Period, by Month or by Year, based on what the employee has chosen on the first tab.
;[Plan|DRV_PLAN_CODE]:The plan code of the elected plan will display here.
;[Coverage|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the coverage is displayed.
;[Election|ELECTION_REQUIRED]:This field will indicate if the plan requires employee participation.
;[Election Decision|ELECTION_DECISION]:This field will indicate if the employee has made changes to their current enrollments.
;[Est.Cost|DRV_ESTIMATED_COSTS]:This toggle indicates if the costs displayed are estimates. The true cost will be determined during the payroll process. This toggle will be checked ON if the coverage has the Estimated Costs toggle on in [IBPN].
;[Your Cost Pre Tax|DRV_EE_COST_PRE_TAX]:If the cost of the benefit is calculated Pre-Tax, the cost will display in this field. This is derived from the Benefit Component [BC1040|BC-B1040].
;[Your Cost Post Tax|DRV_EE_COST_POST_TAX]:If the cost of the benefit is calculated Post Tax, the cost will display in this field. This is derived from the Benefit Component [BC1040|BC-B1040].
;[Employer Cost|DRV_ER_COST]:The employer's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component [B0680|BC-B0690].
;[Basis|DRV_COST_BASIS]:The costs are shown in the basis chosen by the employee, by Year / Month / Period. The basis may be changed in Step 4 on the first tab.
;Grand Total: A grand total cost will display for the sum of the Your Cost column and also for the sum of the ER Cost column. The wording 'Grand Total' is derived from the system message BEPS_00007, the wording of the message may be changed using translations.
!10. A Decline Reason must be selected for all declined plans.
A summary of the plans the employee has declined will display. The employee is prompted to enter a ‘Reason for Decline’ for each of the plans they have declined, unless the site preference “[BSS D REASON REQ|BSS D REASON REQ(System_Preference)]” was defined with a value of N in [IMST].
;[Plan|DRV_PLAN_CODE]: This field will display the plan that the employee has declined.
;[Description|DRV_PLAN_DESCRIPTION]: The description of the plan will display here.
;[Reason for Decline|REASON_FOR_DECLINE]:The employee will be prompted with an LOV to select a reason for decline. This field is tied to the lexicon [X_BE_DECLINE_REASON].
!11. When you have completed all of your elections, please submit your changes for approval.
When an employee has completed all of their elections, they will submit them for approval.
If there are no errors, a confirmation dialog will appear to ensure that the employee understands that their decisions will be
If there are errors the employee will be directed back to tab 2 to correct the validation errors.
If the employee accepts the conditions, the election stage will change to Submitted and it will be up to the Benefit Administrator to review the employee’s choices. The employee will not be able to make any further changes to their elections, unless the Benefit Administrator intervenes.
If approval processes were defined in [IDAP] and if Approval logic was initiated in [IBPN] for the plan the elections will be sent through an approval process. Upon approval, the election will be ready to be processed.
When an employee submits their elections, the toggle, [EMPLOYEE_SIGN_OFF], is checked on. This toggle is not seen in any form; it is strictly in the database and may be used for workflow purposes. When the employee’s open enrollment is re-opened, the toggle is unchecked.
The elections will not be brought through to [IBEN] at this point. They must first be processed by the Benefit Administrator
;[Submit All Of My Elections For Approval|ACT_SUBMIT]: This button will submit the employee's benefit elections. When pressed, the elections will under go validation to ensure the elections are valid. Once submitted the employee will not be able to make changes to their elections, unless the Benefit Administrator re-opens the employee's open enrollment.
[{InsertPage page='Internal.WEBOEE' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]