Processing Information#

Leave Accruals may be updated through UPCALC or through running UACALC on its own. The leave accrual update may be run as often as needed to ensure the accuracy of the accruals. Users may run for one employee, one leave type, or mass update. This function creates ‘unofficial’ accrual records.

Note: Only Leave Lines that are in a status of "3rd-In Payroll" will be processed. Also, Leave lines currently in open Pay Transaction Batches (IPTR) will not be processed by UACALC until after they have been moved into pay headers (IPPH).

For information on the differences of UPCALC and UACALC see the page UACALC VS.UPCALC.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
This field identifies the entity for which this report will be processed.
Leave TypeOptional, LOV available
This field limits the report to the leave type indicated.
As OfDate, LOV available
The records for this report will be selected up to and including the As Of Date supplied in this field.
To Year End OnlyOptional, Lexicon available
This field will allow to indicate if the report should report to the end of the year.
Include TS LeavesOptional, Lexicon available
This field will indicate if leave lines from time sheets should be processed.
Begin Leave DateOptional, Date, LOV available
This will be the earliest leave date from time sheets to be processed if "Include TS Leaves" is set to <Yes>.
This field is required if "Include TS Leaves is set to "Yes"
End Leave DateOptional, Date, LOV available
This will be the latest leave date from time sheets to be processed if "Include TS Leaves" is set to <Yes>.
This field is required if "Include TS Leaves" is set to <Yes>
Payline RequiredOptional, LOV available, defaults as <Yes>
If <No>, UACALC will process Attendance (AT) without going through payroll.
If <Yes> or <null>, UACALC will look for pay lines to process Attendance (AT)
Process EntitlementOptional, LOV available
If <Yes>, the entitlements will be processed in the report.
Process Leave LinesOptional, LOV available
If<Yes>, the leave lines, including leave cascade, will be processed in the report.
Will only process leave lines that are in a status of "3rd-In Payroll"
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available
User may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Legislation’,
‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace.
Trial RunMandatory, LOV available, defaults as <No>
If ‘No’ then the update is committed. If ‘Yes’ then the update is not committed and the process may be run again.

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to specific people lists.
Person CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the employees specified by person code.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to specific departments.
UnitOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to specific units.
GroupOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to specific groups.

Notes #

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