Location Map (BDLM)#

Main Panel#

DescriptionZoom-capable map showing locations where employees work (based on the Location defined on IEAS). Locations will be grouped together and color coded depending on the level of the zoom.

Note: For organizations with more than 10 locations: to work fully, this panel requires a licensed version of Google API.

See the 'Get Geo Codes' function for additional details.

  • Yellow is for a group of 10 or more locations
  • Blue is for a group of 2 to 9 locations
  • A red icon is for a single location

Continually clicking on a yellow or blue icon will zoom in until single locations are shown.
Clicking on a red icon will display information on the Location code.
Clicking on the name of the Location drills to the details of employees at the Location.

Sub-Panel 1: Location Details#

DescriptionPop-up. Location address and employee count.

Sub-Panel 2: Location Map#

DescriptionTable showing details of employees at the Location. Displays Department Code, Employee Name, Phone Number and email address.

Notes #

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