The Certify Leave Records (IALC) form is used by an employer to review leaves requiring certification. e.g. FMLA, JURY DUTY, etc.

A leave line that is not certified will still be picked up in the UACALC and/or UPCALC process.

The following Workflow trigger is used to generate the certification record:

WF_AAL on the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES table.

A sample workflow may be found at the end of this document.

Employee Information#

The user will update the leave certification field by choosing the value from Fixed lexicon, X_LEAVE_CERTIFIED.

The user will select the employee's leave they want to review from the following list:

This fields shows the employee name.
Start Date
This field shows the start date of the leave.
End Date
This field shows the end date of the leave.
Time code
This field shows the time code used for the leave requests.
The amount of projected time for the leave is displayed here.
The type of leave the time is for is displayed here.
The approval status of the leave line is displayed here.
Actual Time
The actual overall amount of leave time is displayed here.
The time basis of the leave is displayed here.
The status of the leave line is displayed here.
The certification status of the leave line is displayed here.

Leave Information#

The following information shows for each employee leave line:
Entitlement Earned
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for an entitlement type time code and it has been updated to the accrual record. If this toggle is OFF, then the leave line is not an entitlement type time code.
Banked Time Still Owing
If this toggle is ON, then the leave line was for a Banked Overtime Entitlement and still has time remaining that an employee may take from. If this toggle is OFF, the employee has taken all the time for this leave line.
Partially Processed
This toggle is an indication that the leave line has been partially completed by payroll.
Payroll Complete
If this toggle is ON, then the Payroll Process application has completed its association with the leave line (the UPCLOZ procedure has been run). If this toggle is OFF, then the Payroll Process application has not yet started or has not yet finished with the leave line.
Audit Text
This field displays the audit generated for this line. Users must scroll through the text or double-click on the icon.
This field holds a user-defined description of the leave type entered.
If desired, the reason for the leave may be maintained.
Any certificates (doctor’s note, jury notice, etc.) that are required may be noted here as ‘received’.
Source Module
The ‘Source’ field indicates the originating program/form that the leave line information came from. Most commonly TE Data entry for time code related leave lines or AT Calculation for ‘audit’ leave lines.
Original Start Date
The date that the leave line record originally started. One leave line record may need to be split into several leave line records to be processed over several pay periods. Each ‘split’ will contain the original start date of the leave line.
Time Not Yet Taken
This field shows the derived amount that is not being taken.
Wage Rate
The wage rate from the employee’s assignment record.
The field holds the time basis of the time not taken.
Start Time
This is the time that the leave began.
End Time
This is the time that the leave ended.

Sample Workflow#

The following is an example workflow that may be used to update the leave line to require certification and to notify a designated employee there are leaves waiting to be certified.

Notification of a Leave Needing Certification#

Step 1 - Define Workflow Action in IMWA
The first step is to define the workflow action in IMWA that will be triggered when an employee enters a qualifying leave.
Suggest prefixing all Attendance workflow actions with AT. In this example, the work flow is named AT LV CERT.
The status must be set to “In Production” in order for IMUC to recognize the action.
Triggered in Product
This field should be set to WF_AAL since the email will fire when a new qualifying leave record is inserted in the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES table.
Action Directed To
This is going to a specific person and we will define the person code for our specified person in IMUC.
The type will be email.
If Email was specified for Type, the From email address must be specified.

Step 2 – Define User Calc in IMUC
The second step requires a user calc to be created in IMUC which will send an email to the designated employee.
User Calc
It is suggested to prefix the user calc code with WF_AT to easily identify the workflow user calcs for Attendance.
Should state what the user calc is meant for.
This field should be set to WF_AAL since the workflow action will fire when a new qualifying leave record is inserted in the P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES table.
This will default to 'Under Construction' and will updated to 'To Be Published' after using the Pre Publish Icon. In order for the action to be processed, the user calc must have a status of “In Production”. User calcs are published in IMUCA.
User Calc Type
All workflow user calcs must have the type set to ‘Calculation’.


LineCMDType 1Operand 1OPERType 2Operand 2Type 3Operand 3If GOTOElse GOTODescription
20IFNVAAL.DTC_IDEQN101 3099999
40ACTACAT LV CERTLOG$SCURRENT-DATERT1000199999 <<EID.FIRST_NAME>> <<EID.LAST_NAME>> has entered a leave line requiring certification.

Line 10: This line checks to see if an insert into the table has been done.

Line 15: This line checks to see if the time code entered has the DTC_ID of 101. If so, certification is required.

Line 20: This line sets the value of the leave line certification field to '03'.

Line 25: This line calls the workflow action (AT LV CERT) which was defined in the first step and will send the email notice to employee 10001. Line 99999: This line will indicate the end of the usercalc.

Notes #

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