Round Eligible Amount {optional}#

This component enables the earnings to be rounded to the next or nearest specified value.

Are the eligible earnings to be rounded?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used
No: Go to B0360

If the eligible amount needs to be rounded down then use the usercalc rule in B0300 or B0320 to do the rounding and return the value to the component being used

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Round Up To Next ValueSpecify the rounding factor in the <BC Value>
on the component (e.g. 1000).
Rounds the eligible earnings up to the next <BC
Value> specified (e.g. 39,420 rounded to the
next 1000 would be 40,000).

02Round Up/Down To Near-
est Value
Specify the rounding factor in the <BC Value>
on the component (e.g. 1000).
Rounds the eligible earnings to the nearest
<BC Value> specified (e.g. 39,420 rounded to
the nearest 1000 would be 39,000 and 39,520
rounded to the nearest 1000 would be 40,000).


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