Time Sheet Holiday Processing#


The Generate Timesheets(UEGTS) program will generate timesheets and entries based on the given parameters and filters as well as employees work rules.

Holidays in time sheets are generated using similar guide lines as that of UPTG with only a few differences. With Time Sheet Holiday processing the UPTG rule of part time employee holiday hours are generated up to a maximum of the assignment hours per day can be overridden by the use of the Paid Holiday time rules. The other difference is that holiday hours can be adjusted if the holiday hours in the holiday calendar is less than one, in the case of the holiday being only a half day (i.e. Christmas Eve, New Years Eve). Holiday paid time in time sheets is generated in hours by one of two methods:

  1. UEGTS based on the set up in the Work Calendar for projected time
  2. Paid Holiday Time rule based on actual time worked from Time Scheduling or Event Scheduling

Holiday time is generated when all of the following conditions exist:

  1. The day is identified on the Holiday Calendar
  2. The 'Generate Time' toggle is ON for the day on the Holiday Calendar
  3. The 'Add Holidays' toggle is ON for the Work Rule Status rule
  4. A Holiday Calendar is defined on the Work Rule.

Holiday Definition#

  • Holidays are defined on the Holiday Calendar screen
  • Multiple Holiday Calendars are supported
  • The Work Rule identifies which Holiday Calendar will be used for a given employee

Determining Paid Holiday Hours#

The hours that are used for a paid holiday depend on the setting of the Holidays Use Schedule Hrs toggle on the Work Rules. This toggle indicates whether the Work Schedule dictates the holiday hours. If hours are specified on the Holiday Calendar, they are ALWAYS USED and this toggle is not used.

The Holidays Use Scheduled Hrs toggle only applies to the hours generated for the Holiday Time Code. It does not extend to the Worked Time Code.

If part-time and fulltime employees use different rules, they must have separate work rules

If the Holidays Use Scheduled Hrs toggle is ON, the order for determining paid holiday hours is as follows:

  1. Use the IDHC Holiday Calendar hours per day if specified, otherwise
  2. Use the employee’s overridden Work Calendar scheduled hours per day if specified, otherwise
  3. Use the Work Rule’s Work Calendar scheduled hours per day if specified, otherwise
  4. Use the employee's assignment hours per day
If the "Holidays Use Scheduled Hrs" toggle is OFF, the order for determining paid holiday hours is as follows:
  1. Use the IDHC Holiday Calendar hours per day if specified, otherwise
  2. Use the employee's assignment hours per day
A holiday that falls on a non scheduled day (day off) will always use the assignment hours regardless if the Holiday’s Use Scheduled Hrs toggle is ON or OFF.

If an employee is part-time (i.e. FTE < 1) and the IDHC Holiday Calendar hours per day are used, holiday hours are generated up to a maximum of the Assignment hours per day. However, this can be overridden by making use of the Paid Holiday time rule. Please refer to the Holiday Time Rule section below for more information.

Holiday hours are only used for the Holiday Paid time code; they do not affect the Worked time code. Work time is taken directly from the Work Calendar or schedule. No work time is ever generated for days off.

Holiday Time Rules#

The following time rules can be used in conjunction with timesheet holiday processing:

Time rules can be quite complex or quite simple depending on each client's needs. Time rules should be thoroughly tested before they are utilized in a production environment to ensure desired results.

Paid Holiday#

  • This time rule is based from a time scheduling requirement where the worked time is not always predictable i.e. shift patterns
  • This rule will generate the paid holiday based on the actual time worked by the employee.
  • To identify work on the day of a holiday, the rule will use the Work Holiday time code defined in IDHC, the time code specified in the DFT Time Code time rule or the target time code set if defined
  • The only Observe On rule which this time rule respects is Holiday Date
  • A time code is allowed in the definition but should be used only when you need to override the Holiday Time Code from IDHC. If you need to use Day Off Time Code you should not define the time code at the Time Rule level
  • The Target Time Code Set may include the holiday Worked Time Code defined in IDHC or the one applied by Worked Holiday time rule or Default Time Code depending on each client’s particular need. If the target time code set is not defined, the Worked Time Code from IDHC or the time code from Default Time Code rule is used to identify if the employee worked on the holiday
  • This time rule can be used to allow the holiday paid hours to exceed the assignment hours per day for part time employees.
  • If the value is defined and is 1, then for part time employees who work on a holiday, the holiday time paid can exceed the hours defined at the assignment level and can be equal with work hours on a holiday.

BandFromTo ValueDay Of WeekTime CodePremiumActionTarget Time Code SetApply Time Code Set
NumberNoNo1 = Allow
Exceed Assignment
Hours for FTE < 1

Worked Holiday#

This time rule will apply a holiday time code if the employee worked on the holiday

This is used when the time entries are generated from UTTP, UPAUTOFILL, or from Self Service where the employees are entering their time entries. These processes will not recognize when a holiday has fallen in the pay period, as a result this time rule is used to recognize when there is a holiday in the time period and to replace the regular work time code with the Holiday Work time code.

This time rule can be used to apply a holiday work time code to a portion of a shift when the shift crosses over midnight. This is done by specifying in IDHC the Holiday Rule - Partial Shifts Apply.

This time rule will also respect the Start Time in IDHC if specified. If a Start Time has been specified, the Holiday Work time code will be invoked at that time.

The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below. See Time Rule Improvements for additional information regarding IDWR.

BandFromTo ValueDay Of WeekTime CodePremiumActionTarget Time Code SetApply Time Code Set

OT Holiday#

This time rule will apply overtime to a worked holiday

Applies overtime commencing with the holiday Start Time if defined in IDHC, otherwise OT will commence when the shift starts.

This rule cannot be used for partial shifts. If clients with partial shifts require OT to be applied to a holiday they need to set up the Worked Holiday time rule as well as the OT Daily time rule. They need to ensure the holiday worked time code is in the target time code set of the OT Daily rule.

The time rule should be set up in IDWR as shown below. See Time Rule Improvements for additional information regarding IDWR.

BandFromTo ValueDay Of WeekTime CodePremiumActionTarget Time Code SetApply Time Code Set

Offset Paid Holiday#

  • If a leave day is found immediately before or after a holiday then the employee will not be entitled to the holiday paid time, as a result the awarded holiday paid time will be offset by this rule
  • Time Code should be the time code that is used when the holiday time is generated so that the Time Rule knows which Time Code is to be offset
  • Target Time Code Set should contain the Work time codes so that it can help identify the work days
  • Apply Time Code Set should contain the Leave time codes so it can help identify the leave days
  • The timeframe to look back/forward from the holiday is by default 4 days. However, this can be overridden by defining the wanted number of days in the Value field in the time rule.

BandFromTo ValueDay Of WeekTime CodePremiumActionTarget Time Code SetApply Time Code Set
ZeroNoNoMax # of days to
look back/forward,
default is 4 days
NoAllowed Holiday
Time TC
NoReplaceAllowed (Work Type
Time Codes)
Allowed (Leave Type
Time Codes)

Work Time Generation in Time Sheets#

The following table show how work time is generated using the different methods available in the work rule (IDWR) via the Obtain Details From option in the Status rules tab.

There are two processes in charge of determingin the Work Time Code:

  1. Scheduled Shifts(TSH)
  2. Time Sheet Entries (PTSE)

Obtain Details FromTypeProcess used to
Work time
Scheduled Shifts
Time Sheet Entries
Work Holiday
Time Code
TM - Hours CalendarHoursUEGTSN/AWork Time ProjectorYes
TM - Shift CalendarFrom/ToUEGTSWork Time ProjectorTSHYes
TS - Shift PatternFrom/ToUTTP
Time Rules
TS - Event SchedFrom/ToOn the fly
when station
is created
Time Rules

Examples of Time Sheet Holiday Processing#

Hours Based Time Sheet Examples#

Unless stated otherwise, the case is for a fulltime employee who has 12 hours scheduled time on their work calendar on the day of the holiday:

Scenario 1#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to work but will be taking the holiday off and will get full scheduled hours for the holiday.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLTIME(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = Null
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
12 Hours HOLTIME (Holiday Leave)

Scenario 2#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to be working on the holiday and will need to be paid for the day worked plus the holiday. The employee will get full scheduled time for both
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
12 Hours HOLBANK (Holiday Bank)
12 Hours HOLWORK(Replacement for Regular Time)

Scenario 3#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to work but will be taking the holiday off and will get only 8 hours for the holiday.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLTIME(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = Null
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLTIME (Holiday Leave)

Scenario 4#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to work but is taking the holiday off. the employee must get 8 hrs for holiday and their excess of schedule time remaining in Regular.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLTIME(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is ON)
Worked Time Code = Null
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
4 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLTIME (Holiday Leave)

Scenario 5#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to be working on the holiday and will receive 8 hours for the holiday and receive pay for working their full scheduled hours.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLBANK (Holiday Bank)
12 Hours HOLWORK(Replacement for Regular Time)

Scenario 6#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to be working on the holiday; therefore, they will need to ge 8 hours for the holiday, their excess of scheduled time is paid as regular and they also get their full scheduled hours for working the holiday.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is ON)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
4 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLBANK (Holiday Bank)
12 Hours HOLWORK (Replacement for Regular Time)

Scenario 7#

This is the case where the employee is NOT scheduled to be workign on the holiday but the employee must be paid for the day on the date specified in the Holiday calendar.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is ON)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK (Will not be used on 'OFF' days)
Observed On = HOLIDAY DATE
Day Off Time Code = HOLOFF
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLOFF (Holiday Leave)

Note: This will only work when the employees ahve time Generated by Day (On Work Rule, Status Rules Tab, Time Generation Rule is set to 'By Day with Time')

Scenario 8#

This is the case where the employee only works part-time (FTE<1). The employee is to be paid for the number of hours on their assignment in the Hrs/Day field. Their schedule for the week is two -'8' hour days and one - '4' hour day. The holiday falls on teh 1st day, so the employee should only get their maximum of 4 hours for the holiday, not the 8 hours).

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is ON)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=OFF
4 Hours REG (8-4=4)
8 Hours HOLBANK(Holiday Bank)
8 Hours HOLWORK(Replacement for Regular Time)

Note: The HOLBANK time is taken from the employee's assignment HRS/DAY field to cap the number of hours the employee receives Holiday pay.

Scenario 9#

This is the case where the employee only works part-time (FTE<1). The employee is to be paid for the number of hours on their assignment in the Hrs/Day field. Their schedule for the week is two - '8' hour days and one- '4' hour day. The holiday falls on the 1st day, so the employee should only get their maximum of 4 hours for the holiday (not 8).
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = Null
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=OFF
0 Hours REG
4 Hours HOLBANK (Holiday Leave)
8 hOURS holwork(Replacement for Regular Time)

Note: The HOLBANK time is taken from the employee's assignment HRS/DAY field to cap the number of hours the employee is paid Holiday.

Scenario 10#

This is the case where a fulltime employee works 40 hrs/week with a schedule of 9 hrs, 9 hrs,m 9hrs, 9hrs and 4 hrs for the week. The holiday falls on the last day worked. The employee should get the daily average of 8 hours for the holiday.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is OFF)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK
Day Off Time Code = OFFBANK
Observed on=Holiday Date
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
8 Hours HOLBANK (Holiday Bank for worked days)
4 Hours HOLWORK (Replacement for regular time).

Scenario 11#

This is the case where a fulltime employee works 40 hrs/week with a schedule of 9 hrs, 9 hrs,m 9hrs, 9hrs and 4 hrs for the week. The holiday falls on an 'off'day. The employee should get the daily average of 8 hours for the holiday.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=HOLBANK(IDTC Adjust Scheduled Time toggle is ON)
Worked Time Code = HOLWORK (will not be used on days off)
Day Off Time Code = OFFBANK
Observed on=Holiday Date
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
0 Hours REG
8 Hours OFFBANK (Alternate Holiday bank for 'Off'days))
0 Hours HOLWORK (Replacement for regular time).

Shift Pattern Time Sheet Examples#

Unless stated otherwise, the case is for a fulltime employee who is scheduled to work 8 hour shifts.

Scenario 12#

This is the case where an employee is scheduled to work the holiday and will need to be paid for the day worked plus the holiday. the employee will get full schedule time for both.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = HOL DAY OFF
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM
-8 Hours REG
8 Hours STAT HOL

Scenario 13#

This is the case where an employee is not scheduled to work the holiday. The employee will need to be given credit for the holiday, even though it falls on an OFF day. IDHC should be set up with a Day Off Time Code specified.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = HOL DAY OFF
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM

Scenario 14#

This is the case where an employee is not scheduled to work the holiday. The employee will need to be given credit for the holiday, even though it falls on an OFF day. IDHC is set up without a Day Off Time Code specified.

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM
8 Hours STAT HOL

Scenario 15#

This is the case where an employee is scheduled to work the holiday (7 am - 3 pm) and will need to be paid for the day worked plus the holiday. The holiday time worked will only apply to a portion of the time worked after 12:00 PM.
Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Start = 12:00 PM
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM
8 Hours STAT HOL
12:00 - 3:00 PM = 3 Hrs HOL WORK DAY
12:00 - 3:00 PM = -3 Hrs REG TM

Scenario 16#

This is the case where an employee is scheduled to work on a holiday and also applies for holiday overtime for time worked after 5 PM. Shift is 11 am to 7 PM.

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Start = 5 PM
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
OT HOLIDAY Time Rule - OT Time Code specified at time rule level
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM
-8 Hrs REG TM
2 Hrs OT Holiday

Scenario 17#

This is the case where an employee takes a sick leave the day before a holiday and will not be eligible for the holiday paid time.

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM
OFFSET PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule = TC at time fule level is STAT HOL. Target TC Set targets REG TM. Apply TC Set contains the Sick Time Code
8 Hours SICK
-8 Hours STAT HOL

Scenario 18#

This is the case where the employee is scheduled to be working on the holiday and will need to get 8 hours for the holiday plus they will be paid their full schedule hours for working the day. In this example the employee works a 12 hour shift.

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = 8
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and othr work type time codes
-12 Hours REG

Scenario 19#

This is the case where the employee only works part-time (FTE<1). The employee works an 8 hour day on the day of the holiday even though they were scheduled for 4 hours. The employee is to be paid for the number of hours he/she worked on the holiday (8), not the number of hours on their assignment in the Hrs/Day field. Their schedule is 8 hours, 8 hours, 8 hours, 4 hours and 4 hours for the week. the holiday falls on the last day.

Setup on IDHC
Hours Per Day = Null
OT Factor=Null
Holiday Time code=STAT HOL
Worked Time Code = HOL WORK DAY
Day Off Time Code = NULL
Setup on IDWR
Holidays Use Sched Hrs=ON
PAID HOLIDAY Time Rule - No Time Code specified at Time Rule level. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and HOL WORK DAY. Value is set to 1.
WORKED HOLIDAY Time Rule = Time code at Time Rule level is HOL WORK DAY. Target Time Code Set targets REG TM and other work type time codes.
-8 Hours REG TM
8 Hours STAT HOL

Notes #

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