Onboarding - New Employees#

The Onboarding process/procedure consists of many different screens.
To modify the screens that are shown in the Onboarding process/procedure go to the IMPC screen and selecting the procedure called "Onboarding".
The purpose of the Onboarding Process is to successfully integrate new employees into Personality with all of the required information a company would need related to those new hires.
The screens that are loaded by default to the onboarding process are;

  • WEPROFILE - My Personal Profile
    • My Personal Profile is a view only screen that outlines employee data that has already been inputted into the system. This data is usually entered by the client before an employee starts work on his first day or is populated automatically when using the Personality Recruitment Module.

  • WEESA - Electronic Signature Agreement
    • The Electronic Signature Agreement screen is used as a MASTER AGREEMENT that an employee would sign allowing him to use the digital signature functionality to sign other company related documents. Click the above link for further details.

  • WESIGN - Document Sign Off
    • The Document Sign Off screen can be used after the MASTER AGREEMENT has been signed. This screen enables an employee to digitally sign company related documents such as HR Policies. If the MASTER AGREEMENT has not been signed then the employee will not be permitted to sign any documents that required that initial signature.

  • WEPPM - My Payment Methods
    • The My Payment Methods screen is used for new employees to enter in their direct deposit/banking information.

WMOD - Onboarding Dashboard - The onboarding dashboard is used to view all new hires in their first 30 days of employment. This screen shows a User Created Checklist of fields, Onboarding Procedure Progress and the status of any documents that require sign off.