This page (revision-37) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by rforbes

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
37 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB rforbes to previous BSS_EVIDENCE_REQ(System_Preference) ==> BSS EVIDENCE REQ(System_Preference)
36 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB jmyers to previous | to last BSS D REASON REQ ==> BSS D REASON REQ(System_Preference)
35 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB jmyers to previous | to last BSS_EVIDENCE_REQ ==> BSS_EVIDENCE_REQ(System_Preference)
34 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB jmyers to previous | to last
33 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB jmyers to previous | to last
32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 20 KB jmyers to previous | to last
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 29 KB jmyers to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 32 KB jmyers to previous | to last
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 35 KB jmyers to previous | to last
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 37 KB jmyers to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 37 KB jmyers to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 38 KB jmyers to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 39 KB jmyers to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 43 KB jmyers to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 43 KB jmyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 43 KB jmyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 43 KB jmyers to previous | to last

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At line 52 changed 7 lines
Max. Student Age
If the coverage is open to students and there is an age restriction, state what the maximum student age is. The election process will verify the recipient’s age based on their birth date defined in IECT. This will only be in effect for those recipients who are defined as Students in IECT.
Max. Disabled Age
If the coverage is open to dependents and there is an age restriction in place for disabled members, this field is used to store the maximum age allowed for disabled members. If there is no age restriction the user may enter 999 as the age. The election process will verify the recipient’s age based on their birth date defined in IECT. The disabled recipient must have the Disabled Indicator toggled ON in IECT.
;[Max. Disabled Age|MAXIMUM_DISABLED_AGE]:If the coverage is open to dependents and there is an age restriction in place for disabled members, this field is used to store the maximum age allowed for disabled members. If there is no age restriction, 999 may be entered as the age. The election process will verify the recipient’s age based on their birth date defined in [IECT]. The disabled recipient must have the Disabled Indicator toggled ON in [IECT].
At line 60 changed one line
;[Estimated Costs|ESTIMATED_COSTS]:If the EE and ER costs are based on estimated earnings the Estimated Costs toggle should be checked ON. With this ON there will be a notation displayed for the coverage’s cost in [WEBOEE].
;[Estimated Costs|ESTIMATED_COSTS]:If the EE and ER costs are based on estimated earnings the Estimated Costs toggle should be checked ON. With this ON there will be a notation displayed for the coverage’s cost in [WEBOEE].
At line 57 added 3 lines
\\Coverage Details
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the coverage is displayed in the [WEBOEE]. Ensure the description is descriptive of the coverage and is not too long.
;[OE Questions| ]:This field allows the Benefit Administrator to select an assessment from [IBAS]. Assessments may now be linked to a coverage allowing questions to be asked and responded to during on Open Enrollment period. If an employee elects a coverage with an assessment, an assessment event will be scheduled automatically. If there are mandatory answers within the assessment the employee will not be able to submit until the mandatory questions have been answered.
At line 65 changed one line
;[OE Enter Elections|ENTER_ELECTION]: This is only used in BSS for Open Enrollments. This toggle must be checked if an employee must submit information before electing a coverage, such as a Deduction amount for a Flex Spending account. This will prompt the employee for the necessary information. Again, if the BC is not visible in [IBEN] then the BC will not be visible in [WEBOEE]. The Allow Value Override toggle must also be checked in order for the BC to display in [WEBOEE].
;[OE Enter Elections|ENTER_ELECTION]: This is only used in BSS for Open Enrollments. This toggle must be checked if an employee must submit information before electing a coverage, such as a Deduction amount for a Flex Spending account. This will prompt the employee for the necessary information. Again, if the BC is not visible in [IBEN] then the BC will not be visible in [WEBOEE]. This field is not to be used to allow employee’s to override a system calculated amount. Its intent is to only allow employees elect a dollar amount of their choosing.\\The Allow Value Override toggle must also be checked in order for the BC to display in [WEBOEE].
At line 65 added 3 lines
!Step 7: IBSC – Define Benefit Schedule
If new plans have been defined, ensure they have been added to the benefit schedule.
\\ \\New to the [IBSC] are the [Waiting Period (Days)|WAITING_PERIOD] and [Minimum Hrs/Week|MINIMUM_HOURS_PER_WEEK] fields. Any data supplied here will override what has been defined for the coverage.
At line 69 added 2 lines
!Step 8: IDGR – Define Groups
Clients can determine which set of employees are eligible for Open Enrollment by checking ON the toggle [Enable OE Elections|ENABLE_OE_ELECTIONS] in [IDGR]. Only employees tied to a group with this ON will be able to process Open Enrollments.
At line 70 changed one line
!Step 9: IBET – Define Benefit Event Types
Open Enrollment is triggered by events whether those are life, work, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events.
At line 75 added one line
Clients are required to define event types that will suit their needs, this is done in the [IBET] form. Common event types are Mass Open Enrollment, Birth of Child, Marriage, Adoption, Divorce, New Hire, Termination etc.
At line 73 changed 13 lines
Evidence Required
If evidence is required before an employee can be enrolled into a plan, then this should be toggled ON.
Estimated Costs
If the EE and ER costs are based on estimated earnings the Estimated Costs toggle should be checked ON. With this ON there will be a notation displayed for the coverage’s cost in WEBOEE.
Pre Tax
With this toggle checked ON, this will identify to the employee in WEBOEE if the coverage is Pre Tax or Not.
Exclude from OE
A coverage may be excluded from an Open Enrollment by checking this toggle ON.
Coverage Details
The description of the Coverage is displayed in the WEBOEE. Ensure the description is descriptive of the coverage and is not too long.
OE Questions
This field allows the Benefit Administrator to select an Assessment from IBAS. Assessments may now be linked to a coverage allowing questions to be asked and responded to during on Open Enrollment period. If an employee elects a coverage with an assessment, an assessment event will be scheduled automatically. If there are mandatory answers within the assessment the employee will not be able to submit until the mandatory questions have been answered.
Tied to each event type are the benefit plans that employees will be eligible to elect into or make changes to.
At line 87 changed 4 lines
OE Enter Elections
Required if an employee must submit information before electing a coverage, such as a Deduction amount for a Flex Spending account. This will prompt the employee for the necessary information in WEBOEE. If the BC is not visible in IBEN then the BC will not be visible in WEBOEE.
This field is not to be used to allow employee’s to override a system calculated amount. Its intent is to only allow employees elect a dollar amount of their choosing.
;[Event Type |BE_EVENT_TYPE_CODE]:This is the Event Type code used to classify events, whether those are life events, work events, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events. These are user defined.
;[Open Enroll Type |OPEN_ENROLLMENT_TYPE]:This determines if the event is a life/work event, a mass open enrollment, an ad hoc event or an event that is Always Open.
At line 82 added 4 lines
;[Description |DESCRIPTION]:This provides a brief description of the event. This description will be carried over to [IBOE] when an OE period is created. If a description is provided in [UBOE] it will override the description in [IBOE]. This is also what is displayed to the employees in [WEBEV] for the life/work events.
;[Days Open |DAYS_OPEN]:This states how long the enrollment is to be left open. This is used to calculate the Open Enrollment End Date for life / work events.
;[Proof Required|PROOF_REQUIRED]:If employees are required to submit proof that the event took place, this toggle should be turned ON. For example, some carriers require a birth certificate or a marriage license.
At line 87 added 6 lines
Proof Required
If employees are required to submit proof that the event took place, this toggle should be turned ON. For example, some carriers require a birth certificate or a marriage license.
;[Allow Auto Open Enrollment|ALLOW_AUTO_OPEN_ENROLLMENT]:This toggle allows an open enrollment period to be automatically generated if a life/work event is recorded in [WEBEV] / [IBEV]. This is only used for life/work events. If the toggle is not checked for any plans associated to the event, an Open Enrollment will not be created and the Administrator is responsible to create the Open Enrollment period for the employee.
;[Standing|STANDING]:This allows the BE Administrator to define which events are available to use and which ones are no longer in commission. The lexicon options are Active, Frozen and Obsolete.
;[Event Type URL|BE_EVENT_TYPE_URL]: This field allows clients to include a URL for employees to gain more information on the event.
;[Event Type Text|BE_EVENT_TYPE_TEXT]:This field allows for more information to be posted on the actual event type. This will also respect basic HTML tags. Again, this will be carried over to [IBOE].
At line 94 added 2 lines
Event Type Text
This field allows for more information to be posted on the actual event type. This will also respect basic HTML tags. Again, this will be carried over to IBOE.
At line 98 added 6 lines
;Plans Affected
;[Plan Election Set |PLAN_ELECTION_SET]:If there are Plan Election Sets that are to be included in the event, users can specify the Plan Election Set instead of listing each plan individually. This will group the plans within the plan set together.
;[Plan|PLAN_CODE]:Plans that are not part of a Plan Election Set but should be included in the enrollment should be listed individually.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This is the benefit plan description which will default in once the plan has been selected.
;[Election Required |ELECTION_REQUIRED]:This is used to force the employee to elect a coverage from a plan. This toggle will default as checked ON if the plan’s participation rule is ‘Required’. For Plan Election Sets, if one plan in the set has ‘Required’ defined as the participation rule, then the toggle will be checked ON. This can be used to override the Participation rule for Open Enrollments by selecting or unselecting the toggle.
At line 107 added 9 lines
Plans Affected
Plan Election Set
If there are Plan Election Sets that are to be included in the event, users can specify the Plan Election Set instead of listing each plan individually. This will group the plans within the plan set together.
Plans that are not part of a Plan Election Set but should be included in the enrollment should be listed individually.
This is the benefit plan description which will default in once the plan has been selected.
Election Required
This is used to force the employee to elect a coverage from a plan. This toggle will default as checked ON if the plan’s participation rule is ‘Required’. For Plan Election Sets, if one plan in the set has ‘Required’ defined as the participation rule, then the toggle will be checked ON. This can be used to override the Participation rule for Open Enrollments by selecting or unselecting the toggle.
At line 115 removed 40 lines
!Step 7: IBSC – Define Benefit Schedule
If new plans have been defined, ensure they have been added to the benefit schedule.
New to the [IBSC] are the [Waiting Period (Days)|WAITING_PERIOD] and [Minimum Hrs/Week|MINIMUM_HOURS_PER_WEEK] fields. Any data supplied here will override what has been defined for the coverage.
!Step 8: IDGR – Define Groups
Clients can determine which set of employees are eligible for Open Enrollment by checking ON the toggle [Enable OE Elections|ENABLE_OE_ELECTIONS] in [IDGR]. Only employees tied to a group with this ON will be able to process Open Enrollments.
!Step 9: IBET – Define Benefit Event Types
Open Enrollment is triggered by events whether those are life, work, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events.
Clients are required to define event types that will suit their needs, this is done in the [IBET] form. Common event types are Mass Open Enrollment, Birth of Child, Marriage, Adoption, Divorce, New Hire, Termination etc..
Tied to each event type are the benefit plans that employees will be eligible to elect into or make changes to.
;[Event Type |BE_EVENT_TYPE_CODE]:This is the Event Type code used to classify events, whether those are life events, work events, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events. These are user defined.
;[Open Enroll Type |OPEN_ENROLLMENT_TYPE]:This determines if the event is a life/work event, a mass open enrollment, an ad hoc event or an event that is Always Open.
;[Description |DESCRIPTION]:This provides a brief description of the event. This description will be carried over to [IBOE] when an OE period is created. If a description is provided in [UBOE] it will override the description in [IBOE]. This is also what is displayed to the employees in [WEBEV] for the life/work events.
;[Days Open |DAYS_OPEN]:This states how long the enrollment is to be left open. This is used to calculate the Open Enrollment End Date for life / work events.
;[Proof Required|PROOF_REQUIRED]:If employees are required to submit proof that the event took place, this toggle should be turned ON. For example, some carriers require a birth certificate or a marriage license.
;[Allow Auto Open Enrollment|ALLOW_AUTO_OPEN_ENROLLMENT]:This toggle allows an open enrollment period to be automatically generated if a life/work event is recorded in [WEBEV] / [IBEV]. This is only used for life/work events. If the toggle is not checked for any plans associated to the event, an Open Enrollment will not be created and the Administrator is responsible to create the Open Enrollment period for the employee.
;[Standing|STANDING]:Standing is used to indicate the status of the event type, it may be frozen, obsolete, active. Standing is tied to the lexicon [X_STANDING].
;[Event Type URL|BE_EVENT_TYPE_URL]: This field allows clients to include a URL for employees to gain more information on the event.
;[Event Type Text|BE_EVENT_TYPE_TEXT]:This field allows for more information to be posted on the actual event type. This will also respect basic HTML tags. Again, this will be carried over to [IBOE].
;Plans Affected
;[Plan Election Set |PLAN_ELECTION_SET]:If there are Plan Election Sets that are to be included in the event, users can specify the Plan Election Set instead of listing each plan individually. This will group the plans within the plan set together.
;[Plan|PLAN_CODE]:Plans that are not part of a Plan Election Set but should be included in the enrollment should be listed individually.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This is the benefit plan description which will default in once the plan has been selected.
;[Election Required |ELECTION_REQUIRED]:This is used to force the employee to elect a coverage from a plan. This toggle will default as checked ON if the plan’s participation rule is ‘Required’. For Plan Election Sets, if one plan in the set has ‘Required’ defined as the participation rule, then the toggle will be checked ON. This can be used to override the Participation rule for Open Enrollments by selecting or unselecting the toggle.
At line 184 removed 20 lines
Step 7: IBSC – Define Benefit Schedule
If new plans have been defined, ensure they have been added to the benefit schedule.
New to the IBSC are the Waiting Period (Days) and Minimum Hrs/Week fields. Any data supplied here will override what has been defined for the coverage.
Step 8: IDGR – Define Groups
Clients can determine which set of employees are eligible for Open Enrollment by checking ON the toggle Enable OE Elections in IDGR. Only employees tied to a group with this ON will be able to process Open Enrollments.
Step 9: IBET – Define Benefit Event Types
Open Enrollment is triggered by events whether those are life, work, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events.
Clients are required to define what event types suit their needs. Common event types are Mass Open Enrollment, Birth of Child, Marriage, Adoption, Divorce, New Hire, Termination etc..
Tied to each event type are the benefit plans that employees will be eligible to elect into or make changes to.
Event Types
Event Type
This is the Event Type code used to classify events, whether those are life events, work events, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events. These are user defined.
Open Enroll Type
This determines if the event is a life/work event, a mass open enrollment, an ad hoc event or an event that is Always Open.
This provides a brief description of the event. This description will be carried over to IBOE when an OE period is created. If a description is provided in UBOE it will override the description in IBOE. This is also what is displayed to the employees in WEBEV for the life/work events.
Days Open
This states how long the enrollment is to be left open. This is used to calculate the Open Enrollment End Date for life / work events.
Proof Required
If employees are required to submit proof that the event took place, this toggle should be turned ON. For example, some carriers require a birth certificate or a marriage license.
At line 205 changed 17 lines
Allow Auto Open Enrollment
This toggle allows an open enrollment period to be automatically generated if a life/work event is recorded in WEBEV / IBEV. This is only used for life/work events. If the toggle is not checked for any plans associated to the event, an Open Enrollment will not be created and the Administrator is responsible to create the Open Enrollment period for the employee.
This allows the BE Administrator to define which events are available to use and which ones are no longer in commission. The lexicon options are Active, Frozen and Obsolete.
Event Type URL
This field allows clients to include a URL for employees to gain more information on the event.
Event Type Text
This field allows for more information to be posted on the actual event type. This will also respect basic HTML tags. Again, this will be carried over to IBOE.
Plans Affected
Plan Election Set
If there are Plan Election Sets that are to be included in the event, users can specify the Plan Election Set instead of listing each plan individually. This will group the plans within the plan set together.
Plans that are not part of a Plan Election Set but should be included in the enrollment should be listed individually.
This is the benefit plan description which will default in once the plan has been selected.
Election Required
This is used to force the employee to elect a coverage from a plan. This toggle will default as checked ON if the plan’s participation rule is ‘Required’. For Plan Election Sets, if one plan in the set has ‘Required’ defined as the participation rule, then the toggle will be checked ON. This can be used to override the Participation rule for Open Enrollments by selecting or unselecting the toggle.