My Payment Methods – WEPPM (Using PA’s)#

The purpose of this screen is for employees to enter their own bank account information using a personnel action during the Onboarding Process or throughout their employment with your organization.

My Payment Methods data is stored in the P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS, P2K_PR_PAYMENT_RULES and P2K_PR_PAYMENT_RULE_DETAILS tables.

Field Definitions#

The order of which the banking records will be processed.
This column is attached to the lexicon X_PAY_BY_METHOD. This column outlines the 2 different ways to pay out an employee’s earnings.
The dollar amount to be paid to the related bank account.
The percentage that is used to calculate the total amount of earnings that will be issued using the related pay method and account information. This is usually set to 100% when an employee has their earnings going to only 1 bank account. Another common setup would be a 50% split between 2 different bank accounts.
Pay Remaining
a toggle that indicates that the payment method associated with this record has the employees remaining payment after the records above have been processed.
Pay To Order of
When payment method is a check, this will create the check to a specific person or organization.

For the Pay by Deposit method:#

Account Type
This field displays the type of bank account.
e.g. Checking or Savings
Transit #
This field displays the transit number associated to the bank.
Bank Account
This field displays the account number where your pay is deposited.
Bank Name
This field displays the banking institution where your pay is deposited.
This field displays the state or province and country where the bank branch is located.
Prime Deposit
This is an optional toggle field. If this toggle is ON then this account is considered the prime deposit account, if the toggle is OFF then this is not the prime deposit account. This toggle should only be set for one account.
As each time sheet is paid on the IPPH form, you may override the time sheet to be paid ‘By Check’ or ‘By Prime Deposit’ for certain types of pay (e.g. Bonus). This Prime ;:Deposit toggle indicates that the deposit account should be used for these ‘Prime Deposit’ time sheets.

Notes #

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