
Personality NextGen (NG, v5.00+) includes a Business Intelligence Dashboard feature for the Administrative, Manager and Employee applications.
This document includes a list (based on v5.03) of the available Dashboards by Role, the currently available components (panels/reports/forms) provided, and instructions on using/editing Dashboards and Panels.

Components of the Dashboard#

The Dashboard includes the following components:

Panels High Line uses the word 'Panel' to describe any graph, table and/or report that is created by/within the Dashboard. A description of the available Panels is provided in later sections.
Groupings of Panels are used in the Static and Dynamic Dashboards.

Static Dashboard
Static Dashboards are delivered as 'home' pages that cannot be edited by users. They consist of 4 - 5 pre-defined Panels in a single page. The intent is to provide a simple 'home' page for various users. A library of Static Dashboards (designed by Role) has been provided by High Line.

Security: Users must be given security access for each of the panels included in the static dashboard, as well as to the related drill-into forms. For example, the 'MyPayStub' Panel links to either pay stubs for printing or to disbursement information; the 'Profile' Panel links to the Employment Profile and/or Leave Balances. If a drill-into form is available for the user, mouse-over and visual cues will indicate.

Dynamic Dashboard (BMDD)
Dynamic Dashboards allow individual users to choose from a library of available Panels, to create their own dashboard(s). A library of Panels (designed by Role) has been provided by High Line.

Security: Users must be given security access for any panels to be available, as well as to related drill-into forms. For example, the 'DepartmentBudget' Panel drills to a report of Positions, and then to the Position (IDPS) form and/or the Posting (IRPO) form. If a drill-into form is available for the User, mouse-over and visual cues will indicate. The Dynamic Dashboard (BMDD) can also be turned on/off for Users/Roles based on function security.

  • Panels indicated as intended for Managers (see 'audience' in the Panels list) respect Manager Hierarchy (direct reports) as well as the defined IMSV security.
  • Panels indicated as intended for Administrators (see 'audience' in the Panels list) respect the defined IMSV security.

Data Grids (BEDG - HR Data Grid)
A simple reporting tool is optionally available; with base HR information. Reports created with the tool can be stored/output to various formats, and/or can be added by a user to their User Configurable Dashboard. Additional grids can be added over time; currently restricted to the HR Data Grid (BEDG).

Security: The Data Grid respects Manager Hierarchy (direct reports) as well as security defined on the IMSV (Assign Security Rights) form. The Grid (BEDG) can also be turned on/off for Users/Roles based on function security.

Static Dashboards ('Home' pages)#

Dashboards List Dashboards have been created by Role.

RoleFunction Name*Included Panels (details provided in next sections)
Administrator (HRSS)HRSS_DASHBOARDProfile-NoPic, Outstanding Approvals, Location Map, Department Budget
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD1Profile, MyPayStub, Twitter Feed, Current YTD Earnings
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD2Profile, MyPayStub, NewsItems, Current YTD Earnings
Employee (ESS)ESS_DASHBOARD3Profile-NoPic, MyPayStub, NewsItems, Current YTD Earnings
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD1Profile-NoPic, Outstanding Approvals, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD2Profile, OT Warning,Incidents, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Manager (MSS)MSS_DASHBOARD3(summer 2017)Profile, Outstanding Approvals, Absenteeism, Department Budget
Recruiter (RSS)RSS_DASHBOARD1Dynamic dashboard only (BMDD); no pre-set panels
Scheduler (SSS)SSS_DASHBOARDProfile, OT Warning, Incidents, Outstanding Approvals, Daily Work Schedule "Who's Here"
  • Note - names may change as additional boards are provided. Search Functions (IMFN, IMFDH) with the following: %Dashboard for updated names/options.

Assigning and Changing the Chosen Dashboard(s)#

The provided panels can be used for any role that a client has created - limited by the functionality within the dashboard (i.e. a Manager dashboard would not be appropriate for an Employee).

Dashboards cannot be edited (other than the function's Web Address field). See the FAQ section for adding additional Panels/Dashboards.


Ensure your defined Role(s) has been granted function access/security for the Dashboard(s) used. Use search string: '%Dashboard' in the Find box to see a list of provided Dashboards.

IMMU - Menus#

Dashboards are functions and are added to Menus through the Menu Definition (IMMU) form. Clients can control which Dashboard is provided for each Role/Menu, and can control if the Dashboard includes a User Configurable Dashboard and/or a Data Grid (see additional topics below).

IMUS - Users#

Find the User's Profile on IMUS, then drill down to the Roles assigned to confirm the Menu used for the User Profile's Role(s). User Profiles can have multiple Roles and therefore multiple menus. The highest Role sequence on the User Profile defines the default role.

For clients utilizing the Recruiting module: If an employee is linked to a Posting as a Recruiter, they will automatically be given the Recruiter Role (hidden), at sequence 999. Therefore, if a user wants the Recruiter role to show up as the employee's default role (on login to Self Service), define all other roles with a sequence that is less than 999. If the preference is for an Employee, Manager or some other role to be the default, define those roles with a sequence that is greater than 999.

IMRO - Roles#

The 'Menus Assigned' tab is used to define the Menu to be used. For clients moving to NextGen from earlier versions, edits to existing menus will be required, to allow the Dashboards to be chosen and placed where preferred.

IMSV - Security Rights#

Users, such as Administrators and Managers, can be restricted to/from viewing Employee records on the Assign Security Rights (IMSV) form. Note: Any panel listed as intended for a Manager (see audience list) will also have manager hierarchy automatically assigned.

IMFN/IMFDH - Web Address (not commonly required)#

Dashboards are Functions and can be accessed on the IMFN (function) and IMFDH (form definitions) forms. Use the search string '%Dashboard' in the Find box to see a list of provided Dashboards.

Web Address edits are rarely required.
Example: If a new Dashboard has been defined for your organization, which is not yet in the Pre-loaded (seed data) list, extend/copy an existing Dashboard and edit the Web Address field.

Example: in the 5.02 release, a single ESS dashboard was provided as seed data, however, 2 dashboards are available. The Web Address fields for the 2 options are:
ESS Dashboard with pictures and (ESS_DASHBOARD1 from section above)

ESS Dashboard - no pictures, no twitter feed (ESS_DASHBOARD2 from section above)


Each of the panels below is the 'start' form for one or more panels/reports; users drill into details/additional reports and potentially can drill into Personality forms. For the 'Module Pre-requisite', EMSS (Self Service) is required in all cases.
Panel Name (IMFN Function code)Panel TitlePre-requisiteAudience/Role(s)
Box 9 BS9BBox 9
Absenteeism BAAAAbsenteeism AnalysisFD, ATAdmin
Absenteeism BAAAMAbsenteeism AnalysisFD, ATManager
Attendance BADGAttendance Data Grid
Benefits BBDGDepartment Budget- AllFDAdmin
BudgetMyDepartment BDDBMDepartment BudgetFDManager
Competency Search BCCSCompetency SearchFD, TD, REAdmin?
Daily Work Schedule BTWSDaily Work Schedule ('Who's Here')FD, TSAdmin, Scheduler
Daily Leaves - Department BADLMDaily Leaves ('Who's away') - DepartmentFD, ATManager
Daily Leaves - Admin BADLDaily Leaves ('Who's away') - AllFD, ATAdmin
EmplHolidayCalendar BEHCHoliday CalendarFDEmployee
Expired Certificate Warning BCECExpired Certificate WarningFD, TD, REManager, Admin
Emergency Contacts BECTEmployee ContactsFD (BE)Admin
Emergency Contacts BECTMEmergency ContactsFD (BE)Manager
Employee Count BECNEmployee CountFD (BE)Admin
Employee Count BECNMEmployee CountFD (BE)Manager
Funds Nearing Completion BPFNCFunds Nearing CompletionFD, PRManager
Get GEO Codes BDGGGet GEO CodesFDAdmin
HR Data Grid BEDGHR Data Grid
Incidents BSINIncidentsFD, SHManager
Location Map BDLMLocation MapFDManager, Admin
My Calendar BEACMy CalendarFDManager, Employee
MyPaystub BESTUBMy PaystubPREmployee
NewsItems BENINews ItemsFDEmployee
OutstandingApprovals BDATDApprovals Outstanding for All Users (Admin form)FDAdmin
OutstandingApprovalRecords BDATDMApprovals Outstanding for Current UserFDManager
OutstandingWorkFlow BWTDWorkflow to Complete(was 'Bottleneck Report')FD, WFAdmin
OutstandingWorkFlowEvents BWTDMWorkflow to Complete for UserFD, WFManager
Overtime BPOWOvertime WarningPRAdmin
Overtime BPOWMOvertime WarningPRManager
PA Scoreboard BDPASPA ScoreboardFDManager
Profile-nopic BEPNProfile - no pictureFDEmployee
Profile BEPPProfileFDManager, Employee
Quick Links BDQLQuick LinksFDEmployee, Manager
RecruitmentSourcesAndCosts BRSCRecruitment Sources and CostsFD, REAdmin, Recruiter
Salary Survey BSSUSalary SurveySAManager, Admin
Total Compensation BPTCTotal Compensation Year to DatePREmployee
Turnover BDTOTurnoverFDAdmin
Turnover BDTOMTurnoverFDManager
Twitter feed BETWTwitter feedn/aEmployee
User Configurable Dashboard BMDDUser Configurable Dashboard
Year to Date Earnings BPYTDCurrent Year to Date Gross EarningsPREmployee


Can clients add their own dashboards?#

No. (see 'Can Clients edit the dashboards', below). Dashboards can be copied and re-named, and used for different Roles, but cannot be edited. This is due to the nature of the sub-license of the product used.

Can clients edit the dashboards?#

Clients cannot edit the Dashboard Functions. If additional Dashboards, or edits to the existing dashboards, are preferred, please contact High Line (by opening a CCare case) to request the change.

Note: High Line will create new Panels and Dashboards assuming they are usable for the entire customer community. Example: User-defined fields and user-defined columns are not supported as they are client-specific.

Can clients add new panels? #

Clients and their employees can add High Line-provided panels to the User Configurable Dashboard. The system will remember each users' dashboard setup/preferences.
Clients are not able to add their own panels/reports to the panels list. This is due to the nature of the sub-license of the product used.

See 'How do we get/request additional panels' below.

How do we enable/secure panels for Users/Roles?#

Each of the panels noted is a function within Personality, and can be secured by User/Role in the same manner as other functions (such as through IMFN, IMFDH, IMER). The detail lists found in earlier sections include the function name.

Is Employee Security/Manager Hierarchy/'reports-to' enabled?#

Yes. In v.5.03+, a limited version of the manager hierarch logic has been enabled.
Example: When your Managers see forms in Self Service, they can view direct reports as well as indirect.

Due to performance limitations, in Logi, currently only direct reports-to employees are displayed for 'Manager' roles. For panels that are intended for Administrators, all employees can be viewed, based on IMSV security settings; therefore, Clients can restrict users' access to different employee departments/groups/entities, etc., via the IMSV form.

How do we get/request additional panels?#

High Line will work with clients to add additional panels, if they are usable for the entire customer community. User-defined fields and user-defined columns are not supported as they are client-specific (new database fields will be considered that would replace a client-specific UDC/UDF).

To request a new panel, please open a CCare case. Include specifications for the initial panel and sub-panels/drill into's (fields that are required for each panel and sub-panel/drill-into's, as well as any parameters required (parameters are the fields at the top of panels that allow users to changes dates, periods of time, etc.).

High Line will review all requests and is very interested in developing new panels that will be of interest to the entire client community. Costs may apply depending on the use/value of the item.

How do we learn about new dashboards and panels?#

The Release notes provided with releases/updates will include any new Dashboards offered. The Release Wiki is also a reference. This document will be updated as new items become available.