X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME is a fixed lexicon. Variables starting with "35" are used to define interfaces in the IDIF screen that will be created by the UEEF program (and other derivative programs)

Displayed ValueSource of DataComments
350001 XML Begin Tag (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML Begin tag. User should enter the XML tag in the XML tag field, if XML tag is not specified, the field name is used as XML Tag. User should specify XML tag option. If XML tag option is not specified, this XML tag is an optional tag
350002 XML End Tag (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML End tag. Same logic as XML Begin tag. User should match XML End tag to XML Begin tag on IDIF definition
350003 Constant Value (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a constant. User should enter the constant in Constant Value field
350004 System Date/Time (35) The System current Date and Time stamp with following Select: SELECT to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') You can use derivation expression SUBSTR to retrieve Date only or Time only
350005 As Of Date (35) From the As Of Date parameter
350006 Execution ID (35) From the function's Execution ID of the run
350007 User Calc (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# will invoke a UserCalcUserCalc . You should enter the UserCalc name in the Constant Value field, e.g. BE USERCALC
350008 Trial Run (35)
350020 First Pay Beg Dt of Yr Contains the very first pay period start date in a calendar year
350021 Last Pay End Dt of Yr Contains the very last pay period end date in a calendar year.
350022 First BEND effdt Contains the first enrollment details effective date within the selected period when multiple details are required to be combined (applicable to the ACTIVE and LTD coverage codes only).
350025 First Pay Beg Dt in Month
350026 Last Pay End Dt in Month
350027 Nbr Pays in Month
350030 Pay Month
350100 Entity den_id (DEN) P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) is retrieved from employee's employment. This field returns the DEN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DEN_ID e.g. to return the UDF 'COMPANY LICENCE' value from IDEN, use derivation expression:p2k_smgetudf('P2K_CM_ ENTITIES', 'COMPANY LICENCE',~)
350101 Entity Code (DEN) From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) Entity Code
350102 Standing (DEN) From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) Standing
350103 G/L Company (DEN) (35) From P2K_CM_ENTITIES (DEN) GL Company id to retrieve GL Company code
350110 Effective (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED) effective as of the As of Date parameter
350111 Expiry (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350112 Entity Name (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350113 Legislation (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350114 Language Code (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350115 Currency (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350117 WEB Address (DED) From P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS (DED)
350201 Location Code (DLN) P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) is retrieved from DED.DLN_IDIf the parameter 'Er Addr Location' is specified, then this location is used as the Employer Address
350202 Location Desc (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350203 Font HTML (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350204 Language Code (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350205 Address 1 (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350206 Address 2 (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350207 Address 2 + City (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) Location Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
350212 City (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350213 State Code (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350214 Country Code (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350215 Zip (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350216 State+Cntry+Zip (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN) Location State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
350220 Mail Address 1 (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)If Mailing address does not exist, the primary address will be used
350221 Mail Address 2 (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350222 Mail Adr 2 + City (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)Location Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
350223 Mail City (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350224 Mail State (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350225 Mail Country Code (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350226 Mail Zip (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350227 Mail State+Cntry+Zip(DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)Location Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
350237 Phone Number (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350238 Phone Number Ext (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350239 Alt Phone Number (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350240 Alt Phone Number Ext (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350241 Fax Number (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350242 Email Address (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350243 Bilingual Region (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350244 Bilingual Location (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350245 CMA Code (DLN) From P2K_CM_LOCATIONS (DLN)
350300 Department ddp_id (DDP) P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP) is retrieved from employee's prime assignmentThis field returns the DDP_ID, user may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DDP_ID
350301 Department Code (DDP) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP)
350302 Standing (DDP) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP)
350303 Generic Code (DDP) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS (DDP)
350310 Effective (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD) effective as of the As of Date parameter
350312 Department Name (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350313 Distribution Mask (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350314 Burden Percent (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350315 Phone Number (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350316 Phone Number Ext (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350317 Fax Number (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350318 Email Address (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350320 Batch Code (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350321 Office Code (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350322 Burden Method (DDD) From P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS (DDD)
350400 Unit dun_id (DUN) P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN) is retrieved from employee's prime assignmentThis field returns the DUN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DUN_ID
350401 Unit Code (DUN) From P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN)
350402 Standing (DUN) From P2K_CM_UNITS (DUN)
350410 Effective (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD) effective as of the As of Date parameter
350411 Expiry (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350412 Unit Status (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350413 Unit Description (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350414 Agreement Start Date (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350415 Agreement End Date (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350416 Unit Name (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350417 Unit Local (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350418 Unit Sub Local (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350419 Unit Text (DUD) From P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS (DUD)
350500 Group dgr_id (DGR) P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment DGR_ID This field returns the DGR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to DGR_ID
350501 Group Code (DGR) From P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR)
350502 Standing (DGR) From P2K_CM_GROUPS (DGR)
350510 Effective (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD) effective as of the As of Date parameter
350511 Expiry (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350512 Group Description (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350513 Group Type (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350514 Pay Type (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350515 Contract Type (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350516 Employment Type (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350517 Std Hours Per Day (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350518 Std Hours Per Week (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350519 Std Hours Per Pay (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350520 Weeks Per Year (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350521 Months Per Year (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350522 Hourly Rounding (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350523 Daily Rounding (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350524 Use FTE Wages (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350525 Accrual Method (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350526 CDN EI Reduced Rate (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350527 Pay By Check (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350528 FLSA Factor (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350530 W2 Employment Type (DGD) From P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS (DGD)
350601 Payroll Code (PPA) P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group detailsThis field returns the Payroll code from PPA
350602 Legislation (PPA) From P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA)
350603 Description (PPA) From P2K_PR_PAYROLLS (PPA)
350701 Pay Calendar Code (PCL) P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group details Payroll codeThis field returns the Pay Calendar code from PCL
350702 Pay Frequency (PCL) From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL)
350703 Weeks Per Pay (PCL) From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL)
350704 Pay Calendar Desc (PCL) From P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS (PCL)
350800 Govt Regist Number (DGV) P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV) is retrieved from the employee's prime assignment group details Federal Registration This field returns the Govt Regist Number from DGV
350801 Govt Regist dgv_id (35) From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV)
350802 Govt Regist Type (DGV) From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV)
350803 Govt Regist Desc (DGV) From P2K_CM_GOVT_REGISTRATIONS (DGV)
353100 Person Code (EID) P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) is retrieved for the employeeThis field returns the Person code.
353101 Person eid_id (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)Derivation expression to return other value that is related to EID_ID e.g. to return the UDF 'LICENCE' value from IEID, use derivation expression:p2k_smgetudf('P2K_HR_IDENTITIES','LICENCE',~)
353102 S.S.N. (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353103 First Name (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353104 Middle Name (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353105 Last Name (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353106 Last, First, Middle (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) The employee's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle name e.g. Smith, Mary Beverley
353107 Last, First, Initial (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) The employee's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle Initial e.g. Smith, Mary B
353108 First, Middle, Last (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)The employee's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle name + space + Last name e.g. Mary Beverley Smith
353109 First, Initial, Last (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID) The employee's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle Initial + space + Last name e.g. Mary B Smith
353126 Birth Date (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353127 Gender (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353128 Language Code (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353129 Ethnic (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353130 Salutation (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353131 Rank (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353132 Birth Place (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353133 Challenged (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353134 Vetern Status (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353135 Photo Location (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353136 Drivers License (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353137 Alt Language Code (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353138 Govt Code Origin (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353139 User Code (EID) From P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)
353200 Personal eps_id (EPS) P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS) is retrieved for the employee effective as of the As of Date parameter This field returns the EPS_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EPS_ID
353201 Effective (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353202 Expiry (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353203 Change Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353204 Address 1 (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353205 Address 2 (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353206 Address 2 + City (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)Employee Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
353207 City (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353210 State Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353211 Country Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353212 Zip (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353213 State+Cntry+Zip (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)Employee Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
353214 School District Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353215 Tax Jurisdiction (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353220 Mail Address 1 (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)if Mailing address does not exist, the primary address will be used
353221 Mail Address 2 (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353222 Mail Adr 2 + City (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)Employee Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
353223 Mail City (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353224 Mail State Prov (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353225 Mail Country Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353226 Mail Zip (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353227 Mail State+Cntry+Zip (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)Employee Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
353238 Phone Unlisted (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353239 Phone Number (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353240 Alt Phone Number (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353241 Cellular Number (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353242 Fax Number (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353243 Email Address (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353244 Marital Status (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353245 Married Date (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353246 Number Dependents (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353247 Years Education (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353248 Transportation (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353249 Bonded Status (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353250 Citizen Status (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353251 Citizenship Country (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353252 Foreign Code (EPS) From P2K_HR_PERSONALS (EPS)
353300 Employment eem_id (EEM) P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM) is retrieved for the employeeThis field returns the EEM_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EEM_ID
353301 Employment Type (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353302 Hire Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353303 Hire Sequence (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353304 Original Hire Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353305 Seniority Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353306 First Work Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353307 Last Work Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353308 Termination Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353309 Termination Code (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353310 Roe Status (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353311 Roe Issued Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353312 Roe Letter (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353313 Roe Comments (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353314 Rehire Status (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353315 Expected Return Date (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353316 Income Guarantee (EEM) From P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)
353380 Term Description (DTR) P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR) is retrieved from the employee's EmploymentThis field returns the Termination description
353381 Govt Term Code (DTR) From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR)
353383 Employment Status (DTR) From P2K_CM_TERMINATION_REASONS (DTR)
353390 Pay Frequency (ROE) From IPCL's PAY_FREQUENCY first character or IPCL UDF 'ROE PAY FREQUENCY (UDF)' Used by UPROEF
353391 First day worked (ROE) From IEEI UDF 'Override ROE 1st Work Date' if specified, otherwise from EEM FIRST_WORK_DATE. If employee has issued ROE before (i.e. IEEI UDF Prev ROE Upto is not null), then the First Day Worked is retrieved from the earliest pay line start_date of the first Regular Pay Header that is with pay period after 'Prev ROE Upto' pay periodUsed by UPROEF
353392 Last day paid (ROE) From IEEI UDF 'OVD ROE Last Work Date' if specified, otherwise from EEM last work dateUsed by UPROEF
353393 Final period end (ROE) From Last pay period end date being paid Used by UPROEF
353394 Reason issue (ROE) From IEEI UDF 'ROE REASON CODE' if specified, otherwise from IEEI TERMINATION_CODE ROE_LETTER When employee is terminated, the IEEI EMPLOYMENT specifies a Termination Reason. The 'Termination Reason' is defined on IDTR screen with an ROE_LETTER. Used by UPROEF
353395 ROE process meth (ROE) From UPROEF program internal Process method
353396 ROE Comment line 1 (ROE) From UPROEF program internal Comment line 1
353397 ROE Comment line 2 (ROE) From UPROEF program internal Comment line 2
353398 ROE Comment line 3 (ROE) From UPROEF program internal Comment line 3
353399 ROE Comment line 4 (ROE) From UPROEF program internal Comment line 4
353400 Assignment eas_id (EAS) P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS) is retrieved for the employee's Primary Assignment This field returns the EAS_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EAS_ID
353401 Assignment Code (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353402 Assignment Type (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353403 Assignment Status (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353404 Assignment Start Date (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353405 Assignment End Date (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353406 Prime Assignment (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353407 Description (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353408 Next Review Date (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353409 Ts Seniority Date (EAS) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS (EAS)
353500 Assignment easd_id (EASD) P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD) is retrieved for the employee's Primary Assignment effective as of the As of Date parameterThis field returns the, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to EASD_ID
353504 Employment Status Code (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353505 Position Code (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353507 Department Code (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353510 Location Work In (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353511 Location Paydest (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353512 Authorization Code (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353513 Tax Jurisdiction (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353514 Work Calendar (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353516 Supervised By (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353523 Assignment Title (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353525 Hours Per Week (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353531 Scale Overridden (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353532 Periods Elected (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353533 Pay Starting Date (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353534 Contract Days (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353535 Contract Limit (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353536 Job Seniority Date (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353537 Service Rating (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353538 Responsibility Level (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353541 Phone Number (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353542 Phone Extension (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353543 Email Address (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353545 Leave Reason (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353546 Leave Return Date (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353547 Trigger Retro (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353548 Provide Public Sve (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353549 Provide Internal Sve (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353550 Supervisory (EASD) From P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)
353551 Job Class Lex Value If the Entity Detail (DED) legislation is for US, P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU) is retrieved for the employee's Employment effective as of the As of Date parameter
353602 Effective (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353603 Expiry (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353604 Change Code (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353605 Ufed Filing Status (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353606 Ufed Num Exemptions (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353607 Ufed Ann Exemption (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353608 Ufed Add Exemption (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353609 Ufed Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353610 Ufed Tax Amount (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353611 Ufed Tax Percent (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353612 Ufed Tax Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353613 Ufed Suppl Tax Mthd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353614 Ufed Fica Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353615 Ufed Medicare Mthd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353616 Ufed Futa Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353617 Ufed Eic Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353618 Ust Reciprocation (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353619 Ust Filing Status (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353620 Ust Num Exemption 1 (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353621 Ust Num Exemption 2 (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353622 Ust Ann Exemption (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353623 Ust Add Exemption (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353624 Ust Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353625 Ust Add Tax Res (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353626 Ust Add Tax Work (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353627 Ust Tax Amount (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353628 Ust Tax Percent (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353629 Ust Tax Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353630 Ust Suppl Tax Mthd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353631 Ust Alt Tax Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353632 Ust Sui Ee Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353633 Ust Sui Er Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353634 Ust Sdi Ee Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353635 Ust Sdi Er Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353636 Ust WC Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353637 Uloc Reciprocation (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353638 Uloc Filing Status (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353639 Uloc Num Exemptions (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353640 Uloc Ann Exemption (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353641 Uloc Exempt Percent (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353642 Uloc Add Tax Per Prd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353643 Uloc Add Tax Work (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353644 Uloc Add Tax Res (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353645 Uloc Tax Amount (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353646 Uloc Tax Percent 1 (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353647 Uloc Tax Percent 2 (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353648 Uloc County Tax Mthd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353649 Uloc City Tax Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353650 Uloc School Tax Mthd (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353651 Uloc School Tax Amt (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353652 Uloc School Tax % (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353653 Uloc Head Tax Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353654 Uloc Head Tax Amount (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353655 Ust Eic Method (PPRU) From P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES (PPRU)
353701 Effective (PPRC) if the Entity Detail (DED) legislation is for Canada, P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC) is retrieved for the employee's Employment effective as of the As of Date parameter
353702 Expiry (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353703 Change Code (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353704 Cfed Td1 Amount (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353705 Cfed Ann Tax Credit (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353706 Cfed Ann Tax Deduct (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353707 Cfed Ann Area Deduct (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353708 Cfed Tax Amount (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353709 Cfed Tax Percent (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353710 Cfed Add Tax Per Prd (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353711 Cfed Filing Status (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353712 Cfed Tax Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353713 Cfed Cpp Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353714 Cfed Ei Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353715 Cfed Labour Fund (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353716 Cprv Claim Amount (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353717 Cprv Num Dependents (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353718 Cprv Ann Tax Deduct (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353719 Cprv Tax Amount (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353720 Cprv Tax Percent (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353721 Cprv Add Tax Per Prd (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353722 Cprv Filing Status (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353723 Cprv Tax Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353724 Cprv Qpp Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353725 Cprv Health Tax Mthd (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353726 Cprv WC Method (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353727 Fed Tax Claim Type (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353728 Fed Tax Claim Code (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353729 Prov Tax Claim Type (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353730 Prov Tax Claim Code (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353731 Cprv Ann Tax Credit (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353732 Cprv Ann Area Deduct (PPRC) From P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES (PPRC)
353801 Contacts ect_id (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) If the Interface Level parameter = '02 - EEM + EASD + Contacts', P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) is retrieved for the employee's Identity (EID). If the Interface Level parameter = '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) is retrieved for the employee's Benefit Recipients (BBR) of the Benefit Enrollment (BEN) of the Employments (EEM)
353802 First_name (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353803 Middle_name (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353804 Last_name (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353805 Last, First, Middle (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)The contact's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle name e.g. Smith, Mary Beverley
353806 Last, First, Initial (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) The contact's name is returned as follows: Last name + ',' + First name + space + Middle Initial e.g. Smith, Mary B
353807 First, Middle, Last (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)The contact's name is returned as follows: First name + space + Middle name + space + Last name e.g. Mary Beverley Smith
353808 Gender (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353809 Relation (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353810 S.S.N. (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353811 Birth_date (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353812 Language_code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353813 Salutation (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353814 Rank (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353815 Employer (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353816 Contact_title (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353817 Address_line_1 (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353818 Address_line_2 (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353819 Addr Ln2 + City (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)Contact’s Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
353820 City (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353821 State Code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353822 Country Code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353823 Zip Code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353824 State+Cntry+Zip (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)Contact’s Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
353825 Mail_address_line_1 (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT) if Mailing address does not exist, the primary address will be used
353826 Mail_address_line_2 (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353827 Mail Ln2 + City (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)Contact’s Mailing Address Line 2 and Locality (city) are concatenated
353828 Mail City (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353829 Mail State (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353830 Mail Country Code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353831 Mail Zip Code (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353832 Mail State+Cntry+Zip (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)contact’s Mailing Address State/Prov, Country and Postal Code are concatenated
353833 Phone_number (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353834 Phone_extension (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353835 Alt_phone_number (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353836 Alt_phone_extn (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353837 Cellular_number (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353838 Fax_number (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353839 Email_address (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353840 Security_level (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353841 Private_item (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353842 Web_address (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353843 Govt_code_origin (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353844 Contacts eid_id (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353845 Contacts mus_id (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353846 Student_Indicator (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353847 Student_Until (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
353848 Disabled (ECT) From P2K_HR_CONTACTS (ECT)
355001 Enrollment id (BEN) P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN) If the Interface Level parameter = '03 - BE Plans' or '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN)is retrieved for the user specified Benefit Plan codes and Benefit Plan types of the report's parameter. Tthis field returns the BEN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BEN_ID
355002 Enroll Detail id (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for BEN effective as of the As of Date parameterThis field returns the BEND_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BEND_ID
355005 Unofficial (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355006 Enrollment_status (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355007 Participation_rule (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355008 Coverage_step_code (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355009 Description (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355010 Elig_start_date (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355011 Elig_end_date (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355012 Prem_start_date (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355013 Prem_end_date (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355014 Plan_reg_number (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355015 Evidence_of_ins (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355016 Percentage (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355020 Freq pfq_id (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355021 Change reason dcr_id (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355022 Covg bcg_id (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355023 Orig bend_id (BEND) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND)
355101 Plan Type id (BPT) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN), it links to the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN) which links to P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT) This field returns the BPT_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BPT_ID
355102 Plan_type_code (BPT) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT)
355103 Description (BPT) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT)
355104 Calc_sequence (BPT) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_PLAN_TYPES (BPT)
355201 Plan Defn id (BPN) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENTS (BEN), it links to the P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)This field returns the BPN_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BPN_ID
355202 Plan_code (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355203 Description (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355204 Plan_access_code (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355205 Established_date (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355206 Participation_rule (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355207 Policy_number (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355208 Calc_sequence (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355209 Plan_remit_seq (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355210 Track_decline (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355211 Last_remit_date (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355212 Remit_by_state (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355213 Remit_by_un_grp (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355214 Remit_date_rule (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355215 Remit_asof_day (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355216 Print_zero_rule (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS(BPN)
355217 Print_all_waivers (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355218 Not_scheduled (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355219 Plan_end_date (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355220 Approval_required (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355221 Plan den_id (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355222 Plan dcl_id (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355223 Plan brm_id (BPN) From P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)
355301 Coverage id (BCG) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for this employee for this benefit plan, it links to the P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG) to indicate the coverage the employee has elected for the BE planThis field returns the BCG_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BCG_ID
355302 Coverage_code (BCG) From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG)
355303 Covg_remit_seq (BCG) From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG)
355304 Policy_number (BCG) From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG)
355305 Contact_role (BCG) From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG)
355306 Covg muc_id (BCG) From P2K_BE_COVERAGES (BCG)
355401 Covg Detail id (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD) effective as of the As of Date parameter
355402 Effective (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355404 Remit_basis (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355405 Rate_basis (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355406 Description (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355407 Covg Detail pfq_id (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355408 Covg Detail dcr_id (BCGD) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_DETAILS (BCGD)
355501 Covg Rate id (BCGR) From P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS (BEND) for this employee for this benefit plan, it specifies the COVERAGE_STEP_CODE to indicate the coverage step the employee has elected for the BE plan. P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR) is retrieved for the BEND Benefit Coverage Detail and COVERAGE_STEP_CODEThis field returns the BCGR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BCGR_ID
355502 Covg_step_code (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355503 Description (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355504 Up_to_limit (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355505 Next_step_code (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355506 Flex_amount (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355507 Premium1_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355508 Premium2_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355509 EE_deduct_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355510 ER_contrib_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355511 Taxben_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355512 User1_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355513 User2_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355514 User3_rate (BCGR) From P2K_BE_COVERAGE_RATES (BCGR)
355601 Ben Recip id (BBR) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) If the Interface Level parameter = '04 - BE Plans + Contacts', the function (ie UEEF) will retrieve the Benefit Recipients P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR) for the Benefit Enrollment (BEN) in order to retrieve the Benefit Contacts (ECT) information that links to Benefit Recipients. This field returns the BBR_ID, you may use this id in derivation expression to return other value that is related to BBR_ID
355602 Start_date (BBR) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR)
355603 End_date (BBR) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR)
355604 Benefit_percent (BBR) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR)
355605 Bond_participation (BBR) From P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS (BBR)
356100 PPH_ID (PPH)
356101 Pay Number (PPH)
356102 Tax Weeks (PPH)
356103 Pay Issue Date (PPH)
356104 PPP Start Date (PPH)
356105 First Pay in Issue Month
356106 Last Pay in Issue Month
356200 Pay Line ID (PPL)
356201 Pay Line Status (PPL)
356202 PL State Date (PPL)
356203 PL End Date (PPL)
356204 Time Entered (PPL)
356205 Time Basis (PPL) (35)
356206 PL Source (PPL)
356207 Retro Pay (PPL)
356208 First Date of PPL Date
356209 Last Date of PPL Date
356210 Affected Month (PPL)
356220 Nbr Pays in PPL Month
356300 PPLD_ID
356301 PL Detail status (PPLD)
356302 Wage Rate (PPLD)
356303 Wage Rate O/R (PPLD)
356304 Rate Basis (PPLD)
356305 Rate Basis O/R (PPLD)
356306 Amount (PPLD)
356307 Amount O/R (PPLD)
356308 Amount Processed (PPLD)
356309 Retro Amount (PPLD)
356310 PPC_ID (PPLD)
356312 PPC in Element-1 (Internal)
356313 PPC in Element-2 (Internal)
358001 Internal Table Desc1 A temporary internal PL/SQL table is defined for the Generic Interface Program. This PL/SQL table holds up to 5 columns information. Each column has a description and an amount. Each amount can be totaled. Depending on each business requirement, the program will load information into this PL/SQL table for internal purpose, e.g. UPROEF uses this table to hold up to 52 Pay Periods in Desc1 column and the associated hours in Amount 1 column and earnings in Amount 2 column for each pay period. This PL/SQL table is not used for UEEF. This variable name returns the internal PL/SQL Table Column 1 description
358002 Internal Table Desc2 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 description
358003 Internal Table Desc3 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 description
358004 Internal Table Desc4 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 description
358005 Internal Table Desc5 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 description
358011 Internal Table Amt 1 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 1 Amount
358012 Internal Table Amt 2 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 Amount.
358013 Internal Table Amt 3 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 Amount
358014 Internal Table Amt 4 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 Amount
358015 Internal Table Amt 5 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 Amount
358021 Internal Total for Amt 1 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 1 Total Amount.
358022 Internal Total for Amt 2 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 2 Total Amount.
358023 Internal Total for Amt 3 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 3 Total Amount
358024 Internal Total for Amt 4 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 4 Total Amount
358025 Internal Total for Amt 5 Same as Internal Table Desc 1. This variable name returns Column 5 Total Amount
358030 UDF (EID) (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_IDENTITIES (EID)User must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_IDENTITIES and then enter the value on IEID screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field
358031 UDF (EEM) (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS (EEM)User must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS and then enter the value on IEEI screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field
358032 UDF (EASD) (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS (EASD)User must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS and then enter the value on IEAS screen Effective date sections. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field
358033 UDF (BPN) (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS (BPN)User must define the UDF on IMUF screen for P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS and then enter the value on IBPN screen section. On IDIF screen, user must enter the IMUF UDF name in the Constant Value field
358034 UDF (EPS) (35)
358035 UDF (DED) (35)
358036 UDF (DDD) (35)
358037 UDF (DLN) (35)
358038 UDF (DUD) (35)
358039 UDF (DGD) (35)
358040 Element (PPH) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an Element value for the current pay header that is loaded in programOn IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field. This is not supported in UBEF because pay header is not loaded for Employee Interface
358041 Internal Element Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an internal Element value that is loaded in program On IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field. This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface. A temporary internal PL/SQL table is defined for the Program. The index of this PL/SQL table is made up from Rec#/Fld#, e.g. Rec#50 Fld# 60 index is 5060. The program must internally load values into this PL/SQL table by Rec#/Fld#. Then this field returns the value stored in this PL/SQL table by Rec#/Fld#. Depending on each business requirement, the program will load information into this PL/SQL table for internal purpose.
358042 Statistic Amt (IEST) (35) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a Statistics value from P2K_HR_STATISTICS (EST)User must define the Statistics Code on IDSC screen for P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS and then enter the value on IEST screen. On IDIF screen, you must enter the IDSC Statistics Code in the Constant Value field
358043 UDF (ECT) (35)
358044 UDF (BEN) (35)
358045 UDF (BEND) (35)
358051 Internal Element+UDF(EEM) Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains an internal Element value that is loaded in program Value that is loaded in program. On IDIF screen, you should enter the Element name in the Constant Value field to be used for both the UDF (EEM) and the Internal Element. This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface but this is supported in UPROEF.
358061 UDF(EEM)+Internal Element Same as 358051 above. 358051 field returns the Element value, 358061 field returns the UDF(EEM) value This is not supported in UBEF because Element value is not loaded for Employee Interface.
359000 Record Count (35) Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Record'and 'Detail Level n' recordsThis Record Count is available for Header and Trailer record
359001 Total Record Count (35) Contains Record Count for all records in the interface file excluding the Header and Trailer RecordThis Record Count is available for Header and Trailer record
359002 Total Employer Count (35) Not Supported
359003 Total Value (35) User should specify the Rec# and Field # to be totaled in IDIF Constant Value field e.g. if Rec # 50 Field # 70 specifies the hours for each employee and need to be totaled for the Trailer record, then for Trailer record entry, you should specify 'Total Value' with Constant Value = 5070. This Total Value is available for Header and Trailer records
359004 Detail Record Count (35) Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Record', available for Header and Trailer records
359005 Detail Level 1 Count Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 1', available for Header and Trailer records
359006 Detail Level 2 Count Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 2', available for Header and Trailer records
359007 Detail Level 3 Count Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 3', available for Header and Trailer records
359008 Detail Level 4 Count Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 4', available for Header and Trailer records
359009 Detail Level 5 Count Contains Record Count for Record Type = 'Detail Level 5', available for Header and Trailer records


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