The Job Interface File screen is used to import job codes into the software data structures.

Job Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_JOBS table.

Tab 1#

This field uniquely identifies the job within the data base.
This field displays the entity to which the job belongs.
This field shows the unit to which the job belongs.
The job code is the short name, reference code, or number that uniquely identifies this job within the organization.
Standing is used to indicate whether the job is active, frozen or obsolete.
Effective As Of/Expires On
If the job is temporary, these field indicate the dates the job is effective.
Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
This is the formal title of the job.
This field associates the job to a specific occupation.
This field displays the salary or wage range associated with the job.
Work Rule
The work rule associated with the job is displayed in this field.
The rate scale associated with the job is displayed in this field.
The scale/step associated with the job is displayed in this field.
Description 1/Description 2
These screens provide a description and further information about the job.
Job Type
The job's type is defined in this field.
Job Class
The job's class is defined in this field.

Tab 2#

WC Class
This field associates the job to a specific Workers’ Compensation classification used to determine the WC category for reporting and WC Contribution.
EEO Category
This field associates the job to a specific EEO Category.
Std Hours Per Day
This field holds the average number of hours per day that are required by this job.
Std Hours Per Week
This field holds the regular number of hours per week required by this job.
Std Hours Per Pay
This field displays the regular hours in a pay period required by the job.
Job Points
For the purposes of using salary ranges ‘by formula’, job points may be assigned.
Wage Rate
This field displays the standard or starting rate for this job by the rate basis below.
Rate Basis
The rate basis is the unit of measure the associated rate is being stored or displayed in (i.e. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, annual or contract).
Overtime Exempt
This field indicates if overtime is payable for this job or not.
Direct Wages
This field indicates whether all work done in this job is charged directly to a specific distribution (i.e. a work or job order, dept, cost center or account), regardless of who works on it.
Assignment Required
This field indicates if an assignment record is required before an employee may be paid for performing a job.
Job Profile
This field associates the job to a specific job profile; the ‘job posting’ information linked to the Recruitment application.
Profile User Name
This field shows the user-defined code that uniquely identifies this premium within the organization.
Premium Rate Basis
The rate basis is the unit of measure in which the associated rate is being stored or displayed for the defaulted Premium Rate.
Premium Rate
This field displays the rate that is used defaulted from this premium.
Sequence #
This field defines the sequential order of the distribution mask for this job.
If a specific distribution segment code is to receive a portion (even 100%) of the costs, this field identifies part or all of that code. This is normally the distribution of the wages associated with the job.
Split Rule
The distribution split rule indicates whether the distribution is being split by a percentage, by flat amount or by a Distribution pick list of authorized assignments.
Split Percentage
If a split rule is ‘by percent’ then this field will indicate a percent.

Tab 3#

Split Amount
If the split rule is ‘by amount’ then indicate the amount in this field.
Start Date/End Date
These dates indicate the dates this distribution may be used.
G/L Fund Code
This identifies the GL fund associated with the job.
User Percent
If ‘Split By Percent’ has been selected as the split rule, then the user percentage will be displayed in this field.
User Field Value 1 - 10

Notes #

The software doesn't have titles for the tabs, we need that so I can add them here.