The Employee Profile (WAVEEP) form allows administrator to view almost all information about an employee in one place.

Fields within the WAVEEP form are for viewing only. You will not be able to alter the information through this screen, except hire and termination dates on Employment History tab.

First Name
This field displays the first name legally used by the employee.
Middle Name
This is the employee's middle name or initial(s).
Last Name
This is the legal surname of the employee, as documented on their SSN/SIN card.
This field shows any name extension, such as Jr., Sr., III etc. the employee may have.
Person Code
This field holds the unique code or number assigned to an employee by the organization, such as employee number, personal ID number, badge number. This code can be auto-generated by the system when an employee is added, and it can be changed with no loss of information or integrity. Person_Code is assigned on the IEHR form.
Work Phone
This is the employee’s work phone number.
Work Email
This field displays the employee's work email address.
Personal Cellular #
Personal cellular or mobile phone number.
Personal e-mail
This is the personal email address for the employee.

Assignment History #

The information on this row is valid from the date indicated in this field.
The information on this row is valid untill the date indicated in this field.
This is the department the employee is assigned to.
The assignment code is an identification field for each assignment record. Each employment record has a specific assignment type but it may be necessary to be more specific.
This is the position the employee is assigned. Position_Code from IDPS
This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment.
This field displays the rate the employee is receiving from the scale/step table.
Wage Rate
The employee's wage rate, expressed in terms of the rate basis, below.
The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated wage rate is being stored or displayed in. It is either inherited from the position (or job), or defaulted from the wage scale and step.
This field indicates an individual’s employment status as pending approval, active, on a leave of some type or terminated. This value is defaulted based upon the group the employee is in.
Change Reason
This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.

Compensation tab#

Employee Compensation Details
This is the position the employee is assigned. Position_Code from IDPS
This is the department the employee is assigned to.
This field shows the job that the employee is hired to perform.
This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment. The assignment title is inherited from the position (or job) title.
Work Rule
Work rules are used to determine the standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee. This value is inherited from the position, group, department or job.
Job Seniority Date
This date is used to calculate the length of service for seniority purposes, and/or benefit and leave entitlements, and pension calculations.
This is the unit the employee is affiliated with.
This is the group code that determines the policy rules under which the employee must be processed.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a factor that indicates how an employee's weekly hours compare with the standard full time number of hours from the work rule, position, job or group. An FTE factor of 1.0000 indicates a full-time assignment, An FTE factor of less than 1.0000 indicates a part-time assignment. The FTE is re-derived, if the weekly hours, the work rule or the job is changed.
Fulltime Wage
If the FTE defined in the Work Arrangement area is less than 1.00, this toggle indicates whether the displayed salary or wage is the full time equivalent amount. Example: An employee has an FTE of 0.5 and the wage rate defined is $4,000. If this toggle is set to OFF, the employee will actually receive the full $4,000. If the toggle is set to ON, the displayed salary or wage is the 1.00 Full Time Equivalent amount. Example: When the FTE is defined as 0.5, the employee will receive $2,000.
This field indicates the work location in which the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed.
Work Calendar
This is the work calendar the employee is assigned to.
WC Class
Workers' Compensation is a user-definable code.
First Manager
This is a derived field based on hierarchical information in the system to show the user what the system will use when the "First Manager" option is chosen in approvals. The order of determination starts with what is entered as the 'Reports To' person on the assignment itself.
Employment Status
This field defines an individual's employment status as pending approval, active, on a leave of some type or terminated.
Return Date
This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.
The employee's wage rate, expressed in terms of the rate basis.
The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associated wage rate is being stored or displayed in. It is either inherited from the position (or job), or defaulted from the wage scale and step.
Scale Overriden
If the toggle is set to ON, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the scale step. If this toggle is set to OFF, either the wage rate has not been overridden or the scale step is not being used. This toggle is automatically turned on when the salary is overridden from the salary provided by the scale/step code selected.

Ranges And Scales

Salary range provides minimum and maximum guidelines for the salary payable for the job, which an employee's salary can be compared to. This range is inherited from the position or job.
Scale/Step Step
The Wage Scale and Step fields determine the wage that is derived from the wage scale table. Scale/Step is inherited from the position or job.
Min Range
This is the starting amount for the salary range.
Mid Range
This is the mid-range amount for the salary range.
Max Range
This is the highest amount for the salary range.
Hours Per Day
This field shows the average daily hours the employee works. This value is inherited from the Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and can be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Week
This field shows the average weekly hours the employee works. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and can be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Pay
This field shows the average hours the employee works within a pay period. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and can be overridden at the employee level.
Compa Ratio
This ratio is calculated using the employee’s salary as a percentage of the ‘Midpoint’ amount.
If the salary range were to be broken down into quartiles, this value shows the quartile that the employee’s current salary would be in.


Show FT Premium
When this toggle on, premiums displayed will be converted to a Full Time employee equivalent value, in the same manner as the wages.
Any premiums the employee receives will be displayed in this field.
Annual/ Monthly / Semi Monthly / Bi-Weekly / Weekly / Daily / Hourly(info)
These field show the premium rate on the indicated basis: annual, monthly, weekly, etc.

Peer Compensation Details tab#

This section displays peer compensation details identified through the following fields: Employee Name, Person Code, Assignment, Department, Job, Position, Wage Rate, Basis, Hire Date.

Distribution tab#

Seq #
This field displays the sequential order (or line number) of the distribution code for this assignment.
Distribution Code
This field shows the distribution code receiving the portion of costs. This is normally the distribution of the wages associated with the assignment.
Split Rule
The distribution split rule defines whether the distribution is being split by a percentage, by flat amount or by the Distribution pick list of authorized assignments.
Percenage amount is displayed in this field if the split rule is defined as 'Split By Percent'
User percentage
User Percenage amount is displayed in this field if the split rule is defined as 'Split By Percent'
Amount $
Amount to be given to the distribution code is displayed in this field if the split rule is defined as 'Split By Flat Amount'
Start Date
For Distribution Pick Lists, this is the start date that this distribution can be used. For Funds, this is the start date that the funds become available.
End Date
For Distribution Pick Lists, this is the last date that this distribution can be used. For funds, this is the end of that fund's availability.

Identity #

For USA installations: This field displays the employee’s Social Security Number (SSN). For Canadian installations: This field displays the employee’s Social Insurance Number (SIN).
This field indicates whether the employee is male or female.
Date of Birth
This is the date of birth of the employee (used for tax and benefit purposes).
This field shows the age of the employee in years.
Phone #
This is the employee’s home phone number.
Work Phone
This is the employee’s work phone number.
This is the daytime extension number for the employee.
This field indicates the work location in which the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed.
Veteran Status
U.S. Installations: This field indicates the employee is to be reported on the U.S. Veterans’ Report under this veteran category.
Indicates an employee is physically or mentally challenged. U.S. Installations: An employee who is a ‘qualified individual with a disability’ under the Americans with Disabilities Act. For Canadian Installations: An employee who wishes to be considered a ‘person with disabilities’ under the Employment Equity Act 1995.
Marital Status
This field shows the marital status of the employee. i.e. single, married etc. (not used for taxation). The Taxation Filing status will be defined on the US Pay Rules (IPRLU) form or CDN Pay Rules (IPRLC) form if your implementation includes the payroll module.
Last Rewiew Date
This field shows the last review date for this work assignment.
Next Review Date
This field shows the next review date for this work assignment.
Originally Hired
The earliest date an employee ever worked for this or any related organization.
Seniority Date
This date is used to calculate the length of service for seniority purposes, and/or benefit and leave entitlements, and pension calculations.
Rehire Status
The rehire status indicates whether a terminated or laid off employee would be recalled or rehired.
Expected Return
This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.
This field displays the employee's Ethnicity, as defined in a lexicon list.
US Race
This field displays whether an employee is Hispanic/Latino or Not Hispanic/Latino.
Alias This is an alternate name by which an employee may be known

Employment History#

This field is the entity into which the employee is being hired.
Employment Type
Describes the type of relationship the employee has with the organization.
Hire Date
The hire date is the date that the employment agreement or period of employment commences.
Termination Date
This field shows the last day of the employee’s relationship with the organization.
Termination Reason
User-defined termination code that identifies the reason for the termination.


Original Hire Date
The earliest date an employee ever worked for this or any related organization.
Seniority Date
This date indicates the length of service for seniority purposes, and/or benefit and leave entitlements, and pension calculations.
First Work Date
The date an employee first performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment.
Last Work Date
The date an employee last performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment
Income Guarantee
This field shows the percentage of disposable income that is guaranteed to an employee.
ACA Stability Date
The date is defined on IEEI screen and added only when the ACA Category in IBACA is using the Look Back method.
- The ACA Stability Date is derived by UBACA and inserted into this field.
- It is the start date of the Stability Period which will extend forward for the number of months indicated in IBACA.
Override User Profile
If this field is populated, on login to SelfService it will override the user profile defined on IEID. In order for the override user profile function to work properly, the IEMSS-Employment Selection function has to be enabled (rights can be granted via IMER).  Once the SelfService user authenticates, they are able to switch between employments and the user profile tied to that employment should come into effect.


Rehire Status
The rehire status indicates whether a terminated or laid off employee would be recalled or rehired.
Expected Return
This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.For Canadian installations: This date is used on the Record of Employment (ROE) when an employee is laid off, in conjunction with the Date Expected Back field to indicate an intention to recall them.
The following ‘Record of Employment’ (ROE) fields are for Canadian installations only.
ROE Status
This field indicates whether a ROE (or a duplicate) is required, requested or issued.
ROE Issued
This field indicates the date the ROE was issued or re-issued.
ROE Comments
This field indicates any comments or observations included in Box 18 of the Record of Employment form.
ROE Letter
This field indicates the ROE letter provided by the Government of Canada that will be used for the ROE based on the termination reason.
Adjust Hire Date
Pressing this button will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to change the hire date on this employment record.
Adjust Termination
Pressing this button will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to change the termination date and reason on this employment record.

Address History#

The information on this row is valid from the date indicated in this field.
This field displays the home address (street or rural route or concession number) of the employee.
This field displays the additional information about home address (apartment number) of the employee.
Locality refers to the city, district or township name of residence.
This field provides the standard abbreviation of the state or province code where employee resides.
Zip / Postal
This field will display the mailing code.
Phone #
This is the employee's home phone number.
Cellular #
Personal cellular or mobile phone number.


Last Name
This is the surname of the contact.
First Name
This field provides the first name used by the contact.
Phone #
This is the daytime phone number for the contact.
This is the daytime extension number for the contact.
Contact Status
This is the status of the employee’s contact.
Tis field will display a 'Yes' if the contact was defined with a Contact Type of Beneficiary.
This field will display a 'Yes' if the contact was defined with a Contact Type of Dependent.
Emerg Contact
This field will display 'Yes' if the contact was defined with a Contact Type of Emergency Contact.
This field will display a 'Yes' if the contact was defined with a Contact Type of Spouse.

Contact Details

First Name
This is the first name used by the contact.
Middle Name
This is the contact's middle name or initials.
Last Name
This is the last name used by the contact.
Address 1
This is the home address (street or rural route or concession #) of the contact person.
Address 2
This field provides the second line of address, used for PO Box # or special delivery instructions.
This field refers to the city, district or township name where the contact person resides.
Province, Country
This is the standard abbreviation of the state or province of the contact’s address.
Postal Code
U.S.A.: Zip Code. Canada: Postal Code.
This field indicates whether the contact is male or female.
Date of Birth
This field provides the date of birth of the contact person (used for tax and benefit purposes).
Govt Code Origin
This field identifies the country that generated the employee’s government code.
Gov’t Code is the contact's government identification number (SSN/SIN). U.S.A.: Social Security Number (SSN) of the contact. Canada: Social Insurance Number (SIN) of the contact.
Indicates the relationship of a person to the employee or you with whom they are associated.
Security Level
Security level is a security feature that provides the ability to control access to contact information. Only a user with the appropriate security level, matching (or higher than) the level of the contact will be able to see the contact information.
This field provides the name of the contact's employer.
If the contact has a title, that title should be indicated here.
Indicates the contact's language of preference for communication/correspondence.
Phone Number
This is the daytime phone number for the contact person.
Alt. Phone Number
This is the alternative phone number (if applicable) for the contact.
This field provides an alternative phone extension (if applicable) for the contact.
Cellular Number
This is the cellular, portable or mobile phone number for the contact person.
Email Address
This is the email address of the contact.
Private Contact
If the ‘Private Contact’ toggle is ON, this contact is a private contact of the user who created it. If the toggle is OFF, any user may access the contact information.
Disabled Indicator
This toggle indicates the contact is a Disabled Member. This toggle is used by the Open Enrollment logic in Benefit Self Service.
Student Indicator
This toggle is used to indicate if the contact is a student. This toggle is used by logic for the Open Enrollment process in Benefit Self Service.
Student Until
This date field is used to indicate the last date the contact is considered a student. This field is used for the Open Enrollment process in Benefit Self Service.
This toggle indicates if the contact is a beneficiary
This toggle indicate if the contact is a dependent. This toggle is used by logic for the Open Enrollment process in Benefit Self Service.
This toggle indicates if the contact is an emergency contact for the employee.
This toggle indicate if the contact is a spouse.


This field identifies the property (i.e. 'GASCO' credit card) within the system.
This field identifies the type of company property that is being defined.
Start Date
This field displays the date when the employee took possession of the property.
End Date
This field shows the date when the employee should return the property.
This field displays a short description of the property.

Notes #

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