Sample Form Page - see IDUN#
[{TableOfContents }] <-- only if tabbed form !!!FUNCTION NAME text on form ;[FieldNameInHdr]:description %%warning This function is for viewing purposes only; you may not edit the data.%% %%information This function is [date sensitive] and changes made in these areas below the [date navigator] may be split with a new effective date.%% ---- !!Tab Headings !Section Headings within in each tab ;[FieldName]:Definition
Sample Report Page - see RLDI#
!!!REPORT TITLE Description of form !Report Parameters ;ParmName: Desciption !Report Filters ;ParmName: Desciption
Sample Dialog Page -- see MLLCM#
!!!Dialog Title (note mixed case) dialog description ;FieldName: Description
Sample Table Page - see P2K_CM_UNITS#
!!!Alias: @@@ Unique Keys: \\ Child Table: \\ Parent Table: \\ \\ This table contains [date sensitive] information @@@ !!Table Columns ||Column name||Data Type / Size||Domain||Mand.||Notes |[ID]|Number(10)|[ID]|Y| |[DUN_ID]|Number(10)|[ID]|Y|Link to [P2K_CM_UNITS] |[CREATE_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]|Y| |[CREATE_USER]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]|Y| |[CHANGE_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]|Y| |[CHANGE_USER]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]|Y| User Fields: Allowed\\ Audit Logging: Allowed\\
Sample Lexicon Field Page - See STANDING#
This field indicates the current status of the activity.\\ \\ [{InsertPage page='X_STANDING'}] \\ The system does not currently inhibit the user blah blah.
Sample Lexicon Value Page - See X_STANDING#
X_STANDING is a [user defined lexicon] which comes with the following starter set of values:\\ or X_STANDING is a [fixed lexicon] with the following values:\\ %%zebra-table ||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value | 00 | Not Specified | 01 | Planned | 02 | Completed | 03 | Cancelled %%
Sample Function Page - see P2K_SMGETUDF#
!!!P2K_SMGETUDF !Functionality This database function will return the value associated to a specified [user defined field|User Defined Field] (UDF) name, for a record in the specified table. !Parameters |TABLE_NAME |The complete table name that the UDF is attached to |UDF_NAME |The internal name for the UDF (defined on [IMUF]) |REFERENCE_ID|The ID for the record from the table (in parameter 1) that has the UDF attached !Returns: Varchar2(2000) !Errors: If an invalid parameter is passed, then NULL is returned\\ If there is no value or record for that UDF/Reference ID, then NULL is returned !Examples: {{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',eps_id)}} will retrieve the value of the UDF EPS01 associated to the record in P2K_HR_PERSONALS where the ID = the EPS_ID passed In a [derivation Expression] on [IDIF] you could specify the variable as the EPS_ID and then replace it in the reference to this function as {{P2K_SMGETUDF('P2K_HR_PERSONALS','EPS01',~)}}